dealing with the haters



  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    I started to face this more than half way through my weight loss. And still some today. Some of my co-workers were growing concerned over my 'obsession' with being healthy. And even some of my friends are like for once don't look at the calories and just eat it.

    But hey that is just me, it had become a life habit now to check the food labels to see if it is healthy for me or not.

    There is a difference, obsession is constantly checking and rechecking things and I would say eating less than what the goal is. There is nothing wrong with being constant and knowing what you are doing. Those people are just mistaking obsession for determination!
    I'd say because a lot of people have forgotten what determination looks like to reach your goals.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    To quote Robert Downey Jr.
    “Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the *kitten* you were gonna do anyway.”

    I like this!
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    tell them douchecanoes to pipe the *kitten* down


    If you are taking a year to lose 40 lbs then I'd say you're working on it gradually, not obsessively.


    But seriously, I think you have to be obsessed a little at first. I know I'm just getting started too and every spare moment of my time is spent planning out the next week, making grocery lists, looking at blogs for new meal / workout ideas, and looking at inspirational stories to motivate me.

    When you've been eating a certain way and not working out for years, it's really hard to change those habits because they're just that...HABITS! I've been told that once you've been making healthy choices for awhile it becomes way easier because you've developed new habits and therefore you don't have to think about it as much. I hope this holds true, but I'm more than willing to be food obsessive if it helps me meet my goals.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member


  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I think how much people think you're "obsessed" is probably pretty related to the amount you talk about diet, exercise, fitness, "your new life", etc.

    Try changing the subject to something you all have in common.

    This. My sister is also using MFP to lose and she talks about how many calories are in things, and how much weight she has lost so far - which is all fine and good - except nobody cares. It does sound a bit obsessive. If you want to toot your own horn, come here where people understand your struggles and victories. I also track my food but my coworkers don't really know it. They've commented on my weight loss, but I don't really talk about it all that often so maybe you should consider keeping your business to yourself. They should mind their own business but if you're making it their business by talking about it often, it's fair game.

    Edited because: English is not my second language but the original version of this post was pretty heinous LOL
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    This happened for me as well. I lost the majority of my weight within 5 months. During that time I was very strict and took the math behind MFP to heart. I rarely indulged in anything unless I could fit it into my diary, and that didn't happen much becuase I was only eating 1200 calories (and eating back exercise cals).

    I just told people that this is what I have to do right now, and I hope to get to a point where I don't have to put so much effort into it. Having such visible results helped and hindered at the same time. People could see what I was doing was working, but then when I got to be skinnier everyone says I am losing too much weight and can't understand why I am still "trying" so hard.

    I exercise daily and I try to stay around 1750-1850 calories. That should be normal IMO , but Americans are so used to being overweight that they see it as abnormal.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    On the other hand, if you're talking about calories and exercise all the time, that DOES get old. My personal maintenance is just that... my personal maintenance. Just like flossing my teeth and shaving my legs. I don't talk about it except on here or if asked. ....

    Why does everyone need to know what you're doing?
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    but Americans are so used to being overweight that they see it as abnormal.

    Not just Americans, everywhere now. But I agree with your post +1 :)
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Are you talking about it all the time or giving unsolicited advice? That would make people think you are obsessive - I know several people like that. I am obsessive about it myself but no one knows that because I don't talk about it unless someone asks. MFP is great since I can get it all out here!

    I have been around others who started dieting and they were horrible. Constantly talking about food, calories, exercise, etc like they were suddenly authorities on it all. Drove me crazy.

    Could be you're a little too enthusiastic about your adventure. I am so happy I've lost 16 pounds, but it's my victory no one else in my world could really give a crap, nor should they, it's my deal, my victory, my healthy body. I don't discuss my diet and exercise routines around anyone - ever. If they ask I give them a super brief answer - 'just eating less and moving more'
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Yup. As others have said, stop talking about all the time. If you don't mention it, they won't know how much you think about it.

    You know how some people get when they are planning their weddings - talking non-stop about what they are planning, and where, and why? Don't be that person with fitness.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member


    One of the best shows ever.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Are you sure you they are haters and you are just not being childish? Heres some examples

    A person coming up to you and screaming at you because they are having a bad day or because you're jewish: they're hater

    A person complaining you're too obsessive because you bring up calorie counting or your weight loss/fitness into every conversation or you telling them "how many calories those things you eating" are or constantly talking about MFP etc: they just want you to shut up.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'm with pretty much everyone else. If they are being nosey and picking at you for your new habits, ignore them and let your success show them how well its working.

    However, if they are reacting to you suddenly talking constantly about calories, and weight loss and exercise and blah blah blah all the time, maybe tone it down - just because it's your new thing, doesn't mean everyone else wants to hear about it.
  • PlanetoftheAtheists
    You deal with them like this:

  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Talking about eating is fine. Talking about not eating is BORING.

    Just make sure that your eating/not eating is not a topic that you bring up daily, because nobody wants to have the same coversation daily.
  • Guinevere_22
    Guinevere_22 Posts: 14 Member
    Are you sure you they are haters and you are just not being childish? Heres some examples

    A person coming up to you and screaming at you because they are having a bad day or because you're jewish: they're hater

    A person complaining you're too obsessive because you bring up calorie counting or your weight loss/fitness into every conversation or you telling them "how many calories those things you eating" are or constantly talking about MFP etc: they just want you to shut up.

    Lol Yeah I get what you mean. however I'm generally really shy so it takes a bit for me to share. These sort of comments come into conversations when the topic comes up; ie - my colleague asked what I'd bought at the shop and when I mentioned I'd purchased a scale she said "you're too obsessive about weight loss... "etc. Like wtf? I didn't have a scale at home, how is that obsessive?

    Anyway I totally get the "harping on about your weight loss is SOOO boring" thing, and I do more walking the walk and less talking the talk!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Then I believe a SUCK IT is in order for your co-workers :P
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    How would you approach a situation where someone says "omg, you're too obsessed about food! You need to chill out and stop being so anal about it!" ?

    I've reminded people about the old Head & Shoulders commercials.

    "You use Head & Shoulders? But you don't have dandruff!


    I suppose a more radical approach would be the take shirt off and laugh. Works in my office. Might not be applicable to your office situation.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Tell then to mind their own business. They wouldn't like it if you gave them *kitten* about something that they worry about.

    Could you imagine telling someone that worries about money to "chill out" if they keep track of their balance in their checking account?

    Weight loss is just as personal and people shouldn't butt into what you're doing. Unless of course, you're showing signs of an eating disorder, which doesn't seen like that's the case in this situation.