Quit alcohol = losing weight

I have posted that I quit drinking. Today is 10 days to be exact since I have had any kind of alcohol. I have already lost several lbs. I drank a lot. Wine mostly. I tried to count it in my daily calories but gave up because I was always going over even though it did not seem like a ate a lot. Alcohol has lots of empty calories. Now I can barely reach my calorie limit for the day. I am under every day. As a result, I am lighter and have much more energy. My stomach has slimmed down quite a bit. Pants are all loose. So, If anyone says alcohol does not add lbs even if you count it....it does. It's bad, it's poison and it is a drug.


  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Congrats! I've cut out most liquid calories and it definitely does help. Now I just drink water, tea and zero-sugar beverages. I don't miss the other stuff.
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    edited January 2018
    I've quit now for the time being too. I just got tired of it.
  • Happygirl95148
    Happygirl95148 Posts: 33 Member
    The same here no beer for me for 11 days I have drinked like 2 drinks but not too much calories like 130 on each one it satisfied my craving hehe
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I never quit drinking but when I was counting I logged every drink. This meant that I need to measure instead of just pouring. This in turn caused me to reduce a bit. I was also running 30 miles a week so I could still drink and be under daily. I lost fifty pounds and all of my beer gut. Fast forward and I am drinking lots of beer on the weekends and have put close to thirty pounds on. I have slacked off on my running too. Ski trip starts tomorrow so not a good time to reduce now but I gotta get back to a better balance.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Congrats on your loss however I’d like to point out that anything can make you gain weight if you consume too much of it. You can’t say alcohol still “makes you gain weight even if you log it” when you said yourself you weren’t logging it accurately when you were drinking. You were likely drinking too Much and it was causing you to go over on your calorie goals.
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    I love an odd glass of wine so weigh up what i want food treat or wine. The trouble is when i drink wine my lips feel the need for a snack so it will be a once a month treat for me as i struggle with the burst of appetite and the more wine i have the less willpower i have!!!!
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    I have posted that I quit drinking. Today is 10 days to be exact since I have had any kind of alcohol. I have already lost several lbs. I drank a lot. Wine mostly. I tried to count it in my daily calories but gave up because I was always going over even though it did not seem like a ate a lot. Alcohol has lots of empty calories. Now I can barely reach my calorie limit for the day. I am under every day. As a result, I am lighter and have much more energy. My stomach has slimmed down quite a bit. Pants are all loose. So, If anyone says alcohol does not add lbs even if you count it....it does. It's bad, it's poison and it is a drug.

    I don't think anyone says alcohol does not add lbs even if you count it, if it makes you go over your calorie allowance for the day? Of course you will put on weight in that case whether you count it or not.

    You will not, however, put on weight from alcohol if you maintain a calorie deficit. Small amounts of alcohol in moderation is possible to fit in.

    Well done on the loss though, and also on quitting alcohol. When you drink a lot, that can be tough thing to do.
  • missanne11
    missanne11 Posts: 79 Member
    Oops that was meant for flippy1234