Sattvic Way of Eating



  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Foods to be avoided:
    processed and refined foods, —canned foods, frozen foods, food with preservatives, artifical flavors, aromas and colors added, anything packaged

    I couldn't disagree more.

    for example

    There is nothing wrong with frozen vegetables - I have an allotment and freeze my own veg - does that suddenly make it less healthy - of course not. Since bought frozen veg is treated the same - just on a larger scale it is also fine. :noway:

    Extremes are not needed and make life difficult for everybody.

    I notice that even though you say you wanted a discussion you have not addressed anyone who has raised points disagreeing with you. Odd tactics for a discussion.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Interesting idea, but not fully backed by science.

    If you eat slower you tend to eat less, that's true because there are several scientific studies supporting the notion. The mechanism that signals your brain that you're full is slow, so it's easy to overeat when you do it quickly.

    The rest is questionable, but I don't see any harm in doing them, so I'm not gonna comment further.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    I'll bet you were bored in science and biology class in school.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I'm not hungry.

    Anyone else not hungry?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thank you for the post OP
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Sleeping after a meal is a 100% guaranteed way to put on weight.


    The same thing was told by a family friend. She was an old lady but when she was young, she was a prima ballerina of Opera De Paris. After that she was one of the leading ballet teachers.

    She always told me to stand up after a meal, it'd help to avoid putting on weight. If lay down it'd caused weight gain. And of course no food after 6 pm, not even tea.

    She was a wonderful old lady of 90 something years old and her weight never was more than 50 kilos in her life.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,279 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I am not hungry.

    However, I do think it is silly to expect people to not write their opinions if they do not agree with the OP. This site should be about healthy weight loss backed by science. There is little to no actual science in the OP. In fact, there is information that has been proven to be incorrect. To me, it is no different the writing about any other "diet" that has no backing (like the cabbage soup diet or the banana diet or what have you).

    By having posters come on here and point out what is incorrect, we are protecting the community from bad information. As it should be.
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    @zyxst I never said I am the author of his article, everyone here is smart enough to know that these things don't come out of my head, Ayurveda is a 5000 year old system of natural healing. ;)

    And yes it is public forum, everyone has access to it and maybe this will spark someone's curiosity to do more research (if there are not too many comments that are not related to this topic by people such as yourself).

    1. Not citing your source is implying that you are the author of the material.
    2. Some of the information posted could be read by a person and taken as absolute truths and no further research will be completed, therefore they could take on the belief that sleeping after eating is a guaranteed way to put on weight. (which is not true)"
    3. A public forum, available to all and as I said in my first post, this subject may be more appropriate for a MFP group.
    OP-i know what ur words meant and i know its 100%true.....but people will accept only when "its posted by some research in US"....i am follower of ayurveda and when every doctor gave up on my MIL's kidney problem ..she followed ayurveda a 100% along with yoga and just 4 years into this and all her reports are perfect...before she had to use catheter if people can be just warm it would be whole diff world...
    saying that the book by rujutha diwaker ..she is an indian nutritionist and celebrity trainer....she has written same things giving evidence ....
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I am not hungry.

    However, I do think it is silly to expect people to not write their opinions if they do not agree with the OP. This site should be about healthy weight loss backed by science. There is little to no actual science in the OP. In fact, there is information that has been proven to be incorrect. To me, it is no different the writing about any other "diet" that has no backing (like the cabbage soup diet or the banana diet or what have you).

    By having posters come on here and point out what is incorrect, we are protecting the community from bad information. As it should be.

    Annnnnnd when the experts do not agree, then there is NO hard line of what is right or what is wrong. Have a snickers and live and let live.

    ETA: and having invoked my ignore button...have a nice day :drinker:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Sleeping after a meal is a 100% guaranteed way to put on weight.


    The same thing was told by a family friend. She was an old lady but when she was young, she was a prima ballerina of Opera De Paris. After that she was one of the leading ballet teachers.

    She always told me to stand up after a meal, it'd help to avoid putting on weight. If lay down it'd caused weight gain. And of course no food after 6 pm, not even tea.

    She was a wonderful old lady of 90 something years old and her weight never was more than 50 kilos in her life.

    Ballerinas are notorious for anorexia and having dangerous, unrealistic, and unsustainable eating habits and too-low body fat percentages. That's a nice anecdote and I'm sure she was a swell lady, but I don't think I ever want to take nutrition advice from someone deeply steeped in that sort of crowd.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I am not hungry.

    However, I do think it is silly to expect people to not write their opinions if they do not agree with the OP. This site should be about healthy weight loss backed by science. There is little to no actual science in the OP. In fact, there is information that has been proven to be incorrect. To me, it is no different the writing about any other "diet" that has no backing (like the cabbage soup diet or the banana diet or what have you).

    By having posters come on here and point out what is incorrect, we are protecting the community from bad information. As it should be.

    Couldn't agree more :drinker:

    The information the op provided is certainly not 100% correct - and letting people believe that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I am not hungry.

    However, I do think it is silly to expect people to not write their opinions if they do not agree with the OP. This site should be about healthy weight loss backed by science. There is little to no actual science in the OP. In fact, there is information that has been proven to be incorrect. To me, it is no different the writing about any other "diet" that has no backing (like the cabbage soup diet or the banana diet or what have you).

    By having posters come on here and point out what is incorrect, we are protecting the community from bad information. As it should be.

    Annnnnnd when the experts do not agree, then there is NO hard line of what is right or what is wrong. Have a snickers and live and let live.

    ETA: and having invoked my ignore button...have a nice day :drinker:

    So we should just let people post mis-information and outright bad information?

    We shouldn't disagree with them because experts don't always agree?

    I'm sorry but no. I'd love to see any study where an expert states that if you sleep after eating you are 100% going to gain weight :noway:

    I don't need a snickers either, as I am not hungry. You seem to think anyone who disagrees with an op is hungry - are you projecting?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Great "information" bro
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Is rihanna doing the sitting thing correctly here to prevent the gassies? What is beyonce doing? Is that part of it?

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Sleeping after a meal is a 100% guaranteed way to put on weight.


    The same thing was told by a family friend. She was an old lady but when she was young, she was a prima ballerina of Opera De Paris. After that she was one of the leading ballet teachers.

    She always told me to stand up after a meal, it'd help to avoid putting on weight. If lay down it'd caused weight gain. And of course no food after 6 pm, not even tea.

    She was a wonderful old lady of 90 something years old and her weight never was more than 50 kilos in her life.

    She probably followed about 90 something other wacky rules regarding eating and ONE of them probably resulted in not overdoing her calories.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I'm not hungry.

    Anyone else not hungry?

    Not hungry.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    I appreciate what you were trying to bring to the table with your post, however, people around here are hungry, and can be very cranky and LITERAL, very very literal. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Some things get nitpicked to death but it's the nature of the beast, don't take it personally. :drinker:

    I am not hungry.

    However, I do think it is silly to expect people to not write their opinions if they do not agree with the OP. This site should be about healthy weight loss backed by science. There is little to no actual science in the OP. In fact, there is information that has been proven to be incorrect. To me, it is no different the writing about any other "diet" that has no backing (like the cabbage soup diet or the banana diet or what have you).

    By having posters come on here and point out what is incorrect, we are protecting the community from bad information. As it should be.

    Annnnnnd when the experts do not agree, then there is NO hard line of what is right or what is wrong. Have a snickers and live and let live.

    ETA: and having invoked my ignore button...have a nice day :drinker:

    You invoke the ignore button when someone responds with something well thought out, logical, well said and cordial? What you allow yourself to read after ignoring that group of people must be fascinating.
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Devote at least half and hour to eat and digest each meal. Remember that one fourth of your food is taken through the eye (sense of seeing) so serve your dish on a beautiful plate - you are worth your best cutlery! It is also a nice practice to set the table you are eating at decoratively. Play some beautiful, calming music while you eat your meals.
    fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and other organic products.

    Excuse me, perhaps you do not realize this, but myfitnesspal is a global website, with people from many different cultures.

    For example, I live in the United States of America, and am involved in the business community professionally, with my familiy inhabiting a metropolitan suburban area. These instructions telling me how to eat (and how long to take doing so) are inconsistent with my professional and personal sets of cultural values.

    Please try to show more tolerance by respecting other cultures, and refrain from giving me instruction that violate my system of beliefs.

    Thank you.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    Different things work for different people!