Eat your carbs



  • Biggster69
    Biggster69 Posts: 84 Member
    If I eat high carb food, I am hungry after 1 hour. If I eat high fat/protein, I am hungry after 5 hours. Helps me saving calories.
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    I’ve come across a lot of people who absolutely avoid carbs at all cost, why? Im pretty sure carbs will not turn into fat. —Carbohydrates turn into glucose, which your body burns immediately or converts to glycogen to be stored in the muscles and liver for between meals. If you eat more calories from carbs or other sources than your body can use, the cells store the excess as fat.

    I understand the benefits of GOOD fats and whole fats via flax, avo, chia, and many more but this whole keto diet is insane.... Other than needed for medical conditions.... which that’s how the keto diet was created through dr trying to help patients with seizures...

    I’ve also realized people with a high metabolism can better handle a keto diet.... so all you endomorphs beware....

    I tried the keto diet for one month and I put on weight while also having excessive oil secretion from my pours so I smelled

    I think you got it right. Keto was designed with certain conditions in mind. CICO ultimately works. Metabolism can play a factor, but it will still go back to that. It's not always easy. 290 lbs later, I've learned that.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »

    Try timing your carbs around your workouts to see if that helps.

    ^^^^THIS! I actually add carbs to my intra-workout shake.

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Regardless of the original purpose of a keto diet it quickly became clear that it is one of many ways to effectively reduce weight. It clearly will not be effective or desired by all people. I think people can become fixated on the weight loss to the point of thinking that is the only purpose. It can help people with insulin resistance and T2D. It can reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels. All that aside I find it a satisfying WOE and it is serving me well.
  • coderdan82
    coderdan82 Posts: 132 Member
    The theory is that when you're in ketosis your body is in an optimal state for using body fat for energy. It doesn't avoid the requirement of a caloric deficit but it's supposed to make it easier to stay in that deficit because your body can get more calories from body fat instead of your plate.

    I can't claim it works for everyone but it worked for me. I tried both low-carb, high-fat and low-fat, high-carb and I found that I had to eat more calories on low-fat than on low-carb to avoid going hungry. In fact, when I did strict keto this summer I had a few extreme days when I barely ate 800 calories and still had lots of energy without feeling hungry. I didn't force myself to do it, I just wasn't hungry so I didn't eat much. I'd never recommend deliberately going that low in calories on a regular basis but it does show how efficient your body can get at using your body fat when in ketosis.

    CICO will always be the bottom line, going low carb is just supposed to help control the "CI" part of it.

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    To the exercise crowd if you do try keto and have an experienced anything like me you will not be happy with workouts for months. I am a runner and felt devoid of energy when running as if I had lead in my legs. After about two months my energy came back and runs feel good now, I think this is fat adaption. So if you think going keto for one month is going to let you decide from a workout standpoint if it is right you may want to reconsider.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Just an FYI to future posters, the entire 1st page happened in January and the OP hasn't been here since February, so arguing with them is futile :smiley:
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    The theory is that when you're in ketosis your body is in an optimal state for using body fat for energy. It doesn't avoid the requirement of a caloric deficit but it's supposed to make it easier to stay in that deficit because your body can get more calories from body fat instead of your plate.

    I can't claim it works for everyone but it worked for me. I tried both low-carb, high-fat and low-fat, high-carb and I found that I had to eat more calories on low-fat than on low-carb to avoid going hungry. In fact, when I did strict keto this summer I had a few extreme days when I barely ate 800 calories and still had lots of energy without feeling hungry. I didn't force myself to do it, I just wasn't hungry so I didn't eat much. I'd never recommend deliberately going that low in calories on a regular basis but it does show how efficient your body can get at using your body fat when in ketosis.

    CICO will always be the bottom line, going low carb is just supposed to help control the "CI" part of it.

    Yep, that's the key! Figuring out how to eat so hitting that calorie goal is easier. Glad you found your way :smile:
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I always forget to check the date, Thanks
  • coderdan82
    coderdan82 Posts: 132 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Just an FYI to future posters, the entire 1st page happened in January and the OP hasn't been here since February, so arguing with them is futile :smiley:

    Hah, Biggster69 must've been really bored to resurrect this.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    The theory is that when you're in ketosis your body is in an optimal state for using body fat for energy.

    This isn't really true. You can be fat adapted without doing keto, and beyond that, that's more of a consideration for athletic performance. When it comes to fat loss it's about calories, and everyone uses fat for energy over the course of a day (whether it's burning body fat, which happens in a deficit, or eating mostly fat so burning that fat).

    This is kind of the reverse of what OP said back in January -- it's also not true that your body won't turn carbs into fat. If you overeat, of course it will (or more to the point it will store a higher amount of what you eat as fat, whether it's all from fat you eat or, if you eat low fat, from the carbs).
    It doesn't avoid the requirement of a caloric deficit but it's supposed to make it easier to stay in that deficit because your body can get more calories from body fat instead of your plate.

    I think the truth is it makes it easier for SOME to stay in a deficit because they eat a more satiating (for them) diet when doing low carb or keto. I would agree it's a good approach for some for that reason.
    CICO will always be the bottom line, going low carb is just supposed to help control the "CI" part of it.

    Yup, absolutely.
  • coderdan82
    coderdan82 Posts: 132 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    The theory is that when you're in ketosis your body is in an optimal state for using body fat for energy.

    This isn't really true....

    You'll notice I chose my words carefully. I said "the theory is...". OP asked why people go low carb, well this is why most do :) I have no interest in debating the merits of low carb diets, I'm sure there are papers both in favor and against them. I do know it's consistent with my experience so I'm going with it.

    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    I think the truth is it makes it easier for SOME to stay in a deficit because they eat a more satiating (for them) diet when doing low carb or keto. I would agree it's a good approach for some for that reason.

    Hmm, on one of my extreme days I had a double bacon cheeseburger without a bun for lunch and didn't eat the rest of the day. Was that burger really THAT satiating? I had that same burger when I was off keto and I did get hungry later on.
  • coderdan82
    coderdan82 Posts: 132 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    You can be fat adapted without doing keto

    Actually, can you elaborate on this? Not arguing it, I'm honestly curious. I've only heard of fat adaptation through ketosis.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    500-600 grams of carbs a day right here (most between 12-2 am) right here and still leaning out💪🏻 unless you have a predisposed health condition, there’s no need to restrict anything
  • Roseb0107
    Roseb0107 Posts: 12 Member
    When it comes to weight loss as long as your creating a calorie deficit you will lose weight . It doesn’t matter where those calories come from as long as your in a defecit you will keep losing. Losing weight is all about the numbers really . Now when it comes to being healthy that’s another story then you would want to watch what you were eating . But even then you can be healthy on a variety of different diets keto vegan vegetarian whatever works for you. As long as most of your food comes from a variety of whole minimally processed foods you should be good.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited November 2018
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    The theory is that when you're in ketosis your body is in an optimal state for using body fat for energy.

    This isn't really true....

    You'll notice I chose my words carefully. I said "the theory is...". OP asked why people go low carb, well this is why most do :) I have no interest in debating the merits of low carb diets, I'm sure there are papers both in favor and against them. I do know it's consistent with my experience so I'm going with it.

    Okay, so you aren't asserting it's actually true? I would agree some people see such claims and believe them. I suspect the real reason people who stay low carb or keto do it is because it's a pleasant way of eating for them, or they find it easier.

    Bigger point is that how easily you use body fat for energy isn't relevant to weight loss. Being able to switch between sources of energy easily and use fat at a more intense activity level than average can be helpful for certain types of athletic activity, but the evidence doesn't support that that's really about being keto, vs. training in various ways that support it. And I highly doubt it's why most of keto (the vast majority of athletes are not, although a few are other than when racing).
    Hmm, on one of my extreme days I had a double bacon cheeseburger without a bun for lunch and didn't eat the rest of the day. Was that burger really THAT satiating? I had that same burger when I was off keto and I did get hungry later on.

    Some burgers have crazy calories, so it could have been. But more to the point, as I said before, low carb/high fat tends to be really satiating for some. It's just not for everyone, and it's just not true that the rest of us are not burning body fat for energy when we have a deficit.

    I did not find I was less hungry doing keto than eating how I just naturally tend to gravitate (moderate to low-moderate carb). Others are MORE hungry doing low carb or keto. Some days I'm also just not all that hungry, no matter what I'm eating.

    Not questioning that you might find it easier, and I know others also report that their appetites basically go away when doing keto. I just don't think that's some universal, as presented, or because you are using body fat better.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    You can be fat adapted without doing keto

    Actually, can you elaborate on this? Not arguing it, I'm honestly curious. I've only heard of fat adaptation through ketosis.

    Are you interested in it in connection with athletic training or metabolic flexibility? Or are you actually talking about using body fat as fuel in general (which everyone naturally does just fine).

    If the former, it's a popular thing to include in race training programs (biking, running, tris). I'll get some information for you, as well as a link to a podcast discussing how it's not about keto. Probably tomorrow since I have to go to a work social thing tonight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Biggster69 wrote: »
    If I eat high carb food, I am hungry after 1 hour. If I eat high fat/protein, I am hungry after 5 hours. Helps me saving calories.

    When I eat predominantly any one macro, I'm not satisfied. Balance FTW!
