What's YOUR biggest pet peeve while working out at the gym?



  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Loud "grunters". I know the last set can get hard but come on, do you really have to "yell" your grunt out and be that disrupting????
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    AlainaKayy wrote: »
    The gym that I went to had age restrictions for certain machines, and they would constantly ask for my ID to see if I was old enough. Like, yes I understand I look young. But every time I come in? really? :/

    Age restrictions? I've never heard of that before.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I had a membership at one of those $10/month gyms in my area, and I absolutely hated the fact that, because I could only work out at peak hours, I had to wait 5-10 minutes for whatever piece of equipment I wanted to use, every day.

    Solution: My wife and I joined a gym that's roughly $25 a person, and with the time we're not-spending waiting, the membership pays for itself.
  • regina_demcuka
    regina_demcuka Posts: 12 Member
    People putting there towel, water bottle, etc on some piece of equipment like it's their own personal table. Like a ritual, the same piece of equipment, every time. Inevitably, on my day for that body part.

    Oh yeah i don't like them too. And the one who just occupies some machine to just sit there and talk on the phone :D
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    When you're waiting for a fitness class to start and you settle into your spot and someone else stands right behind you even though there is a ton of space all over the room. Especially when the class involves lots of moving around - I now feel like I have to work around her if we don't move at the same pace. This has happened two weeks in a row now with the same person. Maybe she likes my butt?
  • mwhswain
    mwhswain Posts: 4 Member
    People not using a towel and wiping off the machine they just sweated all over
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    ALL of the other people. Ever single one.

    Also, those two women who hog the f’ing sinks in the bathroom doing their stupid hair and makeup so I have to awkwardly squeeze in between them when I have to pee in the mornings to access the sinks/soap/paper towels. Omg they irk me so much! :grumble:
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    ALL of the other people. Ever single one.

    Also, those two women who hog the f’ing sinks in the bathroom doing their stupid hair and makeup so I have to awkwardly squeeze in between them when I have to pee in the mornings to access the sinks/soap/paper towels. Omg they irk me so much! :grumble:

    Sounds like you need a home gym.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    People who don't share the power racks/Oly platforms. My gym has them connected, and people will monopolize the entire set-up just to deadlift. There is no earthly reason why you can't alternate one person in the rack squatting with the other person on the platform deadlifting. I know, kind of a random pet peeve, and most people probably don't even make the mental connection that it's not just one unit and we could all get out of there much faster.
  • samantharmaggard
    samantharmaggard Posts: 16 Member
    Not much annoys me.....I love the gym and I love being around people at the gym. Ya the sweaty machine thing is gross but most people are respectful. I love a gym filled with eye candy
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    ALL of the other people. Ever single one.

    Also, those two women who hog the f’ing sinks in the bathroom doing their stupid hair and makeup so I have to awkwardly squeeze in between them when I have to pee in the mornings to access the sinks/soap/paper towels. Omg they irk me so much! :grumble:

    Sounds like you need a home gym.

    Yep. That’s the goal for the next house.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    When I drop candy all over the floor of my basement or worse, gym floor :s .. especially Nerds and Pixy Stix dust.. it's the worst.

    LOL... It would definitely be annoying if I walked over to my gym(in my apartment) and there was someone else there

    I have "guests" all the time.. my centipede and spider buddies.. they are no fun and hog all the leg day equipment!! Grrr :p
  • super_who_fandom
    super_who_fandom Posts: 12 Member
    Biggest pet peeve is people staring or watching me workout. I usually can ignore these people and get in the zone, but I feel like I'm being judged when they stare.
  • nra444
    nra444 Posts: 1 Member
    Girls who are there is impress, not to work out. I walked into the gym the other day to 3 girls with crop top shirts and gym pants, and faces FULL OF MAKEUP. they even had fake eyelashes on!!!! Number one, if you’re really working out like that, your skin is going to hate you in 10 years. Number 2, it’s not cute. No one looking at you, and if they are, it’s because in their head they are laughing at you!!!!! (Some will even do it out loud)
  • mikeb4bjj
    mikeb4bjj Posts: 317 Member
    I got two:

    (1) people using the squat rack for exercises that don't require it, like curls or bench press or some *kitten*.

    (2) Extreme super-setters: you can't tie up more than 2 pieces of equipment at the same time. Sorry bruh, you don't own the gym, gotta make some sacrifices.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    *The men who make sounds like they are giving birth
    *Those who mainly come to sit on the machines with their heads buried in their phones - GO HOME!
  • speedingticket
    speedingticket Posts: 73 Member
    mikeb4bjj wrote: »
    I got two:

    (1) people using the squat rack for exercises that don't require it, like curls or bench press or some *kitten*.

    (2) Extreme super-setters: you can't tie up more than 2 pieces of equipment at the same time. Sorry bruh, you don't own the gym, gotta make some sacrifices.

    I use the squat rack for other stuff (with the bar), because otherwise I am taking up more floor space (which is very tight). Each rack (of which there are only 2) only has one bar anyway, so someone can't squat if I am using the bar. Am I doing it right? Ahhh, I thought I was being polite staying out the way! I've only been training properly for a few weeks, and am so paranoid about doing something to anger someone :(
  • Xenoshen
    Xenoshen Posts: 1 Member
    People who don't bring in a separate pair of clean gym shoes...

    It's winter here. The snow and salt mess up the machines so they are constantly broken or squeaking like crazy. It also creates a hazard when you just walk in with all that snow making puddles across the gym floor. I literally watched a guy come in and get right onto a treadmill with winter boots on that were covered in snow.