PCOS - Wife - Dog Mom - Book Lover

If you have PCOS I would love to be friends! I need to surround myself with people who understand all aspects of PCOS and it’s struggles! I’m a dog mom to 2 dachshunds, a wife to my amazing husband and I am a very avid reader!! If you can relate... add me!!


  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! I have PCOS too. I'm a 35 year old tax assessor from Maine. Love to join the journey with you!
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @SaraB_82 ugh isn’t it the worst?! Let’s be friends and bond over our hatred for PCOS! Lol
  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    Ugh! Tell me about it. I gained 90 pounds before they figured out what was wrong. But I'm down 14 now, so at least I know losing with PCOS is possible!
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    Girl. I hear you loud and clear! -14 lbs! That’s awesome! Congrats! Keep it up!! We can do this!!
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @SaraB_82 ^^^
  • rach3116
    rach3116 Posts: 35 Member
    I am on the spectrum for PCOS but very low. However, I’ve gained 40lbs over the past 3 years from fertility treatments and now that we’re moving on I’m so ready to get back down to my normal weight.
  • tasia316
    tasia316 Posts: 6 Member
    I been struggling with my weight. I do hve PCOS and I have one son I keep gaining but can't seem to lose. However I hve really been trying. Going up stairs to my room earlier just to get away from the kitchen and the late night snacking. I'm 26 and since late January til now I'm down about 12lbs. The struggle is real. lol I'm always happy to make new friends