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  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Sounds to me that he’s non-confrontational with her AND you. He doesn’t want to rock the boat with his wife. He doesn’t want to have meaningful dialogue with you because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Do you want to be with an nice guy who has a history of being an indecisive man in all his relationships?

    I agree the fact he's so non-confrontational is an issue. At least for me. I'm a "hash it out" kind of person. While I don't expect everyone to be this way, to completely shut down won't work for me. It's something he'll either have to work on (giving me an opinion, standing up for himself, etc.), I'll have to get over or it'll be a deal breaker. I believe he can continue to be a nice, kind man and still lay his thoughts on the table/stand up for himself.