800-1,000 cal BURN

I've seen more than 1000 sometimes. Idk how these people do it, it really is astonishing. I've got what food to eat down pat. And I put in an effort to sweat 6 days a wk. my burns are between 162-360. I've tried to do a 1000 cal burn workout and I couldn't!! Like damn what are you people on!? Lol

What's up with that?


  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Today I burned 1100 calories on Zumba alone. Keep in mind, I am MUCH bigger than you...but I have not found a workout that burns as many calories than Zumba. You don't have to be a dancer either, it's all exercise and fun.
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    I've heard U Jam burns up to 1000 calories and the kickboxing class burned 800. It's pretty intense, but a great workout.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    My max was 823 in a sprint triathlon (1/3 mile swim 9 mile bike, 5K) which I completed in 1:45. Believe me, I don't do that every day. I have gotten close with some 20-mile bike rides on the weekends.
  • tanya203
    tanya203 Posts: 19 Member
    I actually had one of those 1100 burns today. I pumped out about 1.5 hours at the gym. 30 min jog, 20 min elliptical, then 35 min weights. However much of my day was running around doing errands, walking. A couple hours of walking can put you in that 800-1000 zone after a really good workout. When it happens to me it's incidental. I'm not trying to burn that many calories, it just sort of happened that way.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    There is a difference in those that use a HRM and those that use other calculators. Obviously, weight, height, etc play a part in this too. Some/most are over-estimated.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    I did one yesterday. I own a polar F7, w/chest strap, so watch my heart rate, burn etc.

    Did my warm up on the treadmill, walk 5, jog 15, walk 5;
    Met my trainer, 60 mins of his hiit cardio/strength experience;
    Then for some reason thought it would be a good ideal to finish it off with an hour hot yoga class.

    Today is a rest day. And I won't be in a rush to do all of the above in one 3 hour session again anytime soon.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    lot of people lie to themselves
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I run the same amount/time as a friend of mine. He outweighs me by 85 pounds. He burns much more than I do.
  • kokorae
    kokorae Posts: 64 Member
    Using my Mio, I calculated that a 30 min rollerblading session I had with my dogs burned 480 cals. I was doing it at a moderate speed also. I'm sure I could have burned so much more had I done it longer and harder. But I'm just starting out and not trying to kill myself lol.
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Most of those people who say they burn 1,000+ calories are way over estimating! And doing that doesn't help you lose weight, it just gives you an excuse to eat more!! For example, at 135 pounds it takes me an entire half marathon to burn over 1,000 calories, that's 2 straight hours of running! There is no way that you can burn close to that number in less than an hour, even at 200 pounds!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I easily do that once a week. It isn't that hard.

    ... But it also involves a Sunday hike that is an all day event and I am lugging about a third my bodyweight in my pack.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I am 5'3"... 115lb.... According to MFP, I burn almost 500 calories in 1 hour of Zumba. I like to take a 3 mile walk in the morning after work = 150 calories.

    It was a lot higher before I lost the weight.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    In the whole 3 years I have been here, I never had a calorie burn of 1000. Closest was a 2 and a half hour hiking at about 700 calories.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    There is no way anyone is burning 800-1000 calories in an hour, I don't care if you run at 300 mph for an entire hour, it isn't happening and I don't care what your little HRM says :D
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Only time i get to 800 calories for a burn is when I run eight miles. I get a 1000 calorie burn when I run 10 miles. But I can't do either of those in a hour. :)
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    I got a 1100 burn doing a 10k in may and 2200 the year before doing a half marathon. The half I used one kind of HRM and the 10k I had 2 different kinds both with about the same burn (within 10cal) both times I was 170lbs and I'm 5' 7"
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    I sometimes log a 1000+ burn a couple of times a week. Let me preface that by saying that I wear a PolarFT60 HRM but I do believe and have read that HRM's in general can be off by as much as 20%. I bet I'm a lot bigger than you though....I'm 5'7ish and weigh between 135-140. My high burns are usually over 3-5 hour time period and I'm busting my butt! I take care of 10 horses several days a week and I'm mucking stalls, shoveling, raking, lifting 50lb bags of feed, bedding and hay bales. It's hard labor but I get paid to do what I love and get an awesome workout at the same time. :smile: I also play league tennis several days a week and that also torches the calories especially if I end up playing a three hour match.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I burn over 3000calories on training Day lol
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I am a bigger girl and have a core armband by bodymedia. I got one to tell me how much my BODY burns and I can get into 1,000 calories if I push myself and walk close to 1hr 45min. Like today was 761 calories just from heavy lifting and walking. So with your body frame, getting up to 1,000 just means really PUSHING to get the burn.
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    I do that every other day, starting with a 10km run followed by a visit to the gym to blast my quads, traps, octoids and bezier curves followed by lunch box squats and some dumbell javelins and venus fly traps it aint no thing