"You look so much ... 'healthier!'"



  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I can see the different angles here. Most of my life I was very thin and I never heard the end of it from friends, strangers, classmates. Everyone had something to say. Then I had two pregnancies close together and two high needs babies and gained weight. I got asked weekly when my baby was due, and I was postpartum. Now I’m losing the weight and I’m again worried about comments on my body because jeez what is the magic weight that will get people to stop talking about it.

    But, I do think in the case of a weight loss it is about acknowledging your hard work, so in the end I’d let any hard feelings roll off.

    Kind of like how I really don't comment on anyone's weight loss anymore, I DEFINITELY don't comment on anyone's pregnancy unless I see a foot coming out of their vajayjay. I learned that lesson the hard way when I asked one of my son's daycare workers how her pregnancy was going and she told me she had lost the baby (she still looked pregnant).
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