What's Your Favorite Breakfast & Morning Routine to Start Your Day?

I responded to a post this morning titled, "What Does Your Breakfast Consist Of?". I have not been an active poster over the years, so realized too late that I posted more that was asked... TMI (too much info). I apologize to you all as I wasn't able to remove my post. I am re-posting it here because I discovered I am really curious to know what morning routine works best for everyone.

Here's what I posted on the other discussion (with a few edits to add a little more info for this new discussion):

Hi all, those are great ideas! Here’s the morning routine I've found that works best for me.

I've always been an early riser. I enjoy getting up before the sun rises, so I can make time for everything I want to accomplish before I run out the door.

Upon arising I do a couple stretches in bed, then read something inspirational. I drink 2 big glasses of water, put on my workout clothes, warm up with more stretching, then make my green drink. I drink it while I take care of a few things to help get my day started, plus feed my kitty. About 15-20 minutes later I hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes, with water bottle handy.

After the treadmill I start cooking 1 serving of steel-cut oats with stevia, coconut oil, vanilla and cinnamon for 30 minutes. (I prepared this in a pot on the stove earlier after I made my green drink, so it's ready to roll after the treadmill workout.)

While my breakfast is cooking I do 15 minutes circuit training. When finished, I drink another big glass of water and check my breakfast. Just before the steel-cut oats are done I cook two eggs, top off the steel-cut oats with blueberries and enjoy eating my breakfast while watching or listening to something inspirational/motivational for 20 to 30 minutes. Then it's off to the shower and on with the rest of my day!

If I find I am crunched for time I will either cook the steel-oats while on the treadmill or cook the steel-cut oats in a thermos the night before. I also have scottish oats on hand that only take about 10 minutes to cook, just in case something unexpected comes up.

This has been my routine for close to a year now and I always look forward to enjoying my breakfast after my morning workout! Eventually I am hoping to add a 4 minute workout and/or a quick 5 or 10 minute workout on an elliptical.

If anyone has strength training ideas to share, eventually, I would also like to add a quick strength training workout later in the afternoon or before dinner.

It took me a while to get into the swing of things when I first started, a lot of trial and error, however I am always open to trying new things! I am looking forward to your responses and please feel free to share any ideas or suggestions you may have along with your favorite breakfast and morning routine post.

Looking forward to seeing how we can encourage and help inspire each other to do our very best as we work together to achieve our goals and visions for a strong healthy life ahead of us. :)


  • thelegendofsakura89
    Normally (on days I don't have work early) my routine is up at 6am, cup of coffee, in gym by 7.
    Do my lifting, come home and shower, and then its an egg sandwich and another cup of coffee before getting on with the rest of my day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Get up around 5:45, poor coffee into travel mug, put a leash on the dog and go for a walk. Get home and read some morning news before getting into the shower. Get dressed for the day and head out for my hour commute.

    I typically eat at work when I arrive...breakfast along with lunch and snacks is generally packed the evening before and is variable. Breakfast usually consists of eggs in some manner or another, but I eat different things with my eggs depending on the day.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I wake up when I wake up ... and after laying still for a few moments to feel and mentally access my body parts from where they hurt or feel ok, I gingerly do some small movements to get the numbness out of my hands and feet.

    After that I get up and struggle down the hall to the potty-room and then stumble back to my bedroom. While I'm in the potty-room I weigh myself and write down the number. Then i do some stretches and movements to wake up these old bones, muscles, ligaments. After which I head to the kitchen to put on the coffee, clean the litter box, feed the cat and get my big mug of coffee and tall glass of water. The water and coffee go with me the spare bedroom that is my office space where I fire up the machine and access my spreadsheet and MFP.

    Eventually I will feel hunger and that's when I'll get off the computer and head back to the kitchen to fix one of my go-to breakfasts.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    My alarm is set for 7:10 and 7:35. The 7:10 wakes me up, so I can groggily Reddit in bed until the second alarm goes off. When the second alarm goes off, I lazily ignore it for an additional 5 minutes before dragging my butt out of bed. Then I get ready for work and go to work for 8:30am. Sip tea all morning (usually a healthy dose of black tea to wake me up), then eat a Fiber One bar around 11am. Then lunch at 12:30.
  • rachelpauline93
    rachelpauline93 Posts: 40 Member
    I get up around 8:30 and get up to have a couple cups of coffee and read a book. If I'm not too lazy, I'll do yoga after. I don't eat breakfast so I can have a big lunch and dinner :)
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member
    Alarm goes off 6:30,snooze it couple of times then drag myself to kitchen and drink coffee until I can start communicating properly.
    Start work at 8 and drink more tea and coffee until about 12ish when I have my lunch.

    I wish I was a morning person I really do but it's like waking up from coma for me every single morning. I do admire everyone who can work out first thing in the morning and start day early.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I prep everything (food/clothing) the night before so... Up at 3:30 AM and immediately into a quick series of calisthenics to wake up (jumping jacks, squats, mountain climbers, push-ups, sit ups). Wash up, put on gym clothes, pack the breakfast/snacks/lunch for me and hubs, get my baby up (dog), take him out, feed him and out the door by 4:45 AM. Stop for an iced coffee, to the train, off the train and walk about 10 minutes to my fight club. Fight/heavy-bag/boxing work-out for an hour. To my building/work-gym across the street, shower, change into work clothes, do hair, make up, etc. at my desk eating breakfast by 7:30 AM.
  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    edited February 2018
    M/W/F, my alarm goes off at 5:15, I get up, make coffee, feed the cat, drink the coffee, gather the food for the day, get dressed and head to the gym for 30 minutes treadmill, 30-45 minutes weight. Shower at the gym and am work by eight. Food is typically Siggi's yogurt, a hard boiled egg or two, and either a piece of fruit or a black bean protein muffin. Occasionally it's apple cinnamon overnight oats. (Gym bag is packed with work clothes and gym clothes are laid out the night before)

    T/T in the winter, my alarm goes off at 6:15, I make the coffee, feed the cat, gather the food, and sit on my bum drinking coffee until it's time to shower and get to work. Breakfast is the same as above. T/T in the spring is the same, but with less bum sitting so I leave early and take a walk in the woods before work.

    S/S - varies wildly.. Sometimes I'm up at 6 and head to the gym, sometimes I stay in bed until 9. It's the weekend, I do what I want!
  • SweetestVictory
    SweetestVictory Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2018
    Great plan Kadoober, thanks so much for sharing I’m inspired!
  • SweetestVictory
    SweetestVictory Posts: 9 Member
    Wow cushman, totally dedicated!! Good job!!
  • SweetestVictory
    SweetestVictory Posts: 9 Member
    No worries passenger, not everyone is a morning person, go for it whenever you’re up to it!
  • SweetestVictory
    SweetestVictory Posts: 9 Member
    Great plan Sandy! You go girl!!
  • SweetestVictory
    SweetestVictory Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for sharing Rachel, yoga is a great workout!
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    These days I get up at 5:30, feed the cats, feed and then a short walk with the dogs (unless it’s under 10 degrees out, in which case I just let them in the yard), then 30-45 minute Fitness Blender workout, usually bodyweight intervals - I’ll alternate with jogging once the ice melts. Shower, then read and drink a cup of coffee with a cheese stick and a clementine while my husband gets up and showers, then we’re dressed and out the door around 7:45. At least, so long as someone who isn’t me doesn’t sleep through their 500 alarms. I’m not really a morning or a night person, I just like to get about 7-8 hours of sleep, and honestly my spouse’s snooze addiction annoys me enough that it makes it easy to get up and moving early.
  • greyphan
    greyphan Posts: 5 Member
    I️ usually wake up about 7. The first thing I️ do is put my dogs outside, and currently I️ go and have a shower or whatever during this time. But I️ just bought a jump rope so I’m going to start doing a few minutes of that instead. Then I️ let the dogs and cat in, feed everyone, cuddle everyone for a few minutes, and then walk to work. My walk to work is only 1.8k, but it’s still really nice to start my day with a walk. When I️ get to work I️ eat breakfast. Usually it’s a tofu scramble or “dippy egg”. The egg is just corn starch and water with spices and it’s so good!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited February 2018
    On work days I put on my workout clothes, drink a glass of water while checking my messages/emails, then I take my puppy out for a walk.

    When we come back I start my workout (cardio, bodyweight work or Pilates), shower, help my hubby with whatever he needs (make his lunch, business things etc). Then I start work and eat breakfast hours later whenever I start getting hungry.

    This routine has helped me to lose most of my 80 pounds and helped me to keep it off for many years. Adding in fitness to start each day has improved my life in so many ways.

    Forgot to add - on weekends if the weather is nice I like to wake up and go for a walk/hike whenever I can. If that's not possible I'll read then workout or hang out with my family then workout.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    out the door for 4am, half a cup of coffee
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    edited February 2018
    M-F Up at 6:10. swimming costume on, work clothes on, drive to gym for around 6:30-7. Swim/weights/workout. Protein shake and maybe some bacon at work. At desk for 9am :)

    S/S I don't set alarms and base what I do on when I wake up. Can be park run on saturday and weights and pilates on Sunday followed both days by an omlettey brunch meal, but if I am not up in time I laze around with book/tv til brunch time :D
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    I wake up 35 minutes before I have to be out the door. 35 minutes is enough to shower, dress, grab my cold stuff for lunch, do something quick with my hair, grab my jacket and go.

    Then it's a brisk walk to the bus.

    On the bus I catch up with my family and friends around the world via the internet.

    Then it's a brisk walk from the bus to work.

    Up the stairs ... into my office ... grab a black coffee and a tall glass of cold water ... and start my day.

    About 10:30 am, I'll go climb several flights of stairs (although I haven't done that since before Christmas for several reasons), and then I'll have another coffee, sometimes another glass of water, and a small snack.