30-Something Aussie Mums

I would love to create a little group of woman with similar lives and similar goals! I'm hoping it will make me more accountable with my tracking and pursuit of goals! I'm a working high school teacher of 3 kids, 6, 4 and 2. I weigh approximately 74kgs and I'm 166cms (5'6?). I have weight to lose and would like to get into the 60s. I always protest that I eat well and make good food choices, but I'm slowly realising how dishonest I can be with myself. Looking to get real and really stick at this!


  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, I'm a 40 something Aussie working mum, feel free to add me for extra support. :happy:
  • tick78
    tick78 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm 35, Qld primary school teacher, mum to 8 year old twins. Height of 165cm, 77 kilos down from 95. Wanting to finish what I started and reach around 65kgs. Love to hear from you!
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Nice to meet you both :) Hope you're enjoying the beautiful winter weather today? I've been to the park/cafe with the kids and thoroughly enjoyed my breakfast and coffee. I don't think MFP will love it when I track it though!

    I'm set to 1200 calories, how about you guys? I'm still really trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating to lose weight and get more honest with my tracking. Would love to know your calories/deficit/exercise and theories about eating back exercise calories...
  • oOxXxOo
    oOxXxOo Posts: 75 Member
    I am 34 years old, mother of two boys. I have quite a bit more to lose than you but we are all here doing the same thing. I will send you a note.
  • juul76
    juul76 Posts: 20
    I am in Aussie, WA, 37 years old and have 4 children (12, 11, 6 and 3) and work as a midwife. So busy busy! I started at around 93kg and am currently 74-75kg. I am 1.67 tall. I would like to get to 69kg and maybe push it down to 65kg but lets get to the 69 first!

    I am not set at 1200 cal, I am trying to loose weight but also maintain the habit and weight once I get there so I am going slow. It was set at 1580 but now I reached 75 it was set at 1480 but because I found that really difficult I have set it at 1700. I try to work out at least 3-4x per week in the gym and burn about 750-800 cal. I walk a lot at work so I hope that helps too. I might eat back a little bit of calories but generally I try to stay around the 1700. I still have a biscuit once in a while or a glass of wine. There are times I plateau a little bit for a couple of weeks and that can be disheartening but then it goes down again.

    Feel welcome to add me!
  • beca74
    beca74 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm Bec, a 38 year old mum of an 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. I am a part-time teacher too, living in Melbourne.

    A couple of years ago I got to my best post kids weight of around 64 kilos, and was feeling pretty good and getting lots of compliments. Well, I guess I got a bit complacent and I hopped on the scales a few weeks ago to find I am back in the 70s again. :(

    I am hoping to get to at least 65, but would LOVE to get into the 50s at some stage, around where I was when I got married.
    Anyhoo, if I can work out how, can I add you chickies as friends?

    Some of you guys have done really well already! Can I ask how long it has taken to lose the weight? I am on 1200 calories which I very easy to go waaay over if I'm not careful. I not a huge fan of exercise but try to fit some in when I have the energy.

    Good luck to us all and I hope we can get where we want to be.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all, My calorie target is set at 1200 cal. I tend to eat back my calories when I exercise as I seem to get really hungry especially if I've had a hard training session. This way I don't end up starving hungry at the end of the day. It's taken me over a year to lose about 19kgs with about 8 to go. I've done it slowly with lots of little changes along the way. my hardest challenge was cutting out diet coke and coffee as i was a huge drinker of both. I'm only 157cm so my goal is 60kgs. At the moment I'm training for the city to bay in Adelaide which is in 6weeks. It's 12km and my goal is to do it in 90mins. This will be a huge achievement for me as when I started changing my lifestyle I couldn't walk from one end of my kids school to the other without being out of breath. I still have a treat every few days I think I may have finally learnt not to over do it.

    It's great having some Aussie mums for support. ( I think my work colleagues are over paying me out for eating my salads everyday which is nice.) I have sent through some requests if you would like to add me. :happy:
  • beca74
    beca74 Posts: 14 Member
    Oh no! Not the diet coke! I drink coke zero every day! I thought it was allowed because of zero calories. Miffylou, did you find it was unhelpful for your weight loss? And coffee???? Noooooo.......
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    43yo ok? Lol. I feel 30ish on a good day :) or 100 on a bad. Mum of five. Teaching degree too but waylaid by pregnancies! Oldest is 20, youngest is 18mths. To be honest I'm feeling a wee bit slack ATM but hoping it's just the winter blues. Plus I come with a warning..I can swear - alot, depending. And I may whinge occasionally.
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    Another Aussie Mum here....35 with 4 kids. Please feel free to add me, it gets hard with most people on this site being from the US :smile:
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    43yo ok? Lol. I feel 30ish on a good day :) or 100 on a bad. Mum of five. Teaching degree too but waylaid by pregnancies! Oldest is 20, youngest is 18mths. To be honest I'm feeling a wee bit slack ATM but hoping it's just the winter blues. Plus I come with a warning..I can swear - alot, depending. And I may whinge occasionally.

    Yes, of course you're welcome! I'm getting excited. Who's up for an August challenge? Given we have just started August and it's Monday tomorrow, let's pledge some goals- not necessarily weight loss...maybe number of exercise sessions each week? Tracking every day? I'll do some thinking and post tonight :)
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Another Aussie Mum here....35 with 4 kids. Please feel free to add me, it gets hard with most people on this site being from the US :smile:

    I agree! Great to have you :)
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    43yo ok? Lol. I feel 30ish on a good day :) or 100 on a bad. Mum of five. Teaching degree too but waylaid by pregnancies! Oldest is 20, youngest is 18mths. To be honest I'm feeling a wee bit slack ATM but hoping it's just the winter blues. Plus I come with a warning..I can swear - alot, depending. And I may whinge occasionally.

    ...and I feel in my 40s some days, depending on how the little ones sleep!
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Another Aussie mum, Im 34 with 2 kids, from Victoria. Been here a while but not getting far. Would love some new Aussie friends. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member

    In the month of August, I aim to:

    lose at least 2kgs

    track every day

    exercise at least 4 times a week

  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    In August I will....

    - go to the gym 4 times a week
    - wear my FitBit every day
    - track accurately with food intake
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    In August I will...

    Drink at least 1.5lt of water every day.
    Go to the gym/gym class 4 times a week.
    Try and lose 2 kilos.
  • TazP83
    TazP83 Posts: 1 Member
    Just stumbled upon the forum.

    I'm 30, with two daughters (4.5 and 2.5). My August goals are:

    -Track every day;
    -Brush my teeth after dinner every night (no snacking, then!);
    -Drink more water.

    I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better!

    Theresa xx
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
  • beca74
    beca74 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok... I will...
    - track ALL my calories (including those sneaky ones that I pretend don't count)
    - drink 2 litres of water
    - get on my stepper every night, even if just for 10 minutes
    - try not to beat myself up every time I look in the mirror and treat myself with the same kindness and acceptance as I would anyone else
    - oh, and lose a bit of weight, maybe