Gaining weight???



  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member


    Thank you!! I’m off to buy a food scale tomorrow. I was weighing myself weekly, but now I think I’ll go off actual measurements than jumping on the scale constantly. [/quote]

    Along with weighing yourself take pictures and measurements.

    When logging your food look for foods with the green checkmark, include USDA in your food search of meats, fruits & vegetables. When weighing meats and vegetables if you are weighing these raw then search for database entries that are raw. If you are weighing these cooked then search for database entries that are cooked. If you weigh the food cooked but select a food from the database that is raw your calories are going to be off. While you're getting the hang of weighing your food if you aren't sure of the nutritional information for the item you packed go to the USDA website to confirm the information is right. Too many people add food to the database without knowing the correct nutritional value. I entered potatoes into my diary one time and whoever created the database entry put it down as zero carbs. Remember just because the food is in the database doesn't mean it's right.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    I do not have a food scale, if I would I know the proper portion?

    I saw that you're going to get a food scale, so just to help with this part:

    Last night for dinner I had cereal and soymilk. The box of cereal (Special K protein cinnamon) says that a serving is 3/4 cup or 31 grams. I had enough calories left for 2 servings of cereal and 1 cup of soy milk, so:
    1. I put a bowl on my food scale
    2. I turned it on (if you already have it on, just hit the tare button so it says 0 grams - you don't need the weight of the bowl :) )
    3. I poured cereal in the bowel until I saw 62 grams on the scale
    4. I took out my measuring cup and measured out 1 cup of soy milk (Silk unsweetened) and poured it into the bowel

    When I went to log the food, I searched for the cereal - I compared the MFP entry to the box to make sure it was correct (there's lots of incorrect food entries in the database) - then chose the grams option and put in 62 grams. Did the same for the soy milk (except cup instead of grams).

    It sounds like a lot of work but you get use to it quickly and it really doesn't take much time.

    Hope that's helpful and not too confusing! :)