Liquid diets???



  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    You'll feel miserable and lose weight fast, then put it back on faster. then you'll have to do another liquid diet.
  • Suly09
    Suly09 Posts: 88 Member
    edited March 2018
    Don't do it. It works if you only want to lose weight temporarily and quickly I guess but not if you really are trying to get healthy and lose long term weight.
    It will leave you very HANGRY and you learn nothing about nutrients and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Also once you stop, the weight comes back quick and doubled.
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    I've tried them in the past when desperate for quick losses, and found they made me feel so bloated and sick I'd rather be fat....also tasted terrible. I'd rather enjoy my food and have slower losses, life is too short for that kind of misery.
  • SoulOfALion5
    SoulOfALion5 Posts: 115 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    What a terribly unhealthy idea

    I agree
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I had to be on one before surgery. Are you planning on replacing ALL your meals with a liquid replacement?

    1. It’s boring
    2. You can still gain weight if you aren’t counting calories
    3. It’s more expensive than regular food
    4. It is rarely satiating

    So you may or may not lose weight, you’ll be bored, and hungrier than you need to be.

    Might I suggest if you want to follow a structured plan that you prep a week’s meals ahead of time?

    It will be less boring, you know it is low cal, it’s cheaper, and if you pick foods that you find satiating, more filling.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I would not do a liquid diet unless medically required to do so.
    Drinking my calories does not satisfy me at all and I would want to eat more.

    If your calorie goal is 1300 and you eat 1300 or drink 1300 you are getting the same result. You are not going to lose more weight just because the 1300 calories are liquid. If you drastically change the way you take in your calories or do so in a way that you won't continue long term it will be difficult to sustain.
    If you want to have some liquid meals I recommend not making it every meal.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You don't need a liquid diet unless a doctor has instructed you to follow one.
  • josette06
    josette06 Posts: 119 Member
    edited March 2018
    I had a coworker who came in and announced his liquid diet one morning. By 1 pm he was binging on a tray of cookies from being so hungry. Just eat what you want at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. It doesn't need to miserable.