Walking (shoppinng)



  • android and iphone app....runtastic pedometer. I got the pro app, and it shows how many steps ive taken, how many miles, how long i walked, and only on pro it shows calories burned. i think to go pro was like $1.

    On the days I don't have time to work out seperate from regular life, I use that app. you'll find that walking around the store for 45 will burn like 15 calories. lol. b/c usually you do not walk very fast while shopping. i know that if i want to count my regular activities as "exercise" that I need to really make it count. Say I take the kids to the park, I walk around carrying the baby the whole time they play. I use the pedometer app, too.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I think if you are set at 1200 and you are just starting that may be too low. I eat about 1500 calories a day. Add exercise daily in some way shape or form and try that. You can always lower your calories if you don't see results. If you are just starting though, 1500 should allow you to lose weight and not feel too hungry. When I first started, I logged my food to see how much I was eating first and then I adjusted from there. At that time, I could eat 1700 calories a day and lose easily. Don't give up, you may have to mess around with things a bit to see what works best for you.
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Teachers and people with low energy standing jobs do get extra credit for standing around all day. If you're a desk jockey and your normal day is on your duff, walking around (even slowly) and shopping takes more energy. I'm not sure how much, which is why I have a FitBit, but there definitely must be a difference no?
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    So...unless the answer is "yes! It burns calories!! Eat back all your exercise calories!!" people are not being helpful? Adhering to those delusions is not going to be helpful, but it's your weight loss journey. Just don't come crying when you're not losing weight and can't figure out why.
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    Wandering around shopping is not exercise. Your heart rate isn't significantly raised and you aren't burning much more than just standing. If you want to log exercise then do some exercise. Searching for extra calories to eat won't aid your weight loss.

    This! Just because you would like to log some exercise, doesn't mean you should. I shopped yesterday for 3 hours and only got about 2500 steps. I certainly didn't log it. The best thing to do is make sure you have not set your calories too low, and that you measure and log everything. Weight loss is mostly about diet.
    If your sedentary and go shopping with someone that is constantly running, your heart rate is up. I did this with my daughter-in-law and we covered a large mall in under an hour. There were some stops but not many. I counted it as exercise. If I'm just going to the grocery for normal stuff that's not eercise.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

    ... If you use the [ quote] [ /quote] tags or click the 'quote' button on the post you're responding to the text will appear to accompany your comments.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    For myself and the others who simply put they didn't log it..weren't being rude. We were just giving a reason why you "may" not want to log it. But like I said, if you want to log it..then that is great and it is always good to get activity in.

    I think some were saying that it may not want to be logged, so you won't stall out later on. Since it could cause over calculating on calories burned and eating back those calories.
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

    ... If you use the [ quote] [ /quote] tags or click the 'quote' button on the post you're responding to the text will appear to accompany your comments.

    Like this? lol. Thanks
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

    ... If you use the [ quote] [ /quote] tags or click the 'quote' button on the post you're responding to the text will appear to accompany your comments.

    Like this? lol. Thanks

    Yep, it makes things make sense....usually.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have no idea who or what you are responding too most of this thread but if 1200 is your budget you've probably set too aggressive of a goal. Back it off to 1 pound a week and allow yourself some food. You shouldn't be aiming for the 2 lb/week goal unless you have 100 lbs or more to lose. You may actually lose more the first few weeks and you won't have to be hungry all the time!
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    For myself and the others who simply put they didn't log it..weren't being rude. We were just giving a reason why you "may" not want to log it. But like I said, if you want to log it..then that is great and it is always good to get activity in.

    I think some were saying that it may not want to be logged, so you won't stall out later on. Since it could cause over calculating on calories burned and eating back those calories.

    No, if you read through some of those posts, they were awful. I respect all of you who said not to log it and why. It was the comments like " log it so you can eat back the calories.." things like that, that bothered me. Especially since I had plainly stated that I'm not familiar with this site. I'm not into drama and such, really. I'm not one of those people who thrives on that. I just wanted to be a part of a helpful community. Someone recommended this site to me and I must say that I'm NOT impressed.
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

    Lord...walked in on a cat fight
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    I have no idea who or what you are responding too most of this thread but if 1200 is your budget you've probably set too aggressive of a goal. Back it off to 1 pound a week and allow yourself some food. You shouldn't be aiming for the 2 lb/week goal unless you have 100 lbs or more to lose. You may actually lose more the first few weeks and you won't have to be hungry all the time!

    Okay, I'll do that. Even I knew 1200 was too low and I'm just beginning to learn how to eat.
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

    Lord...walked in on a cat fight

    Sorry - I got attacked and judged on my first day here .. All I did was ask a question. As it turns out though, lots of people came to my defense. It was only a rotten few.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    I disagree with those who are saying not to log your walk while shopping. If your not sitting on your keester and your moving around it's activity. When I go shopping I'm on my feet, moving almost constantly for (usually) over 2 hours. I always park as far away from the building as possible and count that too.

    Oh, and I don't eat more than a few extra activity cal.s back. That is not why I log them. I log them so I can appreciate the fact that I'm changing my habits/lifestyle and feel good about not vegetating anymore.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Hey, you know what? Bite me.

    That was not my intention at all..It didn't even dawn on me as a matter of fact.

    Guess you're the guilty one. Quit being so condescending and judgmental. Mind your own Fng business and if you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

    Lord...walked in on a cat fight

    Sorry - I got attacked and judged on my first day here .. All I did was ask a question. As it turns out though, lots of people came to my defense. It was only a rotten few.

    Oh please. You were not attacked. Relax. Your question received the answers that it deserved (at least, the non-coddling ones...) Furthermore, I looked at your profile - this is NOT your first day here...
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    I have no idea who or what you are responding too most of this thread but if 1200 is your budget you've probably set too aggressive of a goal. Back it off to 1 pound a week and allow yourself some food. You shouldn't be aiming for the 2 lb/week goal unless you have 100 lbs or more to lose. You may actually lose more the first few weeks and you won't have to be hungry all the time!

    This is very helpful to me! I started about a month or so ago at 1200 and I'm starving most days! I set out to make a lifestyle change and then got in a hurry. But I can't keep this 1200 calorie thing up! Esp since I'm working out for an hour or more 5 days a week. I like the idea of eating just a little more, and not messing with putting in things like shopping and sex just to try to get to eat as much as a person in a coma needs!
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    You know, my biggest issue with the "if you did it while getting fat, don't count it now" is that you weren't actively tracking calories in while getting fat, were you? This is part of the reason I love my fitbit. I'm set at highly active, and most days, even rest days, I wind up with at least a modest adjustment from my fitbit - I regularly clock 10+ miles a day. Set your activity level honestly, and log what goes over and above it (or go the easy route and get a fitbit or something similar).

    I agree completely. I also wear my FitBit, and let it adjust my calories accordingly (positive OR negative some days!) It means I don't need to worry about logging shopping or any other mundane chore, but if I do shop for 8 hours and walk 5 miles doing it, I'll earn some extra. YES, I shopped before I started losing weight, but I didn't eat only 1500 calories a day, either. A lot of new people set it to sedentary and try to stick to 1200 calories a day. If they were eating 3000 a day before MFP, and now they are not, they will most likely still lose weight, even if they eat 124 extra calories from 'slow mall walking'.
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