How did I get to this?

Has anyone woken up and said “how did I really get to this?” Ever since I stood on the scale I can’t help but to think how fast I gained my weight. I’m now at my highest 273 lbs and I feel horrible about it. I want to be able to walk and not gasp for air, walk up stairs and be ok, jog, little things like get out the bed without feeling pain. I joined this app so hopefully I can get some friends for support. I’ve tried several times to lose weight and fell off. I want to be healthy and love the way I look. I just feel so fat and unattractive. My clothes don’t fit me. I don’t want to be sad about this but I can’t help to get in my moments.


  • diahannepatterson
    diahannepatterson Posts: 5 Member

    I am with you, but I know we got this...YOU got this. I am cheering for you.
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member

    aeloine wrote: »
    I started at 267 and I FEEL YOU. But YOU CAN DO IT! I'm down almost 50 lbs in a year and I took it slow, eat pasta every day, and can not only walk but I can jog for MILES. But you have to be realistic, set achievable goals, and not give up!

    1 pound a week is all it takes!

    That’s awesome. I could never run. I hope I can get to that milestone. Congrats on your weight loss. I can’t wait to have that too!
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member

    I am with you, but I know we got this...YOU got this. I am cheering for you.

    Thank you so much! I need all the help I can get :)
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    absolutely - i was able to lose 30+ pounds for the better part of last year. then, thanksgiving basically triggered a 2+ month long binge and i gained over 20 pounds. i stepped into 2018, the year i'm getting married, a lot further from my goal and it was all my own doing. i spent my fair share of beating myself up but all we can do is learn and do better next time. i'm slowly shedding my all-or-nothing, perfectionist mentality but it's hard, even painful at times. just try and break your goals into small chunks and savor those victories as you reach them. everyone is different, but as i see or feel progress (getting stronger), i get even more motivated to keep going.

    but just remember, this journey isn't linear. there will be ups and downs but as long as you are doing your best, that's all you can ask of yourself. you got this!

    I don’t even want to think about thanksgiving ughh my favorite holiday! I could only imagine. Last 2 months I have had 3 people in the hospital and one diagnosed with cancer so I think that’s what started my 2018 to gain weight. But I don’t want to be like this forever. I want to take control of this before it continues to get out of hand :( I have a perfectionist attitude as well so this will be difficult.
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    absolutely - i was able to lose 30+ pounds for the better part of last year. then, thanksgiving basically triggered a 2+ month long binge and i gained over 20 pounds. i stepped into 2018, the year i'm getting married, a lot further from my goal and it was all my own doing. i spent my fair share of beating myself up but all we can do is learn and do better next time. i'm slowly shedding my all-or-nothing, perfectionist mentality but it's hard, even painful at times. just try and break your goals into small chunks and savor those victories as you reach them. everyone is different, but as i see or feel progress (getting stronger), i get even more motivated to keep going.

    but just remember, this journey isn't linear. there will be ups and downs but as long as you are doing your best, that's all you can ask of yourself. you got this!

    I don’t even want to think about thanksgiving ughh my favorite holiday! I could only imagine. Last 2 months I have had 3 people in the hospital and one diagnosed with cancer so I think that’s what started my 2018 to gain weight. But I don’t want to be like this forever. I want to take control of this before it continues to get out of hand :( I have a perfectionist attitude as well so this will be difficult.

    haha mine too! i'm so sorry to hear about what you've gone through and stresses like that are common when it comes to people to turning to food to help cope and such. what you need to recognize is that you are aware and clearly can and want to take control. that can be half of the battle! there's so much your body is capable of achieving and as you uncover that in your own ways, let that help fire the fuel to keep you on the journey you want to be on!
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    absolutely - i was able to lose 30+ pounds for the better part of last year. then, thanksgiving basically triggered a 2+ month long binge and i gained over 20 pounds. i stepped into 2018, the year i'm getting married, a lot further from my goal and it was all my own doing. i spent my fair share of beating myself up but all we can do is learn and do better next time. i'm slowly shedding my all-or-nothing, perfectionist mentality but it's hard, even painful at times. just try and break your goals into small chunks and savor those victories as you reach them. everyone is different, but as i see or feel progress (getting stronger), i get even more motivated to keep going.

    but just remember, this journey isn't linear. there will be ups and downs but as long as you are doing your best, that's all you can ask of yourself. you got this!

    I don’t even want to think about thanksgiving ughh my favorite holiday! I could only imagine. Last 2 months I have had 3 people in the hospital and one diagnosed with cancer so I think that’s what started my 2018 to gain weight. But I don’t want to be like this forever. I want to take control of this before it continues to get out of hand :( I have a perfectionist attitude as well so this will be difficult.

    haha mine too! i'm so sorry to hear about what you've gone through and stresses like that are common when it comes to people to turning to food to help cope and such. what you need to recognize is that you are aware and clearly can and want to take control. that can be half of the battle! there's so much your body is capable of achieving and as you uncover that in your own ways, let that help fire the fuel to keep you on the journey you want to be on!

    Thank you! That’s why I joined this group to have some support. I feel like we all are trying different techniques and I hope this one for logging food will help me. My body is sore but I know I need to work out today
  • PrettyandFocused
    PrettyandFocused Posts: 23 Member
    Has anyone woken up and said “how did I really get to this?” Ever since I stood on the scale I can’t help but to think how fast I gained my weight. I’m now at my highest 273 lbs and I feel horrible about it. I want to be able to walk and not gasp for air, walk up stairs and be ok, jog, little things like get out the bed without feeling pain. I joined this app so hopefully I can get some friends for support. I’ve tried several times to lose weight and fell off. I want to be healthy and love the way I look. I just feel so fat and unattractive. My clothes don’t fit me. I don’t want to be sad about this but I can’t help to get in my moments.

    How did I get here is me, almost daily. I have always struggled with my weight but I never thought I would be this big. Now I tell myself to search and enjoy daily victories. Weigh myself every six weeks. My daily victories are calorie and fitness goals being achieved. We all can be winners.
  • jfoster052185
    jfoster052185 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Jessie - Everything you said. I am right there too. I stepped on the scale over the weekend and was just stunned. I knew I was heavy but DAMN 330. My highest. I’ve lost and gained 50 lbs a couple times. This time I’m focusing first on my eating and being 100% honest tracking the good and the bad. In one week I understand more how those candies, chips, beloved Portillos and a whole bunch of other crap got me here. I just re-joined and am reading the community boards for the first time learning as much as I can. Feel free to add me I could also use supportive people trying to get to the same place.
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Jessie - Everything you said. I am right there too. I stepped on the scale over the weekend and was just stunned. I knew I was heavy but DAMN 330. My highest. I’ve lost and gained 50 lbs a couple times. This time I’m focusing first on my eating and being 100% honest tracking the good and the bad. In one week I understand more how those candies, chips, beloved Portillos and a whole bunch of other crap got me here. I just re-joined and am reading the community boards for the first time learning as much as I can. Feel free to add me I could also use supportive people trying to get to the same place.

    It is really hard and I understand you too. I am just really trying to fix my eating and log. Last night I didn’t log my dinner and felt like crap, even though I didn’t overdo it. I’m here only s couple of days. Thanks I added you as a friend and I hope we make this through
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    mij140 wrote: »
    Take it one day at a time. You CAN do this. I was 227 and I got down to 133. 94 lbs in 9 months. Best of luck to you.

    That is awesome wow! Congrats on your weight loss! I can do this is right!
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    beachme14 wrote: »
    You CAN do this! Please drop the perfectionist thinking. You are human and there will be ups and downs (downs even when you have been spot on with your eating and exercise). There are going to be times you feel like giving up... but when you continue to keep at it... that’s when you win!

    It is hard because I want to see some change and I don’t want to go on the scale and it tells me otherwise
  • cwlong2
    cwlong2 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started using this website in February when I stood on the scale at my highest weight of 244. I was shocked. Just like you, I was like “How did I get here?” It can seem overwhelming, but I just tried to focus on one day at a time. Just enter today’s info. Then enter tomorrow’s. Now less than a month later, I hit my first ten pound loss. My BMI just went from extreme obese to obese. It’s a small win, but a win nonetheless. My first long term goal is to have my BMI be in the middle of the obese category, and then I’ll focus on getting to the overweight BMI. “Every great journey begins with a single small step.” You can do it. Think just about what you can do for yourself today.
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    dredzone71 wrote: »
    I just hit 303 at the doctor's office and broke down into tears right there in the office. I clearly remember being healthy, and it doesn't feel that far away, but actually, it was over 25 years ago. It's crazy! You don't even notice at first and then it's; 'it's not that bad, I'll just lose it after the....(holidays, baby, school -insert whatever here-)...and then you're looking at over 100 pounds to lose and it can feel impossible. So, I know how you feel. I've started this process a few times before, but now my doctor is getting concerned. To put it simply - I don't want to die.

    Also, everywhere I go these days that is going to require more than a 50-foot walk, I have to use walkers and scooters because my sciatica and fibromyalgia explode in pain under my weight. I'm only 46!!! So, here we go again. I hope I can also find friends to help me through this, and who I can be supportive of, too! Good luck to you. And feel free to reach out.

    Thank you. I completely understand. I sent a request. The weekend seems to be hard because I am not at work at busy. I try to not focus on my downtime but it gets tricky. I’m trying to keep it together!
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    I feel you. My highest was the 252 that put me back on here this time. I'm down to 225 since Sept. Its been quite slow but feels manageable and I have been working out. Still have some bad days but more healthy than bad and I've turned it into a habit. Just to let you know we've all been there and as long as you are ready then nothing can stand in your way. Sorry about your stresses also
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    cwlong2 wrote: »
    I just started using this website in February when I stood on the scale at my highest weight of 244. I was shocked. Just like you, I was like “How did I get here?” It can seem overwhelming, but I just tried to focus on one day at a time. Just enter today’s info. Then enter tomorrow’s. Now less than a month later, I hit my first ten pound loss. My BMI just went from extreme obese to obese. It’s a small win, but a win nonetheless. My first long term goal is to have my BMI be in the middle of the obese category, and then I’ll focus on getting to the overweight BMI. “Every great journey begins with a single small step.” You can do it. Think just about what you can do for yourself today.

    That’s awesome. I can’t wait to get there! Congrats to you!
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    I feel you. My highest was the 252 that put me back on here this time. I'm down to 225 since Sept. Its been quite slow but feels manageable and I have been working out. Still have some bad days but more healthy than bad and I've turned it into a habit. Just to let you know we've all been there and as long as you are ready then nothing can stand in your way. Sorry about your stresses also

    Thanks! I like the app and im hoping for the best with this process.