What's Your Preferred Workout(s)?



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Basically take CrossFit and add even more stuff to it.
    I like to lift, do calisthenics, use sandbags, kettlebells, trail run and do actual CrossFit.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I enjoy brisk walking, calisthenics, using resistance bands/TRX, fitness DVD's/Youtube workouts, weights, Pilates and barre.

    I also ice skate, play tennis and volleyball.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Well, since my sport requires a wide variety of fitness "areas" my training is relatively diverse as well. As for things I enjoy, I love doing martial arts.

    My current training plan, however breaks down like this:
    Weeks 1 and 3:
    -M/W/F 30 min cardio followed by 90 minutes of strength training
    -T/R 15 min cardio followed by a 90 minute "muscle endurance" routine (similar programs would be something like P90X or some boot camp classes).

    Weeks 2 and 4:
    -M/W/F 15 min cardio warm up followed by ~105 min CrossFit inspired strength routine
    -T/R 15 min cardio warm up followed by ~105 min CrossFit inspired cardio workout

    Week 5 is my "deload" week where I do truncated versions of my regular workouts and 1-2 longer steady state cardio workouts instead. This is my "do what I feel like" week.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited March 2018
    Rowing (erging for now, hope to do OTW in my "retirement"), Air Bike (Assault style) and heavy kettlebells. Add in a few hundred pushups and military presses and call it a day.

    Used to LOVE running trails too (my favorite all time) until chronic runner's knee stopped me from running. Oh well, turns out I'm a far better rower than runner any way but I do miss it.
  • mikhnpaitsmum
    mikhnpaitsmum Posts: 119 Member
    Right now its snowboarding. Just started...broke my wrist second day so had to wait eight weeks to start again. Im the slowest one out there but i am doing it.
    Not sure what i will do when the hill closes for the season... probably c25k.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Ideally? A daily 2-hour walk. Or 2 hours of walking, broken up into several shorter walks. But sometimes, time and weather don't permit, so I use the glider in my basement for 70 minutes.

    Three times a week, I strength train using exercise I got from a book, though in many cases I'm using heavier dumbbells than specified, since the book in question tops out at 12lb dumbbells for most exercises. I just started phasing in 20lbs for seated lat rows on stability ball (my first 2 sets are 12 reps@17.5, my last is 8 reps@20). Mostly dumbbells, one exercise uses ankle weights, a couple use a medicine ball, a bunch use a stability ball, and there's some body-weight involved too.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Lifting by far. I really like a 4-day split (upper intensity, lower intensity, upper volume, lower volume).

    I hate cardio with a passion but do it 2-3days a week now. I think pushing prowler is favorite followed by Tabata timed bodyweight style (20s work 10s rest for 8 rounds).