one week today - disappointed!!



  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member

    i have entered my height and weight on there with little exercise and it gives me a TDEE of 2068 - i'm confused!!

    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the amount of calories you should eat if you want to maintain your current weight. You need to eat less than that to lose - 500 less to lose approx. 1lb/week, 750 less to lose approx. 1.5 lb/week. When you only have 30 to lose the best recommendation is to set your sights on 1lb a week or less, this is the most sustainable and sets you up for the lowest risk of disappointment. 2lb a week when you've only got 30 to lose is not very practical or feasible. So if I were in your shoes I'd be setting my calorie goal somewhere between 1318 and 1568 a day. Closer to 1568.

    Also - this is important - with TDEE method you DO NOT eat back your exercise calories.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    where am i going wrong?

    The only thing wrong is your expectations. And your calories are probably too low.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,021 Member
    yep - the rocket may help .....

    i also have a condition called diabetes insipidus where my body does not retain water (caused by a pituitary tumor) so i have to take medication for this. it difficult for me to get dehydration - hydration - waterlogged balance at all times and i suppose weighing myself in a morning is not a great idea as i have to take more medication before bed to prevent myself having to get up to use the bathroom every 10 minutes. my rings are always tight when i wake so i suppose i retain water easily.

    i'll take some measurements too so i can compare those.

    (i'm 5' 8 btw)

    Water fluctuations can really throw you off. My weight last week on my official weigh in day was 123.2. Last night I had Chinese food, and this morning the scale says 125.8. Did I gain 2 1/2 lbs of fat? No. It's just water retention and possibly food still in my digestive track. Weight can fluctuate +/- 5 lbs.

    can water fluctuate by that much weight?!! no wonder i feel huge some mornings and much trimmer later in the day.

    I can retain up to 2kg (4.5lbs) in a day, just from having a salty day the day before. I've learnt to pick the symptoms, though and can tell I'm retaining so I don't freak out.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Things can get lost easily here, especially if you post around this time of day when most of the Americans are still sleeping (especially on a Sunday). I'm about to get back in bed myself.

    Anyway if you post your stats here someone will help you figure your numbers. Have you used the IIFYM calculator?

    This calculator was really clear. Thanks!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Portion size was a really big thing for me. What I though was a portion compared to what an actual portion is, was vastly different. I was basically eating double what I should. Plus 1200 is a bit low and hard to stick to. Don't go overboard, your body will react and go into starve mode. Plus If you are eating very restricted calories you absolutely must eat good calories. Really lay off all things sugary and things like white bread, rice, pasta, these things have no nutritional value, spike your blood sugar and you get hungry much more quickly. Eat a good breakfast, protein, like eggs keep you fuller longer. And heaps of veggies for dinner, not too much sauce. I used to think my diet was a bit bland but now I have cut out all the crap I used to eat, my "real" food, is actually really tasty.
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    thank you, very helpful and encouraging.

    i'm also a vegetarian - an a carb addict. well, i USED to be a carb addict. as from last week, carbs are now just a part of my way of eating.

    i actually want to lose 43lb though, not 30 - or is 43 too much for my height and age? i think i long for the body i had before chronic fatigue hit after my accident where i was a working, busy mom who enjoyed going to the gym too.

    many life changes to contend with but being overweight was not something i have had to worry about before. my weigh stayed around 147 lb and a uk dress size 12.

    what a difference being unable to exercise makes. i should have tailored my eating habits before now to accommodate. hindsight eh...........
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member

    i have entered my height and weight on there with little exercise and it gives me a TDEE of 2068 - i'm confused!!

    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the amount of calories you should eat if you want to maintain your current weight. You need to eat less than that to lose - 500 less to lose approx. 1lb/week, 750 less to lose approx. 1.5 lb/week. When you only have 30 to lose the best recommendation is to set your sights on 1lb a week or less, this is the most sustainable and sets you up for the lowest risk of disappointment. 2lb a week when you've only got 30 to lose is not very practical or feasible. So if I were in your shoes I'd be setting my calorie goal somewhere between 1318 and 1568 a day. Closer to 1568.

    Also - this is important - with TDEE method you DO NOT eat back your exercise calories.

    thank you for explaining this to me :)

    at least that 1 lb is a step closer to losing 43 lb overall :)
  • You didn't gain it in a week, you won't lose it in a week. This is a long, slow process, which is the only way it's sustainable.

    There are no magical "weight gain foods" and there are certainly no "weight loss foods." There are only calories, and if you burn more than you consume, you will lose.

    As for me, I'm roughly your age, and lost 30lb over an 8 month timeframe. It was difficult in the first few weeks or so. Now, I'm on maintenance, and it's just habit, so it's much easier.

    Hang in there. Give it time, and consistent effort, and you will see results.