

  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    amfmmama wrote: »
    If you are venturing out to the web to meet someone, you MUST have a sense of humor. I always knew that if I did not meet Prince Charming, at least I would have a good story to tell my friends at lunch !

    My "friend" just dipped her toes into that cesspool and in the past two weeks she is horrified at some of the profiles! And this is on a paid site, she thought the pickin's might be better that way. They are not.

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I don't know. Make sure you're the crazy one? Me giving dating advice is like Stevie Wonder giving Ray Charles driving directions.

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I wouldn't give advice. People don't want advice. They want people to agree with them.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I would say settle in for the long haul with a couple of cats

    You just described my dream date.
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    Decide up front how much time and effort you want to put into cyber stalking someone before you're comfortable meeting them. Personally, I don't bother. It gives me plausible deniability when their wife contacts me.
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    It sucks, don't do it. Focus on yourself and if someone is interested, they'll come to you.
    Also make them watch Craigslist Killers
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Don't shave till thhe 5th date

  • gabrielle2019
    gabrielle2019 Posts: 24 Member
    Don’t settle!!
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    Practice safe sex.

    I always wear my shoulder pads
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    Practice safe sex.

    I always wear my shoulder pads

    I should have said something about whips.

    Hindsight's 20/20
  • Brown_Eyed_Squirrel
    Brown_Eyed_Squirrel Posts: 79 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I'm not saying you should do this, but if it were me, I'd start a Chit Chat thread entitled: I'm Looking For a Boyfriend Here. Serious Inquiries Only.

    In the body of the thread post your age, measurements, general location (not specific), height and weight. Post your photo posed and dressed modestly.

    Right off the bat, in the first public message of the thread say what you WON'T do i.e. won't lie down with you until I get a ring and a wedding date, won't text more than 5x a day, won't skip church to get drunk at brunch with you, won't do any naked Skyping, won't like it if you keep your phone locked and you're always on it, won't give away any of my 7 cats, won't like it if you tell me the day before the wedding you have three kids from 3 different ladies I never knew about, etc.

    Before you PM or kik or instagram or snapchat or facebook ask the qualifying questions on the open thread for all the Chit Chatters to see and opine on.

    I.e. Do you still live with your mother, have you ever had a blister that appeared below the waist and above the knees, do you wear black nail polish and eye liner like men do in Los Angeles, have you ever had a restraining order taken out on you, did you ever accidently go to a gay bar and feel stunned and shocked but then went back because they had a piano sing along and you thought it was fun after all, do you watch reality TV and if so which shows, have you ever read a book made of paper in your free time and school doesn't count, what is the last grade you completed, did you ever win a trophy for a game or contest you lost, if we get married can we have separate beds but still be intimate occasionally on my schedule, list all your current and former prescribed medications for temporary and chronic conditions, list all your tattoos, where on the body they are located and what the significance is for each, same with piercings, etc.

    Focusing right in and cutting to the chase in matters of dating and relating takes a lot of the stress and mystique out of it. Plus I've heard there are a lot of single men here from all over the world.

    I just had my heartbroken by my best friend that I met on mfp 5 years ago and dated for 2 years. I think I'm going to skip flirting with anyone on mfp that might take me seriously from now on. LOL