What's the most disgusting food you've tried so far on your journey to a healthier you?



  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Salad. I thought someone tried to poison me. Steak for life.
  • alicefayew94
    alicefayew94 Posts: 7 Member
    Coconut water, I'll just do without the electrolytes thanks lol
  • katgoree
    katgoree Posts: 9 Member
    Kale. Absolutely disgusting!
  • deonbfit
    deonbfit Posts: 75 Member
    Natto aka fermented soybeans. I don't recommend it. EVER!
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    Kombucha is awful though I haven't had it recently. It was so acidic, though, that I thought the enamel would fall right off my teeth then and there.

    There are these protein chips called Protes that keep showing up in fitness subscription boxes. They are made from pea protein and most of them taste like spackle with a dusting of flavor. (Formerly called Pro-tings but it's the same company and the product seems identical.)

    I had something else from a food subscription box that I didn't like at all. Resync Recovery Blend in passion fruit. I only put a little in a smoothie with a lot of other ingredients but it totally overwhelmed the flavor and I kept tasting it for hours.

    Any beverages that are primarily coconut water. I like coconut, but I have found I just do not like coconut water.

    Soylent. That stuff is vile.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I tried the Mean Green juice as seen on the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead doc. The first time I made it exactly as written and it was so strong with the lemon I couldn’t drink it. The next time I made it I toned down the lemon, less kale, added an orange. At first I was like, ok, I guess this isn’t...bad? But then I was suddenly overcome and felt like throwing up. That was the end of my foray into juicing. Now I just stick with one freshly juiced orange every morning and eat my veggies raw! I also once tried this soy chicken filet thing was was so revolting!
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    found a new one today:ground turkey yuck! Smells weird,looks weird,tastes weird but I think if you hid it in tacos or maybe spaghetti it might work but on its own no
  • genchiyu
    genchiyu Posts: 244 Member
    Anything not salted enough and too bland for my taste.
    Watching my sodium intake and I'm well under my goal!
    Quinoa with mushrooms carrots and broccoli are bleh :p:s
  • tomasart
    tomasart Posts: 306 Member
    Spirulina powder and an attempt a turmeric tea.....I leave the turmeric for my curry night treats thank you very much

    Both of these!

    I also really don't like the tofu-based lunch meat, whatever it is called...and I don't like seitan even though I'm sure the way my husband seasoned & prepared it was like "best case scenario" it's just not for me! I'm not vegan or vegetarian so this isn't a problem, but I've liked about 80% of the meat substitutes he's introduced to me and hated 20% of them.

    Nothing like good lean meat. I agree! B)