Really 949 exercise points for walking?

HI I am new here unless you count 10+ yrs ago when I did Atkins. I recently got a fit bit and have it sync'd with MFP. I have MFP to loose 2 lbs a week and a sedentary lifestyle. I have a high bmi as to why the 2lbs a week. Today I walked 2 sets of half an hour each. Plus I get up every hour from 8 to 5 to get my 250 steps in plus whenever else I get up from my desk. so 11375 steps today, which is a lot for me. Anyhow this had added 958 calories to my goal today. Doesn't that seem excessive? I have read you should eat your exercise points but that means I need an almost 1500 calorie dinner which isn't going to happen. I do Naturally Slim so I eat till I am full and that will be way before 1500. Any thoughts if this is an excessive amount of exercise calories for just walking?




  • leahdp68
    leahdp68 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks. I started in Jan and lost 20lbs fairly easy, plateued then lost 5 more and I am stalled again. I got the Fitbit in mid February. I am not supposed to count calories with Naturally Slim but track what you eat. I think I am analyzing everything because of the stall. I think because I am heavy my Fitbit thinks I am getting a really good workout when I am really just walking.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    I routinely get 15K -17K daily with my fitbit, but never get that kind of calorie burn.
    Maybe it will get better with long term use. I have had a fitbit for 5 years.
  • leahdp68
    leahdp68 Posts: 14 Member
    Well I guess I choose sedentary because I have an office desk job and that was the description for sedentary. I imagine in the beginning I was sedentary and on the weekends I may still be but during the week with the help of my fitbit I have been pushing myself. My husband got double the steps what I did today and that would be what I call very active. I am worried about bumping my activity level up because on the weekends sometimes I am lucky to hit 5000 steps. I will try the next step up and see what it does then. Thanks for your help
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    However, if you're stalled... do review your log.

    A very high percentage of stalled people tend to miss days, or part days, or not record drinks, or give up half way through the day, or just pick something from the database that sounds appropriate, and/or are making enough small errors that taken together add up to a good degree of under-estimation.

    Also review your deficit. I would not aim for more than a 25% deficit if obese and a more than 20% deficit if overweight or normal weight. This means that if your Fitbit says that your TDEE is 3000 Cal a day and you have, for arguments sake, sufficient energy reserves to be correctly classified as obese, then your daily deficit should top out at 750 Cal a day, accurately counted.

    A smaller deficit correctly and consistently applied will often give better results over time due to increased compliance...
  • leahdp68
    leahdp68 Posts: 14 Member
    The only drink I tend to not put in is my cup 2 cups of oj that I add to my water thru out the day. That is 1 to 2 cups a day total. It is part of the Naturally Slim program. I usually scan my food in or make a recipe so I think it is fairly accurate. I increased my activity level to slightly active. I am obese and with the exercise factored in for my food today which was more than I typically eat I am still 858 below my calorie level and that is with MFP figuring a 2lb a week deficit already. I don't feel deprived because I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am satisfied and on the program i can eat the foods I want but try to make healthy choices. lower sugar etc. What deficit is 2lbs a week?
  • leahdp68
    leahdp68 Posts: 14 Member
    and I did add my oj today and will from now on
  • anewell28
    anewell28 Posts: 79 Member
    Today I got almost 17,000 steps and MFP/Fitbit adjustment was +950 calories to give you an idea
  • leahdp68
    leahdp68 Posts: 14 Member
    ok thanks anewell28
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    @leahdp68 You've inspired me to walk more! :)
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    edited March 2018
    leahdp68 wrote: »
    What deficit is 2lbs a week?

    2 pounds a week = a deficit of 7,000 calories for that week
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How much do you weigh and how tall are you? That makes a big difference.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I am set to sedentary just because there are those kind of days and I'd rather know my baseline number every day and add to it, rather than eat less on slower days. My 11k steps today have given me about 350 extra calories, but I'm 5'1" and 179. At 225 it gave me more like 400-450 for that amount of steps. (It also takes into account how fast you're walking - in your fitbit app you can see the bar chart and how it changes color the more steps you get in a 15 minute period.)

    That said, I have lost 46 pounds relying on my fitbit and eating most (sometimes all) of the extra calories back. It is, hands down. the ONLY reason I've been able to lose weight. Before, I'd go "Okay, I'm sedentary" and then MFP would give me 1200 calories and then I would fail because it isn't enough food. When I'm at a 1# per week goal, it gives me closer to 1400 and I can earn another 300-400 if I get my walks in. That is a sustainable amount of food for me.

    (Right now I'm pushing toward a goal so I'm doing 1.5# a week, which I can't even do by food alone. MFP tells me 1200 calories a day will let me lose 1.1# per week, so I have to make up that 4/10 of a pound in uneaten exercise calories. Hopefully this will only be a month because I already miss food so much. :P)

    But, basically, what everyone has said. If your logging is accurate, eat half your fitbit calories back for a month and see if your weight loss is generally in line with what it should be. Adjust up or down from there.