Fasting a couple days a week???



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just for clarity, when people say you should try intermittent fasting (specifically the 5:2 diet) what they mean is that you would eat 500 calories two days per week, and maintenance on the other days. You're already eating at a deficit, so if you decrease calories on two days, you'll need to increase them the other days.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Nothing wrong with intermittent fasting. It's a pretty natural way to eat.

    OP hasnt been clear on what kind of fasting she is talking about.

    OP specifically said fasting 1-2 days a week. Pretty much the only way to do that is with short, intermittent fasting.

    There's also the "I'm just not going to eat at all a couple of days per week and not increase my calories on the other days to compensate" way to do it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yesterday, I didnt eat until dinner, then when I ate dinner I just dint feel so well. Its like I felt better not eating. Today I ate lunch and a snack and I feel off. Im thinking its what I ate. I was considering fasting as like a detox then starting again eating healthier foods. I feel like my muscles hurt after I eat. Neck, shoulders, back, stomach area. I was thinking of doing it maybe once a week if doesnt hurt anything.

    your body naturally detoxes, so you do not need to cleanse it...

    It sounds like you have a strange relationship with might want to get some help...
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    The only real reason I even started looking into it is because the passed few days I havent felt too good after eating ( it also doesnt help that I havent been eating particularly good food) I just thought fasting may help "cleanse" my body and help me to feel better. But then some are saying that fasting doesnt "cleanse" your body. Some of the posts clarified what a 5:2 is and I will read up on that and see if that might help. Maybe I have just been waiting to long to eat and thats why my stomach and muscles have been hurting. One of my friends brought up fasting, and said she fasts when her stomach acts up; she also said fasting helps "cleanse" your body. ( which was why I posted this because I thought she knew what she was talking about...?) In some articles Ive read, it says fasting is a way of cleansing your body but I am totally new to it. From what most of you are saying thats not really the case? Anyways like I said before the passed two days after I eat my stomach has been hurting and so have my muscles ( neck, back, shoulders, really weird and I was hoping fasting would help - friends advice but now its sounding like its a different issue and fasting is not the way to go...)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The only real reason I even started looking into it is because the passed few days I havent felt too good after eating ( it also doesnt help that I havent been eating particularly good food) I just thought fasting may help "cleanse" my body and help me to feel better. But then some are saying that fasting doesnt "cleanse" your body. Some of the posts clarified what a 5:2 is and I will read up on that and see if that might help. Maybe I have just been waiting to long to eat and thats why my stomach and muscles have been hurting. One of my friends brought up fasting, and said she fasts when her stomach acts up; she also said fasting helps "cleanse" your body. ( which was why I posted this because I thought she knew what she was talking about...?) In some articles Ive read, it says fasting is a way of cleansing your body but I am totally new to it. From what most of you are saying thats not really the case? Anyways like I said before the passed two days after I eat my stomach has been hurting and so have my muscles ( neck, back, shoulders, really weird and I was hoping fasting would help - friends advice but now its sounding like its a different issue and fasting is not the way to go...)

    Your liver and kidneys cleanse your body. You don't need any additional cleansing, and fasting is definitely not the way to go about it. Just start incorporating more veggies, protein, and water.