How to stop going over my calorie goal?

I've been on my weightloss journey for 5 weeks and have lost 5 pounds so far with the goal of losing 14 pounds all together.
My calorie goal is 1500 a day which I stay under when I've gone to the gym, but the last 3 days I've had nearly 2000 and today over 2000 as I didn't go to the gym. What should I do? Btw I keep snacking and that's what makes me go over. Should I buy healthier snacks and increase the amount I go to the gym? As I only go 2 days a week and exercise at home for 10 mins 2 days a week as my gym is really expensive. I was thinking of joining a cheaper gym so I can go to the gym 4-5 days a week.
And btw I keep snacking on biscuits and chocolate if that helps.
Thanks in advance.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Why are you snacking? Are you hungry? Bored? Stressed? Is it your TOM?

    This. If it's because you are hungry, try making your dairy calorie allowance a bit larger.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    You can change your goal to lose more slowly and get more calories. You don't have much to lose so this might be fine.
    You can work out more at home or at a gym. Maybe try to do a 30 minute workout more days a week. You can walk more. There are lots of free ways to increase your activity.
    You can eat lower calorie snacks that fit your goal better. If you are not getting enough protein, fats or vegetables/fruits then choosing snacks that also meet those needs might be more satisfying than biscuits or chocolate anyway.
    See what works for you.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,242 Member
    I prelog from the night before. I only eat what I've preloged. I don't snack.

    Occasionally I go over maintanance calories and by alot. It happens, it is normal and I just try not to do it too often.

  • annemsexton
    annemsexton Posts: 7 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Trying to out-exercise a snacking/chocolate/biscuit habit can be a big uphill battle. As others have stated, users and methods to "measure" calorie burn from exercise is often in-accurate (includes the MFP database).

    As far as hitting my calorie number, I find that pre-logging as much food as I can and staying as diligent as I can about the type of foods I have available for snacking helps tremendously. At some point you just have to keep yourself accountable. No one is ever going to be perfect but make an effort not to have two miss-steps in a row and continuously improve the time between those inevitable less-than-ideal food choices.

  • annemsexton
    annemsexton Posts: 7 Member
    No matter how much you workout you can’t put train a bad diet. You probably have to cut back on the snacking. Eat good quality protein fats and carbohydrates. Drink lots of water .
  • JorrunFulhelm
    JorrunFulhelm Posts: 42 Member
    Snacking can often happen when your meal time foods aren't lasting long enough or fueling your body properly. Take a good look at what you are eating for meal times too...might need to make a change there.
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    edited April 2018
    This sounds like the exact same thing im going through.
    Ive been on it for 6-7 weeks and have lost 6lbs but there were a couple of weeks where i went over calories and couldnt stop eating, due to this i nearly fell off the wagon but realised i was sick of stop/starting a diet so i carried on with what i was doing before, exercising everyday and logging foods, i didnt want to give up cus of all the hard work it took me to lose this weight- this week im aiming to lose 1lb so that will be half a stone- my target is 14lbs but anythin more than that will be amazing.
    U can do it just b positive and try and keep busy so u dont snack on these foods or dont buy them :) good luck
  • DarianJP
    DarianJP Posts: 95 Member
    I agree with a lot of other people on here but if you know you’re going to want to snack, save some room for snacking. I usually have a snack after dinner and make sure I’ve got calories for it, I prelog almost all of my food at the beginning of the week to keep me on track and might add a couple things here and there if I have the calories for it. It might seem excessive but it’s what works for me. I also keep like a 5lb bag of baby carrots in the fridge and I’ll eat a couple of those if I’m snacks.