Why dont celebrities eat bread?



  • AmandaDanceMore
    AmandaDanceMore Posts: 298 Member
    (Not a celebrity). I tend to limit the amount of bread (and other delicious baked goods love) purely because sometimes I get more bang for my calories by eating other things. I’m also currently trying to hit certain macros and trying to get bread to fit doesn’t work (I don’t plan to maintain this, and I suck at it anyway, but it’s an interesting experiment in mindfully choosing foods. Not just cramming in things because they fit my calories). Some celebs may feel the same. Often times actors are training (and eating) for certain roles and need to eat to cut, and it’s my understanding that bread doesn’t fit into that kinda thing. They may only eat like that for that role, but eat more carbs when the don’t have to look like superheroes. Or they’re caught up in woo like a lot of people are (one only has to look at Gwenneth Paltrow to know that celebs aren’t immune to woo).
  • mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12
    mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12 Posts: 204 Member
    I don’t know what celebrities are eating, but I try to avoid bread.

    I try not to have it in the house as I have zero self control where bread is concerned! I love it. If bread is in the cupboard I eat whole loaf, yum!

    If it’s not there I don’t want it and I don’t eat it. So I can totally understand the decision not to eat bread.

    Bread is the only food that I feel that way about.