Creepy dudes ruining workout



  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    edited April 2018
    It sounds like you are still getting mistaken for the/a prostitute and these men are curb crawling; that sounds harsh but I don't mean it offensively.

    I would be careful about listening to music whilst walking in this area and stay on the main "roads"/paths as much as possible.

    I think you're idea of talking to the cops is a good one. If you could find some other people to go with you it might carry more weight but you don't want to make it obvious as the characters in your neighbourhood sound unsavoury.
  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    quebot wrote: »
    It's right outside my neighborhood. If I turn left off my street, I'm mistaken for a prostitute. If I turn right, I get all the offers for a ride. My street is a circle, so both ends take you to the same main street. It's in Atlanta, so a bit different than New York. While on two mile walks, I'll only see 2 or 3 other pedestrians. I could drive and park to walk in a different part of town, and I do that sometimes, but occasionally I just want to squeeze a workout into the regular part of my day. Part of what I love about living in the city is having so many things in walking/ biking distance.

    Where in Atlanta do you live(if you don't want to say I understand)? I lived in Lilburn right outside of Atlanta for many years. I left there about 8 years ago.

    Walking distance to East Atlanta Village. (Near Little 5 Points)
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    quebot wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    quebot wrote: »
    It's right outside my neighborhood. If I turn left off my street, I'm mistaken for a prostitute. If I turn right, I get all the offers for a ride. My street is a circle, so both ends take you to the same main street. It's in Atlanta, so a bit different than New York. While on two mile walks, I'll only see 2 or 3 other pedestrians. I could drive and park to walk in a different part of town, and I do that sometimes, but occasionally I just want to squeeze a workout into the regular part of my day. Part of what I love about living in the city is having so many things in walking/ biking distance.

    Where in Atlanta do you live(if you don't want to say I understand)? I lived in Lilburn right outside of Atlanta for many years. I left there about 8 years ago.

    Walking distance to East Atlanta Village. (Near Little 5 Points)

    Little 5 Points is a great little neighborhood and a great destination for a walk. I hope you find a way to continue your walks. I love having a place to walk to. I have lived in DC, Seattle, Portland Or and now Austin and love the neighborhoods for walking. In DC, Seattle and Portland I had to walk through some unsavory parts to get to those neighborhoods but it was well worth it. I learned real fast not to walk when it was dark. Once in DC early in the morning while still dark I sat down for a break and within a minute some guy had joined me on the bench...close beside me. I think he had been following me. I showed no fear...told him I didn't need company and I walked off. After that I waited until daylight.