Feeling overwhelmed and depressed with my life at this point



  • mudknuckles
    mudknuckles Posts: 1,417 Member
    edited April 2018
    One quick point decent men care about you, not your appearance. There's a lot of "body beautifuls" on this site most of them fall on the shallow end of decency. Feel free to add me if talking to a stranger will help.
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    Just a shot in the dark. Have yourself checked for hypothyroidism. I had it and it caused me to have depression. The fluoride in our water system is causing this in a very, very lot of people. If you have it the doctors will but you on a thyroxine medication, which they did me and it wrecked havoc on my urinary tact system. Did stop my depression, but I couldn't handle what it was doing to me, not to mention it was not really solving the problem. Stopped the meds and began talking kelp and salt with iodine. Went organic and the best thing I ever did was got me a water filter system that got fluoride out of my water.
    Your body thinks the fluoride is what it needs and quits making what it really needs. Can't go into details, you will just have to research it to reach your own conclusions.

    Can you post this research? Where are you researching that says this and what proof can you provide to back up your theory?
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    I’m a mental health advocator & Peer Support Specialist for both NAMI & DBSA. If anyone needs someone to talk to about your mental health while stabilizing your physical health, add me & send me a message. I’m here to support any way I can.
  • Aka4320162018
    Aka4320162018 Posts: 15 Member
    Minga69 wrote: »
    Hello. I have a lot going on in my life and it is taking a toll on my mental well being. I am a teacher and a grad student. I love my career and studying to further my education. However, I feel so low. I am short on cash and I know that it is temporary but I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I am also dieting and have lost 35 pounds. I am not sure where these depressive feelings are coming from. I haven't felt this way since last year. Last year was very horrible for me and I thought maybe I overcame feeling this way
    but now the feelings are back.

    I decided to open myself up to dating again and I broke it off because I started feeling insecure and I felt as if the guy was just not ready to date. I am falling behind in graduate school and currently short on cash at the moment.

    Yesterday I cried for hours and only ate one meal. The feeling hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw a picture of myself on Facebook and I look to weigh a ton.

    I am never attractive enough to have decent men and I am always in unhealthy relationships.

    I am so sorry if I am rambling but I am an emotional wreck. I haven't spoken to or talk with anyone since yesterday. I am very sad

    You're not alone. Believe me. I'm there with you but things will get better.

  • Aka4320162018
    Aka4320162018 Posts: 15 Member
    Listen my friends, you are going to be ok, I like you an going through a rough patch in my life, but it will all work out in time, maybe not how we want but how it is supposed to be. Please contact me if you want to talk I am here for you, and maybe we can help each other.
  • mbgpackers
    mbgpackers Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I have a lot going on in my life and it is taking a toll on my mental well being. I am a teacher and a grad student. I love my career and studying to further my education. However, I feel so low. I am short on cash and I know that it is temporary but I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I am also dieting and have lost 35 pounds. I am not sure where these depressive feelings are coming from. I haven't felt this way since last year. Last year was very horrible for me and I thought maybe I overcame feeling this way
    but now the feelings are back.

    I decided to open myself up to dating again and I broke it off because I started feeling insecure and I felt as if the guy was just not ready to date. I am falling behind in graduate school and currently short on cash at the moment.

    Yesterday I cried for hours and only ate one meal. The feeling hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw a picture of myself on Facebook and I look to weigh a ton.

    I am never attractive enough to have decent men and I am always in unhealthy relationships.

    I am so sorry if I am rambling but I am an emotional wreck. I haven't spoken to or talk with anyone since yesterday. I am very sad

  • mbgpackers
    mbgpackers Posts: 2 Member
    Keep hanging in there. I myself feel overwhelmed more and more lately but you gotta stay strong. Even in the darkest of times when there doesn’t seem there is a light at the end of the tunnel you must stay strong. Celebrate the little victories and don’t dwell on negative moments. Try to keep a positive mindset!