Switch to split training after training for over a year?

Hi all I’ve been researching a lot about training regimes and all lately and a lot of sources say it’s good to switch to split training once you’ve been lifting for about 2 years?
What’s all of your opinions on this?
Thanks all.


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    When you say split training, do you mean body part splits or an upper/lower , push/pull split vs. full body?
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    When you say split training, do you mean body part splits or an upper/lower , push/pull split vs. full body?

    Yeahh body part splits is what I meant.
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    edited April 2018
    They mean switching from full body, which you are already not doing anyway. Are you looking to change your program AGAIN?!

    ETA if you're talking about body part bro splits, that's usually best for people on juice.

    Noo im not gonna change my routine it’s just I’ve been learning a lot about lifting recently and upon reading this statement because I’ve been lifting for just over a year and a half I just wanted other people’s opinions on this. And yeah I’ve read alt that it’s mainly for people on juice too.
    I thought this PHAT plan was full body?
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    They mean switching from full body, which you are already not doing anyway. Are you looking to change your program AGAIN?!

    ETA if you're talking about body part bro splits, that's usually best for people on juice.

    That was my first thought. Didn't we just get it settled that he should stick with a program for at least acouple months..

    OP it's not your program that's slowing down your progress. It's you. Pick a program and trust it.

    Bro splits. 1x weekly. Work best for enhanced lifters. Trenbolone. Test ethanate, anadrol, anavar, straight test. If you're on juice. Give er. If you're not. You'll be doing nothing but hindering your progress in both size and strength.

    If you mean a P/P/L split. Yes those are good for naturals. As long as you control your volume. People tend to go far overboard doing PPLs thinking more is better.

    So once again. Start a program

    Noo I don’t want to switch workouts I’m enjoying PHAT I’m just learning more about lifting and that In general and wanted peoples opinions on this statement..what’s P/P/L split ?
    It’s just if there’s another programme or method I could be using that would benefit me more I would switch over but I’m happy with the PHAT workout at the moment.
  • Reed039
    Reed039 Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2018
    Low frequency traditional bro-splits are suboptimal for everyone, even geared lifters.

    More advanced lifters usually develop some sort of split organically based on their needs. For example, they figure out the frequency of squatting and deadlifting that works for them and then string the days together in a way that minimizing their impact on each other. If an advanced athlete's deadlift is outpacing their squat then they might prioritizing their squat by putting deadlifts after squats in their training. There are other considerations such as availability of equipment and free time that can also affect the microcycle's structure.

    The organization of one's microcycle makes far less of a difference than the organization of one's meso- and macro- cycles, in which there are many schools of thought.
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    They mean switching from full body, which you are already not doing anyway. Are you looking to change your program AGAIN?!

    ETA if you're talking about body part bro splits, that's usually best for people on juice.

    Noo im not gonna change my routine it’s just I’ve been learning a lot about lifting recently and upon reading this statement because I’ve been lifting for just over a year and a half I just wanted other people’s opinions on this. And yeah I’ve read alt that it’s mainly for people on juice too.
    I thought this PHAT plan was full body?

    No.... Programs like PHAT and PHUL are Upper/Lower splits that incorporate both strength (Power) and hypertrophy into the split. A PPL (Push, Pull, Legs) is a body part split where the split is based on pushing movements, pulling movements and legs. Usually ran twice a week for frequency or even 1x a week (M,W,F). A "bro split" is usually a split where only one body part is focused on per day. Arm day, chest day, back day, shoulder day, leg day, core ... etc. Each part is hit only once per week and although it can keep you in the gym every day it's not very optimal because of lack of frequency. Quite popular though for some reason. Full Body is your entire body in one workout including lower body. Usually done only 3 times a week and as you add intensity and advance it can be a lot to recover from - can also be a very long workout unless you don't add a lot of accessories.

    It's good you are reading, although it can be very confusing, I'm sure. There are so many opinions and articles on what you SHOULD be doing and you can always find something that makes you question if what you are doing is correct or that there might be a better way. Unfortunately, in the body building world and fitness industry in general everybody is trying to reinvent the wheel (or rename it and claim it their own) or sell you something. ;)

    This pretty much covers everything and more that I was going to answer.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    They mean switching from full body, which you are already not doing anyway. Are you looking to change your program AGAIN?!

    ETA if you're talking about body part bro splits, that's usually best for people on juice.

    That was my first thought. Didn't we just get it settled that he should stick with a program for at least acouple months..

    OP it's not your program that's slowing down your progress. It's you. Pick a program and trust it.

    Bro splits. 1x weekly. Work best for enhanced lifters. Trenbolone. Test ethanate, anadrol, anavar, straight test. If you're on juice. Give er. If you're not. You'll be doing nothing but hindering your progress in both size and strength.

    If you mean a P/P/L split. Yes those are good for naturals. As long as you control your volume. People tend to go far overboard doing PPLs thinking more is better.

    So once again. Start a program

    Noo I don’t want to switch workouts I’m enjoying PHAT I’m just learning more about lifting and that In general and wanted peoples opinions on this statement..what’s P/P/L split ?
    It’s just if there’s another programme or method I could be using that would benefit me more I would switch over but I’m happy with the PHAT workout at the moment.

    PHAT is a split.

    I also know a lot of advanced lifters that still do full body programming 3x per week. I think you're just reading a lot of bro stuff.

    This is great.. I'm not there yet but good to know I can keep going with full body workouts in the future
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @jessef593 think we got woo'd for mentioning juice?

    I hadn't even noticed! But yeah shame on us for mentioning a very real and abundant thing in the fitness industry. At almost any gym at any time you can walk in and see someone who's been having visits with uncle Tren. But people would rather be ignorant to it for some reason. I dunno man haha. I guess we should keep the facts to ourselves;)
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    They mean switching from full body, which you are already not doing anyway. Are you looking to change your program AGAIN?!

    ETA if you're talking about body part bro splits, that's usually best for people on juice.

    Noo im not gonna change my routine it’s just I’ve been learning a lot about lifting recently and upon reading this statement because I’ve been lifting for just over a year and a half I just wanted other people’s opinions on this. And yeah I’ve read alt that it’s mainly for people on juice too.
    I thought this PHAT plan was full body?

    No.... Programs like PHAT and PHUL are Upper/Lower splits that incorporate both strength (Power) and hypertrophy into the split. A PPL (Push, Pull, Legs) is a body part split where the split is based on pushing movements, pulling movements and legs. Usually ran twice a week for frequency or even 1x a week (M,W,F). A "bro split" is usually a split where only one body part is focused on per day. Arm day, chest day, back day, shoulder day, leg day, core ... etc. Each part is hit only once per week and although it can keep you in the gym every day it's not very optimal because of lack of frequency. Quite popular though for some reason. Full Body is your entire body in one workout including lower body. Usually done only 3 times a week and as you add intensity and advance it can be a lot to recover from - can also be a very long workout unless you don't add a lot of accessories.

    It's good you are reading, although it can be very confusing, I'm sure. There are so many opinions and articles on what you SHOULD be doing and you can always find something that makes you question if what you are doing is correct or that there might be a better way. Unfortunately, in the body building world and fitness industry in general everybody is trying to reinvent the wheel (or rename it and claim it their own) or sell you something. ;)

    Thanks for this, really insightful!

    Yeahh this is very true lol some say A is best some say B is best and it does get confusing but i just try to understand and take in the information and learn what I can from it.
    So in your opinion what’s more effective the upper lower split or the PPL?

    One thing about doing this PHAT routine is I find my inner upper chest is lagging behind a bit and not really growing as fast as every other muscle, do you have any advice that could help with this?
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for all the insightful feedback people!
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    edited April 2018
    kazane1 wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    They mean switching from full body, which you are already not doing anyway. Are you looking to change your program AGAIN?!

    ETA if you're talking about body part bro splits, that's usually best for people on juice.

    Noo im not gonna change my routine it’s just I’ve been learning a lot about lifting recently and upon reading this statement because I’ve been lifting for just over a year and a half I just wanted other people’s opinions on this. And yeah I’ve read alt that it’s mainly for people on juice too.
    I thought this PHAT plan was full body?

    No.... Programs like PHAT and PHUL are Upper/Lower splits that incorporate both strength (Power) and hypertrophy into the split. A PPL (Push, Pull, Legs) is a body part split where the split is based on pushing movements, pulling movements and legs. Usually ran twice a week for frequency or even 1x a week (M,W,F). A "bro split" is usually a split where only one body part is focused on per day. Arm day, chest day, back day, shoulder day, leg day, core ... etc. Each part is hit only once per week and although it can keep you in the gym every day it's not very optimal because of lack of frequency. Quite popular though for some reason. Full Body is your entire body in one workout including lower body. Usually done only 3 times a week and as you add intensity and advance it can be a lot to recover from - can also be a very long workout unless you don't add a lot of accessories.

    It's good you are reading, although it can be very confusing, I'm sure. There are so many opinions and articles on what you SHOULD be doing and you can always find something that makes you question if what you are doing is correct or that there might be a better way. Unfortunately, in the body building world and fitness industry in general everybody is trying to reinvent the wheel (or rename it and claim it their own) or sell you something. ;)

    Thanks for this, really insightful!

    Yeahh this is very true lol some say A is best some say B is best and it does get confusing but i just try to understand and take in the information and learn what I can from it.
    So in your opinion what’s more effective the upper lower split or the PPL?

    One thing about doing this PHAT routine is I find my inner upper chest is lagging behind a bit and not really growing as fast as every other muscle, do you have any advice that could help with this?

    I think they both have their place and can both be effective. You get out of them what you put into them. I honestly couldn't recommend one over the other although I used to run a PPL before I blew out a knee (unrelated to the PPL). I'm still waiting to see if I'm going to need a replacement so I haven't done legs for over a year now. I'm literally starting to look like that guy in the memes. I run a modified PHU(no L) and do two power days and one hypertrophy day.

    I agree with the above about the chest - it's largely genetic and based on insertion points. PHAT already incorporates incline work which is the only thing I'd suggest. However, it does take time and that upper inner chest area I think you are referring to often seems laggy and "thin" compared to other parts of the chest - partly because less fat accumulates there and the muscle is thinner in that area - which will often cause some ribs to show if you lack sufficient muscular mass or are extremely lean. The same thing happens with upper obliques for a lot of guys. Very thin with more ribs showing than muscle... just takes time to build them up enough. Dude, just settle in... and be patient. ;)
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I'm not a fan of any split program on a efficiency standpoint alone. There is simply better ways to program unless time constraint is a factor, even then I would use it sparingly as a worse case scenario for the majority of people.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of any split program on a efficiency standpoint alone. There is simply better ways to program unless time constraint is a factor, even then I would use it sparingly as a worse case scenario for the majority of people.

    Would you suggest conjugate or periodization in place of a body part split?
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of any split program on a efficiency standpoint alone. There is simply better ways to program unless time constraint is a factor, even then I would use it sparingly as a worse case scenario for the majority of people.

    Would you suggest conjugate or periodization in place of a body part split?

    Personally as a natty powerlifter I find periodization with auto regulation of volume as well as intensity is most useful.

    For others that would depend on their goals as well if they were geared.