Is it possible my body doesn't want to lose more?



  • PrincessSlytherin
    PrincessSlytherin Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you everyone! To answer a few more questions I saw on here. I have been calorie counting once again since the beginning of March. I started exercising about a week in to calorie counting.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Thank you everyone! To answer a few more questions I saw on here. I have been calorie counting once again since the beginning of March. I started exercising about a week in to calorie counting.

    It's possible you were dealing with some water weight issues right through March, and if the timing of your monthly cycle coincided with the new exercise water weight in the absolute worst way, might have carried those issues into April.

    If I were you, I would set my goal to no more than 1 lb per week, and really commit to logging accurately, eating back half of your exercise calories, and hitting that calorie goal like a boss for 2 months. Then if you aren't losing at the expected rate, eat back less of the exercise cals if you need to.

    I agree with everyone else that it looks like you know what you're doing and some little tweaks is probably all you need. Hang in there!
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    edited April 2018
    jrochest wrote: »
    It is only when you have a very pronounced and consistent deficit or surplus that you weight will actually begin to change. For instance, I seriously doubt that one could manage to lose consistent weight on a deficit of, say, 100 calories, even if you were able to somehow get an exact, precise intake of those calories, such as a medically monitored liquid diet for instance. Your body would simply adjust. The deficit would need to be big enough that it would override these mechanisms (which is why the 'starving people' argument doesn't count here - you WILL lose if you starve, yet you may not lose if your deficit is too small for you, a rate which probably differs between people too).

    I would love to see this studied. I find it reasonable that there’s a “homeostasis mode” ;) where 100 or so calories either way will not trigger weight loss or gain but would instead lead to minor metabolic adaptations. This, as you pointed out, wouldn’t challenge the general truth that is CICO. It would add some slight complexity to it though and could perhaps help people choose a more effective caloric deficit and activity level.

  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    After reading everyone's input I feel a lot more confident moving forward. I am going to follow the advice given and tighten up on my logging and give myself some more time to adjust to my new routine. I guess it just gets scary when I am not seeing the results I expected, but it seems to be what this is. It's a waiting game, but now I can make some small adjustments to hopefully help myself reach my goal!

    If you haven't already, you might also benefit from making a list of non-scale victories - there's a massive thread over in the success forum that can be a big help with ideas. It's definitely frustrating not to see results right away, but the only way to fail is to give up.

    @janejellyroll @AnvilHead *clears throat, throws meaningful glances at debate forum*
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    After reading everyone's input I feel a lot more confident moving forward. I am going to follow the advice given and tighten up on my logging and give myself some more time to adjust to my new routine. I guess it just gets scary when I am not seeing the results I expected, but it seems to be what this is. It's a waiting game, but now I can make some small adjustments to hopefully help myself reach my goal!

    Sounds like a plan :smiley: