Does CICO not work for some people or is something else going on here?



  • nettiklive
    nettiklive Posts: 206 Member
    I also have gastroparesis and also look pregnant after I eat. I mostly drink medical meal replacement shakes as I toleratw them better. I also massively retain fluid. I intake less than 800 calories most days (my nausea and lack.of appetite are out of control at the moment) and I haven't lost any weight in 2 weeks (which is a good thing as I don't have any to lose). I don't have constipation issues as I have an ileostomy so it comes out about 20 hours after consumption (normal is 6-8). Constipation, malabsorption and indigestion, gas, pregnant look etc are all gastroparesis symptoms.

    All of that sounds like me too though I've only been diagnosed with IBS, haven't gotten around to having the gastroparesis test but I strongly suspect it. I eat fairly little due to lack of appetite and feeling really full after tiny portions, and have chronic constipation, and also retain water a lot, didn't know it was related
  • KrazyKrissyy
    KrazyKrissyy Posts: 322 Member
    Are you on any meds to speed up your GI system like reglan, domperidone or erythromycin?

    I've never heard of those. See, this is why I'm losing hope in the medical field.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited April 2018
    Are you on any meds to speed up your GI system like reglan, domperidone or erythromycin?

    I've never heard of those. See, this is why I'm losing hope in the medical field.

    Domperidone isn't fda approved so it's difficult to get in the states but Reglan is pretty standard treatment for gastroparesis. I'm Canadian and domperidone is approved here so that's what I take. erythromycin is an antibiotic which has the side effect of causing increased peristalsis speed but it only works for a little while before it stops helping. It was my miracle drug after I got over the hump of the other side effecrs but it only worked for a couple of weeks for me.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited April 2018
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    I really hope you are working closely with your doctor and that he/she knows about the coconut oil. It's very foolish to self-medicate an unknown problem. I can't imagine anyone's digestive tract tolerating 24 TB of coconut oil a day.

    I agree. While coconut oil does help with digestive issues, too much has the opposite effect; cramping, diarrhea, bloating, etc.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    If you have chronic diarrhea, you won't be absorbing much at all.... It all comes out too quickly. You'll also likely be dehydrated...

    I'd be going to the Dr, or hospital to work out what's going on..

    All of this - not posing yet another question about whether CICO is valid to the MFP community at large.

    Seriously - work directly with your doctor or a team of doctor to solve these problems, don't ask random internet strangers to help troubleshoot your complex medical scenario... and don't use a completely individualized medical situation as a platform to misrepresent what CICO is about.

    Man CICO has had a rough go of things around here lately!!!!

    What do you mean another? Can you please explain? This is a support forum too, no?

    Here are just a few recent examples:

    A thread in support of CICO but the posts show that clearly people don't fully understand what it is.

    This can be a support forum, but you posted your question in General Health, Fitness and Diet. You also have pretty unique and extensive medical conditions which would influence your individual situation; and you're getting advice there. So it really doesn't have much to do with whether CICO "works" or not (which it does).

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It sounds pretty clearly like a medical problem, as your own posts indicate you know. The only responsible answer anyone can give is "see a doctor."

    Things happen (like malabsorption) where food intake does not give rise to calories in, in anywhere near the amounts expected, and one of the issues among many is that other nutrients and hydration and electrolytes can be way off too (the latter being a major concern from chronic diarrhea). This has nothing to do with CICO.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    Ease off/taper off on the coconut oil until the squidge stops.

    Constipation/Diarrhea, are two sides of the same fat/fiber imbalance coin. Too far in either direction and you end up in one camp or the other. Too much fat or fiber. Locked up... or blowing out. And you don't know until you cross the threshold, where you're at. And it's very much a personal biome issue, the same dose for two different people may cause diametrically opposed results.

    Adding in Pre/pro biotics may change/alter the threshold or the symptom.
  • Sayanogo
    Sayanogo Posts: 34 Member
    Are you on any meds to speed up your GI system like reglan, domperidone or erythromycin?

    I've never heard of those. See, this is why I'm losing hope in the medical field.

    You might try having a conversation with your doctor where you emphasize that you need help controlling your symptoms, even if the cause hasn't been determined yet.

    "Hey Doc, these digestive issues are making me miserable and I'm losing a lot of weight. What can we do to get this under control while we try to find the cause?"