hey guys ... :wink:

i really need a new diet and workout program to stick on ... I got two months to lose 40 kilos ( 88 lbs) before my first day in college (second year) I SUFFERED THE FIRST YEAR WITH MY LOOKS AND LOST MY SELF-ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE...

let me tell ya ... 220+ lbs at the age of 19 years old is not cool !!!

so here is what i'm planning to do ...


* chicken ( obsessed with it)
* rice ( really obsessed with it)
* sweets and fast food

30 minutes a day ....................................... first week
1 hour a day ................................................. second week
1 hour and a half a day .............................. third week

and so on ...

I'm so desperate :sad:


  • KarenWantsABikini
    Oh you sound like you need a hug. You have started in the right direction. If you give yourself goals, and keep logging into this site you will find weight loss fun and easier than you think. People here are so encouraging and lovely.

    Log your food and exercise, add friends on here, and keep motivated, you will be just fine ! - Oh and stay away from that chicken and rice :-) LOL

    Good luck to you :-)
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    88lbs in two months is a very unrealistic goal and this may hinder your progress! Please lower your goal...2lb a week loss is the best and most healthiest way of losing and maintaining weight loss!

    You need to reconsider :flowerforyou:
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I like your motivation, but 88 pounds in 2 months is completely UNHEALTHY. Please please don't do this, even people who have surgery (gastric bipass) etc don't loose that much.2lbs a weeks is the most you are suppose to loose , but the more weight you have the easier it is to loose- I wouldn't push pass 3-4 in a week. It is so important to stay healthy, In two months, it could be possible to loose 20 pounds, and keep it up when you go back to school, you will see the change, feel the change and so will other people. The most important thing is your health. I urge you please, if you want to do this so intense please see your doctor.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Please dont try and do 88lbs in 2 month its far to much to lose ,if you starve yourself to lose it ,it will go back on so easily when you strat to relax a bit ,plus you will probably be ill ,best way is to take it a normal pace :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    88 is unrealistic, 30 over 2 monthsis attainable. You will gain self esteem with each lb you lose. Do it the healthy sustainable way. Good luck!
  • absofsteel
    absofsteel Posts: 48
    It will make your life hell trying to stay away from food that you love when you are feeling sooo bad about your self already.
    I would suggest that you learn new ways to cook the food you might not lose the full goal in 2 mths, but you will lose a noticeable amount and by using this site and learning to REALLY love food and cooking for yourself your confidence should improve. Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Sometimes the STRESS of wanting to lose weight will be the biggest roadbloack to preventing us from losing weight. Set your goal at 2 lb weight loss a week, concentrating on healthy calories, keeping active, and you'll be amazed how much better you will feel after the 88 lb, even if it takes you til the end of your school year. There are no quick fixes to health unfortunately. But you can do this slowly and with all of our support.
  • bathori
    bathori Posts: 33
    Lipsuction is the only way your'e going to lose that much weight in 2 months.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    FIrstly well done coming here that is the best step you have made :drinker:

    Now I am no expert by any means but trying to lose 88lbs in just 2 months is crazy honestly losing weight that fast will just make you sick :frown: Set yourself a realistic goal one that is going to be possible that you will be able to manage even when you go back to college :flowerforyou:

    Weight loss is a journey you need to take not just a quick fix PLEASE :heart: think about your goals and your health :flowerforyou:

    We are all here for you and wish you success but think of this journey as a lifestyle change :drinker:
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I can empathize with you. All through school I was "the fat kid" and I hated it! I hated myself for it and like you tried to lose massive amounts of weight over the summer. It never worked. I wish I had the advice of people here when I was going through that.

    I agree with everyone else. Your goals are really not realistic.

    Why is chicken on your "do not touch" list? It's healthy, a good source of protein, breasts are low in cals and fat. I pretty much eat it daily and I've lost weight.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    There's no way you can lose that amount of weight healthily.Just no way. I've lost nearly 40lbs in 3 months and to do that, I've become vegan, reeduced my calorie intake and portion sizes, work out every day AND I'm breastfeeding!

    This is a totally unrealistic goal that will lead to heartache when you are unable to achieve it. Sorry.
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Listen and re-read these posts if you must. You have set a goal that you will not reach. If you did, you would be too ill to go back to school.
    Yes, you should lose weight. Yes, you can lose weight. This site will help you if you work the site. You must log every thing you eat. You must exercise 5 to 6 days a week. If you follow the guidelines set up for you here you will lose and will find a way to adopt a lifestyle that will keep it off. If you read people's bios on here one common thread runs through most of our and that is that we have histories of losing gaining losing gaining. But, if you go to the success stories, or just become friends with people on here you will also find people of all ages who are now losing and not gaining it back. That is where you want to be. You are sooo young, if you master this now, you will be giving yourself a wonderful gift==the gift of health.
    Good luck, stick with this. Do not make it impossible for yourself. You will find all the acceptance and support you will ever need on here. Find friends, if you want add me.
    linda p.s. I will be praying for you as you go on this journey, take us with you.
  • dannloo
    dannloo Posts: 2
    The only way you could do that (relatively) safely would be to cut off both your legs!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    88 pounds in 2 months in not a realistic goal...Thats 44 pounds in 1 month. I dont see you doing that a healthy way at all. You would pretty much have to cut starch out of your diet, to even lose close to that and the body needs starch, and you would have to basically starve yourself.

    Any diet done in that fashion, is not good, and once you do lose the weight (which wont be in 2 months anyway), and you start eating, you will gain the weight back anyway

    Just workout as you have been planning to do. Cut your calories, drink tons of water, eat lots of fruits and veggies. If possible try not to eat dinner past 7pm.

    Chicken breast is good for you, no need to cut it out of your diet, just try and grill it, when you are eating it

    Log all your calories honeslty, and stay at the calorie goal MFP recommended...If you go overboard with the diet, you may get frustrated and quit, so take it one day at a time

    The slower the weight lost, the better it is for you, and more likely you will keep it off

  • manipriscilla
    manipriscilla Posts: 18 Member
    yeah i'm kind of that disperate :cry: how about i do 3 hours of work out a day ??

    please please please i don't wanna go back to college looking like a house !!!

    wait wait ... my health is important too ... so ...

    2 lbs a week ?? and i've got 8 weeks before going back

    2 * 8 = 16 ibs !!! :sad: my problem is that i eat so much when i'm studying ...

    but oh well ^_^ thanks all for your support !!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    think about it this way

    2 lbs/week, there are about 23 weeks left in the year, so by the end of the year you could be 46 lbs lighter !

    disclaimer: i very likely could have calculated the number of weeks wrong, but you get the idea :)
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Kiddo, try to think of it this way, if you lose 8 lbs a month, for a total of 16lbs in two months, that's 16lbs you no longer have to lose. You'll be that much further ahead at the end of 2 months, instead of gaining maybe another 10lbs over what you already weigh. An

    It's a journey, a lifestyle change, and it will not be automatic. Put the correct habits into place, and you will see results, and you will start to feel better...and eventually, it will be less about weighing a certain amount and more about how great you feel and look. You'll love feeling healthy!

    What happens to a lot of people is that they jump in with both feet and over exercise and get injured, under eat, and start to feel like crap, get discouraged, and give up. I think an hour of exercise, most days, is a good goal to set for yourself. Find something you like to do, whether it's walking, running, being on an elliptical, playing sports, riding a bike, and try to incorporate that movement into your daily life. Find classes to take, if you belong to a gym, where the class leader can help you with your form. As you go along, you can add more exercise to your workout if you want. You have to build up to great amounts of exercise in order to avoid injury.

    If you start today, though, think how much further along you'll be when you head back to school, than you were when you started.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    yeah i'm kind of that disperate :cry: how about i do 3 hours of work out a day ??

    please please please i don't wanna go back to college looking like a house !!!

    wait wait ... my health is important too ... so ...

    2 lbs a week ?? and i've got 8 weeks before going back

    2 * 8 = 16 ibs !!! :sad: my problem is that i eat so much when i'm studying ...

    but oh well ^_^ thanks all for your support !!

    Think of it this way...when people see you getting thinner during college while you are under stress from term papers, finals, etc. they will think WOW she is lookin' hotter and hotter all the time. And this is going to sound mean, but its not meant to hurt anyones feelings...half those people who will be looking at you losing weight while going to college could be gaining weight and wondering how in the he11 you are doing it!?!?!!

    Take it slowly. Relish in the little changes that bring big results. Don't give up every time you flub a meal, get right back on the next meal. Don't feel bad if you do it either, we ALL do it every now and then. Because honestly attempting an extreme weight loss like that may bring big results in the beginning but the moment you can't work out as hard because you have that term paper to focus on for a few days it will all pack back on. Take it slow. Do it right for your body and your seld esteem.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Also - 16 lbs on most people is a very noticeable weight loss.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    ,,,,,,my problem is that i eat so much when i'm studying ...

    but oh well ^_^ thanks all for your support !!
    So don't do that. Duh,,,

    You're a grown woman. Nobody wrestles you down and stuffs hohos in your face. For you to eat that stuff, you have to pick it up and put it in your mouth - chew - swallow - etc.,,, So if you don't want to do it, don't do it.

    2lbs a week is easy and doable. That's your 88 pounds in 44 weeks,,, which mean bikini next summer easy. You can do it. Just choose to do it, and do it. We're here to help.

    ((Don't write off the chicken - unless it's fried. Skinless chicken breast is one of the best things you can eat. Pan cook it in a little EVOO or Italian salad dressing)).