How important is the number on the scale to you?



  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    its very important which is why I try my hardest to ignore it and focus on how my clothing feels
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Somewhat important. I like to weigh often and put the results in the Libra app. It tells me if I am trending up or down. The daily fluctuations don't bother me. I know full well I can retain water like a boss, lol. I also like to take measurements monthly to see where I'm at there. I picked my goal weight of 120 because it's In the lower middle of the BMI for my height. But, if I like how I feel and what I see at say, 130 or whatever I would be ok with that too. The weight is more of a goal number for me to shoot for. It's definitely not the be all end all of my fitness goals.
  • wenrob
    wenrob Posts: 125 Member
    Jojoo6mfp wrote: »
    I don’t think it’s healthy to jump on the scales every day , one of the first signs of an eating disorder isn’t it?

    I weigh once a week , the number on the scale isn’t that huge a thing to me , as long as I’m happy with myself and the size clothing im in then I’m good, but at present I’ve to lose another 20lb ish for surgery so the numbers mean a lot at present

    No, it’s a tool just like any other. For me it provides accountability and serves as a guide. I do not ever want to weigh over 235lbs again and for the past eight years plus I’ve not even come close. I have gained twice in that time 20lbs during the most stressful time in my life where I simply didn’t care and 10lbs when I was actively avoiding the scale because I KNEW I was overeating. Both times it was a pain is the *kitten* to take it back off again and wasted time I could have used to achieve other goals. Daily weighing (keeping an eye on the trend) keeps me from wasting my time.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Jojoo6mfp wrote: »
    I don’t think it’s healthy to jump on the scales every day , one of the first signs of an eating disorder isn’t it?

    I weigh once a week , the number on the scale isn’t that huge a thing to me , as long as I’m happy with myself and the size clothing im in then I’m good, but at present I’ve to lose another 20lb ish for surgery so the numbers mean a lot at present

    It's not at all for me. Weighing daily does the exact opposite for me. I stress way less when I see the number every day. I don't freak out about an increase and I don't expect dramatic decreases either (something that I was looking for when weighing weekly). I feel like I have more control over the mental aspect of seeing the numbers. It is something that I am watching closely as I approach maintenance but I don't let it affect my mood one way or the other. It's just a data point, one of many guidelines for me!
  • allisonlane161
    allisonlane161 Posts: 269 Member
    edited May 2018
    I weigh in everyday so obviously it's important to me. I do not get alarmed at fluctuations, but then again I'm never surprised. I know when I'm going to be up and I know when I'm not going to be up. Some days I'm actually pleasantly surprised that I'm not up as much as I thought I would be.
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    As others have mentioned above, if I don't weigh daily it's because I am pretending that my choices are not leading to regaining weight.

    I have noticed this pattern over and over, but this is the first time I've really thought about it like this. Hopefully this insight will finally teach me that I need to weigh every day and catch myself if I start heading the wrong direction.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I also feel that daily weighing sets the tone of the day for me. If I start the day by weighing myself, I'm more mindful with my choices. That's not to say I always make perfect choices, but I'm more likely to keep diet related decisions on my mind. As if by weighing myself I'm telling myself "right, here starts a day where my diet matters".
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Jojoo6mfp wrote: »
    I don’t think it’s healthy to jump on the scales every day , one of the first signs of an eating disorder isn’t it?

    I weigh once a week , the number on the scale isn’t that huge a thing to me , as long as I’m happy with myself and the size clothing im in then I’m good, but at present I’ve to lose another 20lb ish for surgery so the numbers mean a lot at present

    If you feel that way it is probably true for you. I don't have a weighing schedule. I might decide to weigh the end of this month because I don't know if I want to go more than 7 weeks between.

    Everyone has to figure it out for themselves. There is no universally right or wrong relationship with the scale. The concept of daily weighing and tracking trends is completely foreign to me just like my lack of schedule would be completely foreign to the daily weighers.
  • go52182
    go52182 Posts: 133 Member
    [quote="Smallville127;d-10664505"but as long as it isn't first thing in morning oh lawd. [/quote] This part I don't get! I used to weigh in every day so I can see small changes and be proud of myself. I've hit a plateau so I only weigh myself once a week. BUT I weigh myself first thing in the morning right after my morning pee ;) this gives you the best idea of your day-to-day progress. Also I think weighing yourself more than once a day can be sooo demotivating. So many things affect our weight. The best advice I think is to weigh yourself only once a day and the first thing in the morning before you put anything in there. Weigh yourself on empty! :)

  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    I've always preferred to go by measurements and photos. I weighed every three weeks when I was losing just to keep and eye on where I was. Once I hit my goal, I started focusing on composition and my weight went up but I looked better and my measurements improved.

    It's completely subjective and for a lot of folks weighing daily is a great motivator. I do think that weighing multiple times a day is very much overkill and that data is useless.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    I've always preferred to go by measurements and photos. I weighed every three weeks when I was losing just to keep and eye on where I was. Once I hit my goal, I started focusing on composition and my weight went up but I looked better and my measurements improved.

    It's completely subjective and for a lot of folks weighing daily is a great motivator. I do think that weighing multiple times a day is very much overkill and that data is useless.

    Here again, why you do it and how you think about it really matters. I've weighed myself before and after summer outdoor workouts (rowing) to see whether I was adequately replenishing water during the workout. It was useful data.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    kami3006 wrote: »
    I've always preferred to go by measurements and photos. I weighed every three weeks when I was losing just to keep and eye on where I was. Once I hit my goal, I started focusing on composition and my weight went up but I looked better and my measurements improved.

    It's completely subjective and for a lot of folks weighing daily is a great motivator. I do think that weighing multiple times a day is very much overkill and that data is useless.

    Here again, why you do it and how you think about it really matters. I've weighed myself before and after summer outdoor workouts (rowing) to see whether I was adequately replenishing water during the workout. It was useful data.

    Fair enough