Women made fun of me at my walking group so no motivation now....



  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    My gosh! What a bi-utch! I'm so sorry that happened. You have accomplished so much! Find another group to walk with. You don't need those shallow airheads anyway. Hugs! ❤️️
  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    That’s why I prefer to exercise alone or with my husband. It’s very hard losing weight and I wouldn’t want to chance anyone bringing me down and making me feel I wasn’t worth it. It’s happened to me many, many times. Women can be mean. Just not worth it.

    Keep working on being the best you can be and F off the losers that want to bring you down.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    You can start your own walking group. Create one on meetup or Facebook, and make sure to write that it's a judgement free group

    By the way, congrats on your accomplishments so far! You should be proud, and those who made you feel bad just suck. Keep on walking!
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    Well done on the weight loss x there sure is some nasty people around, unfortunately walking doesn’t seem to do cure their ignorance. I’m on a fb walking group where everyone is supportive, regardless of your reasons/goals and where you could see if there’s anyone in your area, they have members from all over the world.

  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Please don't let this discourage you; clearly this group was not for you and sounds really toxic. That's the last thing we need, right? I agree that walking is a wonderful solitary activity, and now that better weather is almost here, don't waste a minute of it being discouraged. I've discovered podcasts (yeah, they've been around awhile but I'm behind the times), so that's what I listen to on walks. Music doesn't do it for me but I can walk all day listening to This American Life. Stick with your new healthier habits and don't let negative people bring you down.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Ugh, I’m so frustrated that people still do and say that kind of crap. You’ve done amazing! All bodies are great and I don’t think ”regular people” (non-doctors, trainers, dieticians, medical professionals etc.) have any business judging other people’s bodies. Your body is strong, capable and beautiful, and it sounds like you’re doing a great job treating it well. The word ”fatty” shouldn’t be in anyone’s vocabulary, when it comes to describing other people.

    Rant: I’m so sick of people judging or making fun overweight people who work out, eat healthy food etc. These are generally the same people who judge obesity in general and are the first to tell you to do something about it, and then proceed to make fun of any attempts to lose weight or make it a point that only already-healthy people can eat healthy foods or exercise, as if there’s no middle ground or no pathway for change.

    Keep up the good work and show those b*tches where to shove their negativity. Others have given great tips on entertaining yourself while walking, here’s one more: Pokemon Go. It’s surprisingly entertaining and motivating, and I’m saying this as someone who was never into Pokemon as a kid.
  • OneofGodsfav
    OneofGodsfav Posts: 37 Member
    Remember you are Beautiful and wonderfully made. And always remember this is your journey , not anyone else and you run your race. And shame on the person that started that group that made you feel bad because although they may be smaller than you their the ugly ones cuz for anyone to say that it's just not right and it makes them look like a bullies. Don't let their ignorance make you feel bad remember where you came from 400 and something now to 300 something don't let them make you feel bad for what you've already achieved dont let that be in vain.
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    You are doing amazing. I am so happy when I hear stories of such weight loss. I have no idea who this woman is, but remember that usually when someone puts others down, it is because they have to build themselves up...She isn't feeling good about herself or she wouldn't "try" to bring you down. She truly is not worth your worry.
    Keep it up...Maybe you could build your own walking group made for "positive" people. If she did this to you, I will guarantee you are not the first. Try it!
    Keep up your awesome work girl!! <3
  • katsokol5
    katsokol5 Posts: 6 Member
    KatTad77 wrote: »
    2 years ago I weighed 425. I now weight 311 as of today. I exercise 4 times a day and I eat what I am suppose to. I have not felt this healthy in a long time. But as soon as I walk out to greet the world I continuously get punched in the gut by everyone and anyone. I decided to join a walking group in my area and they made it a point to make me feel unwelcome. Then the women who organized it whispered under her breath but where I can hear her that "we are going to be behind because of the fatty" It makes me depressed and today has been even worse. It makes me not want to do anything but hide in my house. I feel like I have no support except my husband but he doesn't understand either because he has never been overweight Has anyone else here been through this and any tricks to overcome it?

    Hey dear I am so sorry about people treating you like this! People can be very ugly. Also when you are improving yourself I always tend to see people get intimidated and will say nasty things like that. I gained about 60lbs when I first went on birth control 3 years ago and I was always a tiny thing I was 120 lbs muscular and you wouldn't believe the comments that I got from friends and even some family! People were asking me if I was pregnant and poking my stomach or they were saying what did you do to get so fat???? I said I went on bc you jerk. It slows your metabolism the first year and then you go back to normal over time.

    Update to now and I've lost 45 of it and now those same people are complimenting me. *insert eye roll*

    Don't let anybody steal your thunder. I bet pretty damn well those women that are belittiling you have so many insecurities you can't imagine and they need to take it out on someone to make themselves feel better.

    I also tried a running group local since I used to do xc and I joined for one day for a 5 mile run and they all had the audacity to get angry that I couldn't do a 8 minute mile and were nasty to me like they were to you. I said im simply restarting calm down and atleast you may think I am ugly on the outside you will always be ugly on the inside and I walked away.

    If you would like to add me on myfitnesspal as friends we can try to keep supporting each other. I also just found a nice app called My Affirmations: Live Positive and it has nice affirmations each day and I feel like it helps at times when you are feeling low. Also try writing as well or any hobby that you enjoy. Try to keep your stress levels down as well.

    I am proud of your accomplishment as well and keep going!!!!!!
  • TrinityR05
    TrinityR05 Posts: 77 Member
    Don't let those idiots bother you. Keep up with the good work!
  • katsokol5
    katsokol5 Posts: 6 Member
    That was their excuse to cover up their lack of self esteem that you were keeping up with them!

    Where are you from? Maybe we can find you a walking buddy who isn't a prick?

    That's what I said! They probably have so many insecurities and have to make themselves feel better. I haven't been on myfitnesspal discussions all too often but I am so happy I looked today. It made me feel really good to see so many people being supportive even if we do not personally know the woman. I feel like we need more of this going around. Faith in humanity is restored lol :)
  • katsokol5
    katsokol5 Posts: 6 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    If you stop.....they win...do not let them!
    Dream of the day when you become smaller than any those mean spirited women and come back to let them know of their ugliness!
    Heck....go back now and let them know what was said and how it felt!
    You keep going and achieve your dreams!

    Haha oh yeah! I will tell them to their faces when people used to do that to me and you wouldn't believe the look of horror I received. It's like yeah it makes you look ridiculous right?? Lol now I've embarassed you in front of your "cool" friends. Also if you stand up even if its difficult at the time it teaches them that its not acceptable. Trolls get away with so much because no one has verbally handed it to them on how they act. Trust me when you do they will not bother you ever again!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Kick their *kitten*, not your own.
  • campbellv2016
    campbellv2016 Posts: 11 Member
    People have all said so much - and I echo their sentiments, and just want to send some love and admiration your way. Tbh - seeing people who have worked so hard, and who have used walking as exercise have totally been my inspiration. So thank you for being one of them :) I haven't seen you out walking, because I don't live there, but you are one of the folks that I would see working at weight loss in my own community and I would think "*heck* - look at her go! She's doing more than I am; even if I just went for a walk.... ' and that's how I've been easing back into exercise and taking care of myself. So thanks for working hard because it inspires the rest of us!! BIG HUG to you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Regardless of how one looks, they will somehow be ridiculed by others...........................just because. Sometimes you have to learn more how to be RHINO SKIN thick because listening to all the criticism can drive you nuts.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    A thought.

    Were they all rude? Or just one?

    If you walk 4 times a day, maybe some of them walk more than once a day. Go back, find out. Maybe one of them would like to walk a different time of day. Maybe a walking buddy instead of a walking group.