Fat Pain: Losing weight Skin becoming tender?



  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member

    Your right! 1000000%, I have to step back and listen. Thanks so much everyone~ I can see the bigger picture today. And I will listen~ I will go to the Doctors again. ... and Let them Try again. ... maybe something has changed in the last 2 yrs. Thanks...
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Have you seen a therapist to help with all of this?
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    edited May 2018
    I wish I could tell you "YES". ... But I can't because of insurance issues. I had a Apointment all set up but then was denied, and the meds all ended, the doctor visits have all ended. So I have had to go Solo and try to figure this out on my own. I read a science paper from UCLA, and it said if I could add coconut oil, to my diet, and I did, change my entire diet, which I have been working on, and lose weight I would have a better chance of sucess. A longer life. So I am trying, I have not given up.

    My daughter is supose to be looking into health care but its been a year, I 'm still waiting? As soon as she gives me the OK. then I will go get help. I am doing all I can to help myself, Today! I have noticed I am doing "Way too much" and I am defeting myself rather then helping myself. I should have noticed this but just thought it was normal to go through some pain. From these forms I know now I am on the wrong road to weight loss.

    The great thing about people is they show you a NEW ROAD! one can take the advice and get help, or one can keep doing the same thing until it doesn't work any longer. Since this is my Second day on here, I will take the advice and get some help.

    [edited by mods]
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2018
    SaunaSuit wrote: »

    Da! I guess that didn't even dawn on me! Your right! If I am that dydrated this would not be a option!

    Why do I want to lose weight? Why am I trying so hard~ I don't want to be fat when I die! even if I am being cremated, I don't want to be fat, I want to have my long hair again, during the cancer I ended up with all these patches it has taken so many years to finally get long hair, Thanks to Coconut OIL! I use it once a week and my hair is long and beautiful even thick, I didn't think that would ever happen.

    I have Alzhimers was diagnosed in 2015, they only give a person 7 yrs to 10 some beat the odds and I am hopping I am going to be one of them. ... I was really bad a few years ago but then I added Coconut oil to my diet and it has changed me, I am awake. However I do go through absent minds and I do still get lost, or confused everyone will see that its very oviouse once you get to know me. I get a little irrational at least 3 or more times a month. but anyway, I want to look like I did before i got married. Young and Beautiful. That is how I want to be remembers. Because My own family just can't accept who I have become. So If I make myself young again~ Maybe the image of what I looked like compaired to the "CANCER 2's. The change is so diffrent and was so scary looking. even my own grandchild just had such a hard time looking at me.

    My son who is 33yrs old, could not handle the change~ he said he wanted to remember the way I was not the way I am now. He don't call or text any more. He just wrote me off as dead. My daugther has done the same thing and my own mother I am dead to her she could not deal with it. Sad to say, I am going through this alone. So these groups are all I have helping me to stay stable. The meds I was given only caused me to go through deep depression and sleep all day long sometimes 3 days strait. I don't want to live like that.

    All of you have opened up my eyes and mind, I will take what you all have said and procees the information, and slowdown on my diet stop trying to be in a rush, I will find a way to get hydrated and cut my hours on exercising.

    I wont make my goal if I keep this up! That is what you all are telling me.. So GREAT Advice. Thanks so much! I guess I'm the rock also~

    I am deeply saddened by your story. Alzhimers effected both my grandparents years ago so I have seen and been apart of what transpires during the different phases of this disease. I am hoping that your family is lacking in experience and they are not equipped to handle certain aspects of what you are going through, maybe they need more knowledge and awareness perhaps outside counseling? Something to think about.

    And while you deny the medication, surely doctors have other protocols they can try. I hope that you do not reach the point of malnutrition and possibly hurting yourself physically through too much exercise and the wrong kind of exercise.

    Keep in mind as you lose weight rapidly your body is also losing viable muscle as well. Your heart is a muscle so you need to do all that you can to lose weight in a manner that protects the things that keep you operating smoothly. You don't want to end up weaker, have your hair fall out instead of grow, not to mention putting yourself at higher risks for other diseases. Side effects can become long term health issues. Doctor supervision and medical advice should be the upmost importance with your medical history, so give them a call soon.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    SaunaSuit wrote: »

    Da! I guess that didn't even dawn on me! Your right! If I am that dydrated this would not be a option!

    Why do I want to lose weight? Why am I trying so hard~ I don't want to be fat when I die! even if I am being cremated, I don't want to be fat, I want to have my long hair again, during the cancer I ended up with all these patches it has taken so many years to finally get long hair, Thanks to Coconut OIL! I use it once a week and my hair is long and beautiful even thick, I didn't think that would ever happen.

    I have Alzhimers was diagnosed in 2015, they only give a person 7 yrs to 10 some beat the odds and I am hopping I am going to be one of them. ... I was really bad a few years ago but then I added Coconut oil to my diet and it has changed me, I am awake. However I do go through absent minds and I do still get lost, or confused everyone will see that its very oviouse once you get to know me. I get a little irrational at least 3 or more times a month. but anyway, I want to look like I did before i got married. Young and Beautiful. That is how I want to be remembers. Because My own family just can't accept who I have become. So If I make myself young again~ Maybe the image of what I looked like compaired to the "CANCER 2's. The change is so diffrent and was so scary looking. even my own grandchild just had such a hard time looking at me.

    My son who is 33yrs old, could not handle the change~ he said he wanted to remember the way I was not the way I am now. He don't call or text any more. He just wrote me off as dead. My daugther has done the same thing and my own mother I am dead to her she could not deal with it. Sad to say, I am going through this alone. So these groups are all I have helping me to stay stable. The meds I was given only caused me to go through deep depression and sleep all day long sometimes 3 days strait. I don't want to live like that.

    All of you have opened up my eyes and mind, I will take what you all have said and procees the information, and slowdown on my diet stop trying to be in a rush, I will find a way to get hydrated and cut my hours on exercising.

    I wont make my goal if I keep this up! That is what you all are telling me.. So GREAT Advice. Thanks so much! I guess I'm the rock also~

    I am so sorry your family has abandoned you. I cared for my grandmother who had dementia until her death in 2014, then my grandfather in stage 4 kidney disease until his passing in 2015. Your family is missing out. I wouldnt trade that time with them for ANYTHING, even if grandma (who was more my mom than my mom was), constantly called me and my ex by different names and thought we were in different homes in different cities she lived in. It was sad, yes, but at the same time, cute and endearing in a way. She lived in her own little world, and I was lucky enough to see it sometimes.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    Bredesen’s approach is personalized to the patient, based on extensive testing to determine what is affecting the brain’s plasticity signaling network. In the case of the patient with the demanding job who was forgetting her way home, her therapy consisted of some, but not all, of the components of Bredesen’s program, including:

    eliminating all simple carbohydrates, gluten and processed food from her diet, and eating more (vegetables, fruits and non-farmed fish) ((I'm doing this))
    meditating twice a day and beginning yoga to reduce stress ((I'm doing this))
    sleeping seven to eight hours per night, up from four to five ((I'm doing this))
    taking melatonin, methylcobalamin, vitamin D3, fish oil and coenzyme Q10 each day (I'm not doing this).
    optimizing oral hygiene using an electric flosser and electric toothbrush (The cancer took my teeth LOL)
    reinstating hormone replacement therapy, which had previously been discontinued (I'm not doing this).
    fasting for a minimum of 12 hours between dinner and breakfast, and for a minimum of three hours between dinner and bedtime ((I am doing this)).
    exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes, four to six days per week ((I think I took this too far I can see that today)). I guess I miss understood this now that I am re reading it after a few years. 30mints is not (3hrs aday). OOPS! My mistake. but I am doing 7days a week, instead of 6 days a week. So I do most of this.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member

    Calcium is a vital mineral that your body uses to stabilize blood pressure and control skeletal muscle contraction. It’s also used to build strong bones and teeth.

    Hypercalcemia is when you have too much calcium in the blood. This usually happens due to:

    kidney disease
    thyroid disorders
    lung diseases, such as tuberculosis or sarcoidosis
    certain types of cancer, including lung and breast cancers

    (( Found it, I think I just found the problem! The doctor had me on Duloxetine; for nerve pain, omeprazole for stomach acids because the nerve pain has a side affect and my stomach bloats out. Along with RABEpraxole Sodium for my stomach; and over the counter anti gass simethicone, Last Donepezil - Brain for Alzhimers). (Alli for Weight Loss- Stomach). To say all of that: I DON'T take any of this any longer as of one year ago. Only because it all ran out! and no refills. Obama care ended~

    excessive use of antacids and calcium or vitamin D supplements (My stomach Meds- antacids).
    medications like lithium, theophylline, or certain water pills (I think my brain meds would have gone under this)

    Thanks~ At least now I undersand. Thank you so much~ You have helped me more then anyone has in the last 2 yrs. Thank you for seeing something that was over looked. GREAT LISTENERS! And Very Knowlledgeable!

    Hugs to all of you for helping big o' me~
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    I am hoping that your family is lacking in experience and they are not equipped to handle certain aspects!

    Thank you! I wish I could say or even give them a excuss, but I can't my daughter is a "Microbioligist" and when I go to the doctors she is in the room with me. The day my doctor who she found for me, Told us that I have Placqe on the brain/ alzhimers and they had done all those tests and extrays of my brain. I watched the "LIGHT" go out of her eyes for me!. After that day, it was like, "Why love a person who is going to die". Just detach yourself from it~ Now before well I die. For the last year, My daugther who is on the other side my bedroom doors 3 steps away! has not spoken to me in a year aso of this weekend. nor has her husband or my grandchild stopped about 5 months. No one talks to me. Because I am standing up for "RESPECT". I don't think she had the right to "YELL" at me in front of her husband and daugther. So I stood up and walked to my room that is provided as she calls it. and I am provided $35.00 a week for food and I should not need anything else. See as close as we were ( I died in her eyes). So if my last years on earth is this, then I want to be skinny and beautiful with long hair so that is how they all remember me.

    This is my life, and I'm doing everything I can so the memories of me are not scary~ Cancer is Scary to the eyes!
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    while you deny the medication! I had no choice "Obama Care Ended". No Doctor would take me the last 6months. so when the MEDS ran out? That was that, I had to deal with the OUTCOME. Now! all I can do is wait~ Until she does what she is going to do. I don't drive any more, they sold my car and bought them a truck and car (lease). So I have no transportation. I am 15miles away from the town. and the church is 10miles away. I just have to wait. And Hope I can help myself first until things change around.~ In my own way I think if I look like my old self they might snap out of it. Realize I have not died in 3 yrs or so. But until then, nothing I can do. I have become "INVISABLE TO THE FAMILY". They didn't even envite me to Thanksgiving 2017, Christmas, New Years, or my grandchilds birthday. NOW NOTE THIS~ I am only 3 steps away behind french doors. And when I open my doors its like I don't exist~ I am invisible to them, they don't look at me, or talk with me, I am a ghost to them!

    So losing weight might help! That is why I am trying so hard and I have seen today with everyones words, I am over maxing this out~ Trying way too hard and I need to stop and take a breath and relize I am harming more then helping.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    RoxieDawn, callsitlikeiseeit

    Thank you very much, your words of endearment. HUGS. and LOT'S of them.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    SaunaSuit wrote: »
    RoxieDawn, callsitlikeiseeit

    Thank you very much, your words of endearment. HUGS. and LOT'S of them.

    no matter what you weigh, you are more beautiful than ANY of them!!!
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    [/quote] no matter what you weigh, you are more beautiful than ANY of them!!! [/quote]

    You'll have made my day~ for once I don't feel crazy~ And a lot of you have helped me find the reason, for all of this and that is a gift in it's self. Now! I don't have to be so hard on myself~ <3<3<3<3<3

  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    Just found this: anyone have anything to say about this? Just trying to help myself~ With all the great advice. And extra help! I thank you~ Until I can get to a doctor~ I have to do what I can to help myself Now~
    A Rehydration Solution Recipe

    Many people falsely believe that sports drinks contain a good mixture of the salts and minerals needed to absorb water. That’s not true. While the drinks can help replenish the body of electrolytes and other nutrients needed after a period physical activities, they are not designed to increase water absorption.

    Most sports drinks are designed less for athletes and more for the marketplace where people have a proclivity for sweets. The drinks are far too high in sugar content to make for a good rehydration solution. According to some calculations, sports drinks can actually worsen dehydration due to their sugar content.

    It’s better to turn to a couple of common household items for rehydration – salt and sugar.

    Here’s a recipe for a good rehydration solution:

    1 liter of clean, potable water
    6 teaspoons of sugar
    1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt

    Stir the solution until the salt and sugar are dissolved in the water.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Pickle juice is pretty good as a rehydration base as well.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    Really~ I had no, NO idea~ I think I have some of that, we eat a lot of pickles in this house~ I normally just throw the juice away~ Do you know of any more things Stanmann? That would help?
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    I am drinking the Salt and Honey~ its Quality Honey. ... I got fresh water from the Frig on the door it has a charco filter. Then put that in a mug and added the honey and sea salt, put in Microwave to heat up~ Not a fan of the taste but if it helps not a big deal. However I am noticising the odd feeling the sugar is thumping my heart.. LOL

    Its a warm feeling/ Then a Cold, A/c is on. LOL
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    try gold bond powder
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    These happens to me when I have high carb intake. I feel bruised. Does yours feel that way?
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    edited May 2018
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    edited May 2018
    DAAAA~~~ I got it~ for my pain outside of my stomach... I will try it~ I don't have any sores it's just the skin hurts. Thanks so much