Peanut Butter Addiction?



  • pe4sandra2
    pe4sandra2 Posts: 39 Member
    edited May 2018
    I wouldn't call it a specific craving, but my sweet tooth has definitely been more active the past few months. As long as I eat a couple of fruits a day I'm fine, but if not I start to fantasize about things like key lime pie, gingersnaps, nutter butters...the whole spectrum.

    And I also LOVE peanut butter. I don't have it every day, but if someone were to go back far enough in my diary, they would find a day with around 1000 calories of peanut butter. :blush:

    Fruits have helped me manage cravings for sweets - FOR SURE!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I start to fantasize about things like key lime pie, gingersnaps, nutter butters...the whole spectrum.

    mmmmm nutter butters! I prefer the wafer kind that kind of melt in your mouth with the gooey peanut butter.

    i can literally eat an entire package in one sitting.

    Which is why I never ever ever buy them LOLOLOLOLOL

  • MeteoraTitanium
    MeteoraTitanium Posts: 102 Member
    pe4sandra2 wrote: »
    I love peanut butter so much that it's the first item I log in my diary (even though it's the last thing I eat in the evening). I've had two teaspoons a day for the last three months or so. Oddly, this fondness for peanut butter is new and coincides with my recent interest in dropping weight. Have any of you experienced brand new cravings as a result of trying to manage your weight?

    Yes! I'm the same, tsps every day as a quick snack. Love it.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    pe4sandra2 wrote: »
    0ysterboy wrote: »
    PB is the first thing I drop from my diet when I'm trying to lose. A combination of not measuring well (or at all) and spreading it on something (anything) carb. For me, PB is the borg

    I have to be very careful when measuring and tracking. I can see how spreading it can lead to more calories. I stick to the spoon.

    Do you weigh what's on your spoon, because measuring spoons are notoriously unreliable for things like PB & the calories add up fast :(
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I am managing weight on with peanut butter, 2 tablespoons a day. 2 Tsp is definitely not an PB addiction.

    I go threw phases where I add something, get tired of it every day and switch to something else. Peanut butter is hard to tire off, I love it on apples, celery, etc... I keep things on hand to switch it up.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    pe4sandra2 wrote: »
    I love peanut butter so much that it's the first item I log in my diary (even though it's the last thing I eat in the evening). I've had two teaspoons a day for the last three months or so. Oddly, this fondness for peanut butter is new and coincides with my recent interest in dropping weight. Have any of you experienced brand new cravings as a result of trying to manage your weight?

    First off, so jealous about the PB. I am highly allergic and can only have Sunbutter which is not comparable AT ALL. Such a rip off LOL.

    Second, I always get crazy cravings, and have throughout my fitness journey. I'm currently eating at maintenance, but increasing strength PR's like crazy and ALL I've been craving is everything bagels with veggie cream cheese and cucumbers. I don't even like cucumbers ahah! Must be something in the mix that my body wants and needs. I go through phases of cravings like this, usually vegetable related oddly enough. I've been on a brussels sprouts and zucchini kick as well.
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    I am a peanut butter addict for sure. I eat it every single day no matter what. My husband keeps telling me if I would stop eating it I would drop weight. But it's like a drug to me. I LOVE it!
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,112 Member
    pe4sandra2 wrote: »
    I love peanut butter so much that it's the first item I log in my diary (even though it's the last thing I eat in the evening). I've had two teaspoons a day for the last three months or so. Oddly, this fondness for peanut butter is new and coincides with my recent interest in dropping weight. Have any of you experienced brand new cravings as a result of trying to manage your weight?

    I was always a peanut butter addict - until my daughter exhibited the peanut allergy, then we banned them from the house (I sometimes sneak a peanut snack when out and about and no risk of contamination).

    I discovered sunbutter. Reasonably approximates peanut butter (more to natural peanut butter that's not homogenized with stabilizers to keep the oil from separating), and with a somewhat different nutritional profile. Might be good as a recommendation for a change-up sometimes, as is also almond butter.

    When I got aggressive about my weight loss, for months I craved salty-toppings pizza. I'm over that phase now. I'm on a decent enough weight loss trajectory that I don't develop major cravings - I give in to moderate indulgences - I had some ice cream the other day - and compensate with balancing other consumption. It works out, and I don't stress on food so much.
  • pe4sandra2
    pe4sandra2 Posts: 39 Member
    I should be banned from posting anything, anywhere after a long day. I just realized I wrote "two teaspoons a day" when I actually eat two tablespoons of peanut butter per day. HA! And, yes...I understand that my deep cravings for the nutty goodness do not amount to addiction. Again, I'm sorry for having used that term so loosely.
    I do feel a wee bit guilty when licking it off the spoon. Almost like I'm doing something naughty. That's probably got something to do with prior programming and assigning good and bad labels to certain foods. I'm hoping I can get to a point where I can just eat without feeling any kind of way about my food choices.
  • Trex5009
    Trex5009 Posts: 171 Member
    finally someone who understands me lol! I’ve been eating peanut butter every single day for the past year or so. I can literally eat it in every meal
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    I'm the same with PB! It's my favourite thing and since getting into fitness I've discovered a whole host of creatively flavoured PB which I'm slowly working my way through, it's dangerous but so good.
  • TrinityR05
    TrinityR05 Posts: 77 Member
    I love peanut butter also. I've noticed I've been eating more and more of it, so I think maybe it's time for me to not buy it anymore.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    pe4sandra2 wrote: »
    i dont think the word addiction means what you think it means

    no reason to not have it, if youre making it fit in your calorie and macro goals.

    i love chocolate and manage to have a bit each day lol

    Addiction is most definitely a strong word and that was just me exaggerating. I do LOVE peanut butter though. Now more than ever. And perhaps it does have something to do with me cutting back on fatty foods. My body is just asking for something super-rich and satisfying by the end of the day.

    Totally ME !!!!!!!!
    Same as you girl !
    I am now a superfan (versus addict :wink: ) of the Kraft Natural Crunchy PB. Also in the evening. It soothes me !

    Do we need a support group ?
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I love peanut butter but I hardly have it by itself anymore. I mix it with veggies in a smoothie. It was really a game changer.
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    I love peanut butter but I hardly have it by itself anymore. I mix it with veggies in a smoothie. It was really a game changer.

    Can you really taste it in a smoothie (without putting like 400+ calories worth of pb in)? Or do you use something like pb2 instead to cut the calories by de-fatting it.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I'm going to find out tonight when I try out a recipe called "Thai-Phoon Tofu" how much flavor will be imparted by 1 tbsp peanut butter and 2 tbsp crushed, roasted, unsalted peanuts split over four servings.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    pe4sandra2 wrote: »
    0ysterboy wrote: »
    PB is the first thing I drop from my diet when I'm trying to lose. A combination of not measuring well (or at all) and spreading it on something (anything) carb. For me, PB is the borg

    I have to be very careful when measuring and tracking. I can see how spreading it can lead to more calories. I stick to the spoon.

    Do you weigh what's on your spoon, because measuring spoons are notoriously unreliable for things like PB & the calories add up fast :(

    my trick for PB (or other spreadable food items) - but the jar on the scale; TARE it out - then scoop out your amount - the negative weight on the scale is how much you have eaten :)
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I love peanut butter but I hardly have it by itself anymore. I mix it with veggies in a smoothie. It was really a game changer.

    many people i know swear about peanut butter on their sweet potato...i'm not so sure baout that though
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    I love peanut butter but I hardly have it by itself anymore. I mix it with veggies in a smoothie. It was really a game changer.

    many people i know swear about peanut butter on their sweet potato...i'm not so sure baout that though

    I thought I was the only one who ate that combo. I think it's sort of odd too, but I really like it (usually with the petite sweet potatos -- big ones like japanese sweet potatoes I have plain).
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    I love peanut butter probably TOOO MUCH! Not the natural peanut butters though, my taste buds think those are abominations idk why. Smooth Jiffy and Wegmans crunchy are my go to types.

    Each week, I measure into 5 little containers my two tablespoons (slightly heaping) so I have one to take to eat with my oatmeal for breakfast each day during the work week. Weekends I eat a couple tablespoons of pb for brekky with a cup of tea, then some raddishes later as a mid morning snack.

    It seems like alot but it keeps me from wandering into the kitchen and scooping out a "mini" spoonful most nights.

    5 months into maintenance, still holding out on switching from heaping spoonfuls to weighing for measuring.