What's the most dangerous or stupid thing you've done...



    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    On the roof of my friends car while he peeled out and hit 50 then abruptly stopped.... I had the death grip so i didn't fly off luckily!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Jumped a incline to decline set of railroad tracks at 65 mph in a 1988 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor... with a train coming.

    The car did not survive, shocks and tires exploded as me and the person in shotgun hit the ground.

    I do miss that car.
  • georgieb23
    georgieb23 Posts: 76 Member
    Nothing really dangerous but most definitely stupid. I was driving and had a freak out that I'd left my car keys at home. Whilst I was driving. I pulled over and phoned my housemate who just laughed at me for five minutes before asking me if I'd looked in the ignition. I feel that qualifies as stupid? :ohwell:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Ditched school with my girlfriend. 1971. Drove my '51 Plymouth to Millerton lake with her. Looking for a place to park and "make out". Saw a finger of land jutting out into the middle of the lake. Thought I'd ride out there. Didn't realize the water level was dropping and that finger of land had just risen out of the ground during the night. By the time I realized and tried to turn back, my car slid into Millerton Lake.

    Here's the really dangerous part. Had to call my Dad. His sense of humor was lacking.
  • griff7809
    griff7809 Posts: 611 Member
    Depends, is this thread PG rated?
  • aphroditesmaiden
    aphroditesmaiden Posts: 45 Member
    Trying to swerve away from a spider that was descending from the ceiling. After a moment's chaos I pulled over and squished it. In my defense, this happened after Anime Boston in which I had little to no sleep all weekend and was exhausted almost to the point of tears.

    Hahaha!!! you win!!!

    Thank you, thank you, *bows* :D
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    well it wasn't me driving, but...... :blushing: :blushing:

    def probably not the smartest move ever

    ^^ This. Driving from Boston to NY. We pulled over when it started snowing.

  • SweetTrouble_
    SweetTrouble_ Posts: 933 Member
    the only one I'll mention here...freak out because a bee crawled up my shorts and I didn't want to get my girl parts stung, when I finally pulled over I jumped out and took off my shorts, I'm sure people driving by thought I was crazy.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Drove at ~60-70mph without lights at midnight down a curvy road for 3 miles...several times
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    ohhh !!! got married!! that's it:angry:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Driving while drunk.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I put four coffees in a coffee holder to bring home to my family. (Parents and brothers, I was 20.) They slid off the seat and landed on the floor where my art portfolio was "stored" haha. I grabbed for the coffee, took out a telephone pole. Totaled the car. Did not get one ticket though :)
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I flew a kite out of a jeep. I almost lost a finger.
  • beepermad
    beepermad Posts: 198
    I got hammered in London in the middle of the night with no money and no cell phone fifteen miles from my apartment.

    Don't worry, guys. I found a nice Saudi guy to give me a ride home.
  • BrklynTico
    BrklynTico Posts: 143
    I got engaged once. That was pretty stupid.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Drown down the highway the wrong way. And passed a car before I realized it, LOL
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Zip lining when I was a lot heavier (and exceeded the weight limit for the harness)
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    When I was in the Air Force stationed in England. We had just watched Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde then we went out drinking in London, some time (not sure what time it was) foggy night, drunk off our *kitten*....running through Hyde Park playing hide and seek. Must admit...it was a tad-bit scary.