Diet food is horrible

Anyone else look at the diet blogs and think I don't like any of that it'd make me sick just eating it! I know I'm a picky eater, I have pernicious anaemia which is treated with injections and I view it as a blessing because I really don't like the taste of most meats. Chicken is all I'll eat. I don't like eggs, am lactose intolerant so all dairy is out (most recepies have cheese all over them.) Avacados? Ewwww. I do however love veggies, and carbs. I hate sauces and dressings on food and don't like anything spicy. Bland bland bland is what I'm left with. It doesn't help keep motivation up when 90% of your usual diet is bad for your weight and the other 10% is just chicken and veg alone. No spices, no herbs. I'm sick of grilled chicken and veg or chicken and salad. Eww to tofu and humus.


  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    what is it you usually eat that isn't in the bland category that you aren't having now? Just curious.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    K. . . So for the pernicious anaemia situation, it appears as though no dietary changes or modifications are needed. You just get extra shot of the missing vitamin. Except, I can take my D orally ( praise the lord)

    But food wise “you can do what you want)!

    FWIW- my lactose intolerant friend eats tillamuck. The aging process takes care of the problem. AND I went to a cheese fest where I spoke with a bunch of high class, expensive cheese mongers. It sounds like aging 5he cheese solves the problem naturally. I research that?
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    So really, choosing the right dairy is important, so you don’t actually have food restrictions.

    So why do you feel so restricted? It can’t be all grilled chicken breaths and a few veggies or you’ll kill yourself.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I never look at the diet /food blogs here. We don't have to eat things we don't like/enjoy to lose weight. All it takes is eating foods that we enjoy and that fill us - its eating less than we burn that leads to weight loss.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    My "diet food" consists of all the things I've always eaten - I just eat some of them more often and others less often. I don't consider any food "bad" or off limits - but I do consider their context and dosage within my overall diet.

    ^^ this applies to me too.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Good news is you can really load up on chicken and veggies for a modest number of calories.

    Don’t like spicy and don’t like bland. That’s a problem.

    If by carbs you mean baked goods, just a personal observation, weight loss could be a rough go.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I don't know what "diet food" you are talking about. I just eat food that I like and remain at a calorie deficit. yes, I try to eat nutritious and healthy food but mostly I just eat and make sure I stay within my calories. Don't think of it as diet food or not, just think of it as food that fuels your body. Eat to live, not live to eat.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I agree, diet food is horrible. That's why I don't eat it. I eat the same things I ate before, just arranged differently, less of some things (the higher calorie things) and more of others (the lower calorie things).
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member

    When you you say “no spices, no herbs” do you mean your dietary restrictions won’t allow you to eat spices and herbs? As in medically you cannot eat them? Because adding spices and herbs to food definitely is a great way to add flavour to food. And they’re not all spicy! Mint, basil, sage, thyme, rosemary are all delicious and add very little calories. Personally I add some real garlic (never garlic salt) to almost all my dinners because it really rounds out a meal.

    I agree with what a lot of people have been saying, “diet food” is just a perception. Eat healthy real food and be conscious about how much of it you’re eating. There’s so much good food out there that’s good for you! Be adventurous, browse Pinterest, ask your friends for their favourite recipes. Consider cheese substitutes. Be creative and have fun, if you go over your calories it’s not the end of the world, it’s a learning experience. Food is not only fuel, but can be super fun!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I don't eat diet food. I eat what I like within my trackable limits.
    You have alot of mental blocks and rules where food is concerned.
    You and food have a relationship that would make me crazy!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited May 2018
    froogal wrote: »
    Anyone else look at the diet blogs and think I don't like any of that it'd make me sick just eating it! I know I'm a picky eater, I have pernicious anaemia which is treated with injections and I view it as a blessing because I really don't like the taste of most meats. Chicken is all I'll eat. I don't like eggs, am lactose intolerant so all dairy is out (most recepies have cheese all over them.) Avacados? Ewwww. I do however love veggies, and carbs. I hate sauces and dressings on food and don't like anything spicy. Bland bland bland is what I'm left with. It doesn't help keep motivation up when 90% of your usual diet is bad for your weight and the other 10% is just chicken and veg alone. No spices, no herbs. I'm sick of grilled chicken and veg or chicken and salad. Eww to tofu and humus.

    What would you eat if you were not trying to diet?

    You can eat any food you want and lose weight as long as you have a calorie deficit.
    You can create a calorie deficit by reducing calorie intake, increasing activity (calorie burn) or both.
    You do not have to make massive dietary changes to lose weight. If you like and tolerate pasta, bread, potatoes, rice then eat them just watch that your portions fit your calorie goal. Since you like vegetables you could reduce portions sizes of higher calorie foods and fill your plate with more lower calorie vegetables. It doesn't have to be salad.
    To lose 1 lb a week you need to eat 500 calories less per day than your current maintenance.

    You are probably not going to find recipes that do not use any spices or any herbs. If you want simple chicken you can choose different cooking methods like frying, grilling, baking, boiling.
    You did not mention vinegars or citrus juice, honey or fruit. Maybe you can add those for flavor.
    Onion? Garlic?