What do you think on Slim Fast?



  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Thanks for those with positive comments. I wouldn't think of it as permanent. My friend used slim fast and it helped her loose 3 dress sizes .. 2 shakes a day, snacks veggies n fruit and a meal at the end of the day using a calorie counter. . I would like to use to it drop a dress size or 2 and then continue healthy eating but I just need a little boost to start off. Nothing wrong with it! And it is most certainly something I do NOT want long term! thanks to the positive posters :-) :flowerforyou:

    Why would you even bother asking if you had already made up your mind and didn't really want any opinions that didn't reinforce your decision? :huh:

    Thanks for wasting our time, enjoy your temporary success, I hope you master the yo-yo.

  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I used SlimFast when I was 16, I lost 70 pounds in one year on it. From 250 to 180. I started with a shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, sensible dinner. I did eventually only start using them for lunch and having a normal breakfast. Once I wasn't living in a situation where I had someone else making my food choices for me, I gained all my weight back, of course not instantly but over the years, I was 252 at 21. I wish I had learned portion control and proper eating instead of using the shakes. My weight loss would have been sustainable and saved me a lot of grief these past 11 years.

    PS: If I need to sub a meal now or need to get in my protein for the day, I grab a Nutrimino low carb protein shake. They don't taste like heaven but they are much healthier than the Slimfast.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Thanks for those with positive comments. I wouldn't think of it as permanent. My friend used slim fast and it helped her loose 3 dress sizes .. 2 shakes a day, snacks veggies n fruit and a meal at the end of the day using a calorie counter. . I would like to use to it drop a dress size or 2 and then continue healthy eating but I just need a little boost to start off. Nothing wrong with it! And it is most certainly something I do NOT want long term! thanks to the positive posters :-) :flowerforyou:

    Why would you even bother asking if you had already made up your mind and didn't really want any opinions that didn't reinforce your decision? :huh:

    Thanks for wasting our time, enjoy your temporary success, I hope you master the yo-yo.


    Welcome to the internet. :smile:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this thread again...?????


    You would be better off just creating a calorie deficit with real food, and avoiding slim fast...

    I mean you could just drink water instead of mea and that is about the equivalent to slim fast...all you are doing is creating deficit by replacing a meal with a shake...why not cut your portion size down 20% at each meal and accomplish the same thing..?
  • kuk61
    kuk61 Posts: 1
    I'm reading all the negative comments about Slimfast on here. I do drink 1 Slimfast a day during the week because I don't like to eat first thing in the morning but you have to have something. I don't think 1 a day is going to promote unhealthy eating. My Dr. said they are fine to drink. Your getting in milk, vitamins, some fiber and protein. As far as the flavor they have changed a lot over the years. I like the Royal chocolate and the Vanilla. I would never follow their whole plan tho. I know myself. It would just make me fell deprived and we know what happens when we feel that way. Just something to think about.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    This post makes me positively twitchy. Good luck, OP! :flowerforyou:
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    you could:

    a.) eat food, REAL food. and monitor your calories and lose weight without feeling hungry, and starting a different lifestyle.


    b.) drink slim fast bc you want to be lazy, lose temporary weight, be hungry, go on an all out binge and never drink slim fast again, and then gain it all back.

    But, I won't say I told you so on B.

    I'm going to go buy one of those electro pulse belts that bruce lee wore so I can get abs without doing any exercise :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks for those with positive comments. I wouldn't think of it as permanent. My friend used slim fast and it helped her loose 3 dress sizes .. 2 shakes a day, snacks veggies n fruit and a meal at the end of the day using a calorie counter. . I would like to use to it drop a dress size or 2 and then continue healthy eating but I just need a little boost to start off. Nothing wrong with it! And it is most certainly something I do NOT want long term! thanks to the positive posters :-) :flowerforyou:

    everyone who agrees with OP = positive

    everyone who disagrees = negative...

    Good luck to you ..

    I look forward to the "help, I gained it all back thread that will soon be forthcoming..."
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I used SlimFast when I was 16, I lost 70 pounds in one year on it. From 250 to 180. I started with a shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, sensible dinner. I did eventually only start using them for lunch and having a normal breakfast. Once I wasn't living in a situation where I had someone else making my food choices for me, I gained all my weight back, of course not instantly but over the years, I was 252 at 21. I wish I had learned portion control and proper eating instead of using the shakes. My weight loss would have been sustainable and saved me a lot of grief these past 11 years.

    PS: If I need to sub a meal now or need to get in my protein for the day, I grab a Nutrimino low carb protein shake. They don't taste like heaven but they are much healthier than the Slimfast.

    OP: Please read teh above post again...

    thank you
  • iTStaRTsN0W
    I have incorporated slim fast into my diet plan. I drink it for breakast and dinner, counting toward my daily calorie count.

    I have lost 12lbs in just 4 days short of a month.

    I am also working out daily, and eating right the rest of my day.

    It's just easier for me, I am not a big breakfast eater and I have too much to do in the evening to make 3 seperate dinners for me my kid and my husband,
  • iTStaRTsN0W
    Oh, I also add fruits into my shakes like strawberries, blueberries, bananas, even peanut butter
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    It's just easier for me, I am not a big breakfast eater and I have too much to do in the evening to make 3 seperate dinners for me my kid and my husband,

    Why would you have to make 3 dinners? You can eat regular foods, just eat less of it. Portion control. Teach your family about healthy food.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm not being negative about Slim Fast here but diabetes runs in my family and I read the label when I was trying every diet on the market and it scared me away. I also have a chemistry background and the chemicals in it are not easy on the body.

    My brother used it, lost 40 lbs and gained 80 lbs when he quit because of high blood sugar.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    It's just easier for me, I am not a big breakfast eater and I have too much to do in the evening to make 3 seperate dinners for me my kid and my husband,

    Why would you have to make 3 dinners? You can eat regular foods, just eat less of it. Portion control. Teach your family about healthy food.

  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Tried it, don't like it, never again! Their products, like weight watchers and jenny craig, have way too much processed crap in it, not enough fiber/protein and WAY TOO MUCH ADDED SUGAR!! Barf-O-Rama!

    I have had to tell just about everyone around me, "Thank you for your advice, I appreciate your interest in helping me better my health, but I'm going to do this the way that works for my body." If they keep giving advice, I say, "Thank you," and then change the subject.

    This is my body, my life, and I'm not putting more garbage in it that doesn't fit my macros.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    All I'm getting from this thread is "Blah, Blah, Blah, don't want to work hard at a healthy lifestyle, just want the easy way out, and I'm insecure so I need positive comments reinforcing my decision from total strangers, dissenters are negative and need not comment, Blah, Blah."


  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I tried slim fast twice while in college. The first time, I stuck to it for about 6 months and dropped about 25 pounds, with exercising. The problem though was that I got big in the first place because I didn't know how to eat properly. Once I stopped the shake, I put back on about 35 pounds. When I tried the diet again, it made me sick to my stomach and I couldn't even stick to it for 2 weeks.

    Fast forward to after college, where I had ended up gaining a total of 45 pounds over 6 years. I decided that as a adult, I should make the adult decision and do weight loss the right way. I counted calories, work out 5-6 times per week, and over the course of 1.5 years, I lost 90 pounds. Guess what, I have more energy, a higher fitness level, AND I know how to eat properly.

    Will you gain and lose weight over the course of your life, yes. But I now have the tools to keep it in check. Slim fast is processed crap that is not natural and will act as a crutch to prevent you from learning a proper way to be healthy. Whatever you chose, I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Apparently you only want positive comments, so why ask. However, I have done Slimfast before, have lost some weight with it, but then gained it back and then some. If you feel you must replace a meal, at least use protein powder or make a smoothie with fruits, veggies, etc. I know you're looking for the quick and easy route, but that's not going to work in the long haul. If you want to lose some weight now and gain it back again, go for it. Otherwise, learn to eat within a certain amount of calories and exercise. You'll still lose weight and if you make the proper lifestyle changes, you'll keep it off. Best of luck to you!
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for those with positive comments. I wouldn't think of it as permanent. My friend used slim fast and it helped her loose 3 dress sizes .. 2 shakes a day, snacks veggies n fruit and a meal at the end of the day using a calorie counter. . I would like to use to it drop a dress size or 2 and then continue healthy eating but I just need a little boost to start off. Nothing wrong with it! And it is most certainly something I do NOT want long term! thanks to the positive posters :-) :flowerforyou:

    The problem is... doing 2 shakes a day with just random fruit/veg inbetween with a single meal that's counted...

    why not just start counting those meals now instead of going through the "I'm losing water weight! YAY!" and then "WHY AM I NOT LOSING ANYMORE!?" when you go back to real food?

    Oh, and here:

    Since you like positive comments, I'm adding in a unicorn and bunnies.

    If you use it as a temporary fix, the results are going to be temporary too. Thought about that? There isn't a "do this, lose weight, go back to eating food and magically stay thin" after. Your friend lost water weight. You'll do the same.

    But again, you seem pretty dead-set on this, since anyone that told you it wasn't a good idea wasn't being positive? Oh wait, except we are. We're telling you what has happened before.. since we've probably been down that road before.

    You can choose what information you want, but if it's cuddles, hugs, and "here, yeah, just do slimfast since it's awesome and helped your friend lost water weight" then I'm not gonna be that guy.

  • mandyj32
    mandyj32 Posts: 2 Member
    No matter what anyone says untill you realize that losing weight and keeping it off is a life style change not a lot of what anyone does to lose weight will work bc they eventually stop. With that said, if you want to do slim fast for a meal replacement I recommended you do the Wal-Mart brand. Its either 6 or 8 cans for under $5, and you save more money if you buy the bigger case. I think that a High protein low fat diet is the best I have found. I eat two meals a day with snacks and use the shake to replace one meal. Yes you are getting the nutrients needed in the shake but the breakdown of the shake is different that actuall food. It moves through the body faster, in turn emptying the stomach faster making you hungry sooner. Best of Luck to you.