Lesson from A-Rod ...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thank you for reminding me why I do not watch tv.

    What a sh$thead.
    What does this have to do with watching TV?
  • Looking4ward
    Looking4ward Posts: 23 Member
    If someone came to you tomorrow and said I have a pill you can take that will make you 50% more effective at your job and guarantee that you will be rich beyond most people's dreams... would you take it? What would stop you from taking it?

    This isn't just a question of professional proficiency and money or morals..

    There are those of us who are susceptible to unpleasant side effects including: life threatening reactions to antibiotics,migraines from use of pain killers, severe heartburn from aspirin, dizzy spells from ginko biloba, dermatitis from hydrocortisone cream, brain fog from statins, depression triggered by alcohol.

    I've even known people who have had bad trips on pot.

    There are no guaranteed results.

    How many people will try that pill and die of it? Or have a reaction that disables them?

    How much is health worth? Money? Prestige? World records?
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    I can't stand most of the Yankees anyways. I'm with ya on setting an example for kids though. You want more? Work hard for it... don't cheat to get there.

    On top of that, if they have all the evidence they say they have against A-Roid, and don't ban him for life... Well, they need to let Shoeless Joe back in and Pete Rose also.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    He cheated and that's not right, but I still think that they should stop with the anti-performance enhancing drug drive in professional sports. Allow the professional athletes to use what they want, and the rest of us will reap the benefits in terms of better entertainment and improvement in such drugs that could result the in open and honest publication and discussion of them.

    So turn it into a race to see who can chemically enhance themselves the most instead of honoring true talent? At that point, of course, those with the most money start to take over and you've cut out every good come-from-nothing story that ever graced sports history. It becomes rich families juicing kids from birth to take part in multi-million dollar drug games.

    Good call.