Does it matter how you use your calories?



  • SweetSindelle
    SweetSindelle Posts: 49 Member
    I've had occasional fast food burgers, Reeses Pieces, and donuts throughout my journey. They all fit into my lifestyle, and I am happy having them there. Moderation is the key.

    42 pounds down this year.

    I completely agree. I don't deprive myself of the things I want. If I want a chocolate bar, slice of cheesecake or fast food I incorporate it into my daily calories. If it takes up my entire intake for the day (as fast food usually does), I exercise more so I can eat more. I've also managed to incorporate some self control as well. Instead of eating a whole chocolate bar at one sitting, I spread it out during the day. I completely agree. Everything is good in moderation.
  • npc80
    npc80 Posts: 19 Member
    As long as there is a calorie deficit then yes, you will lose weight however I wouldn't recommend eating like that all the time because you wont get any of the health benefits from losing the weight but the occasional treat wont hurt!
    My official weigh day is a Wednesday... I always have doritos & chocolate on a Wednesday and eat clean for the rest of the week unless I'm planning on going out at the weekend in which case I'll save up my naughtiness until then :)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Nutrients matter, not labels like "clean" or "processed."

    Focus your diet around getting the nutrients your body needs. Get your protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. When you get them doesn't matter. How you get them doesn't matter.

    I eat ice cream every night. The other night I took two Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and covered them in ice cream and the entire canister of frosting. I had already met my nutrient goals for the day, so I splurged on something delicious with my leftover calories.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The fact that what "matters" seems to vary person to person should tell you that very few of us actually know anything about what we're saying.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The fact that what "matters" seems to vary person to person

    Yeah, it really doesn't, in terms of what actually works. The only thing that varies from person to person is compliance.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    The fact that what "matters" seems to vary person to person should tell you that very few of us actually know anything about what we're saying.
    Sounds deep, in a mystic kind of way. But no, it doesn't vary much.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Yes you can. However, it would be hard because you'd be eating a lot less food for those calories, so would probably be very hungry i.e. one Big Mac meal and you're pretty much done for the day, so you wouldn't be able to eat much (if anything) for breakfast or lunch if that was your planned dinner.


    Am I going to lie and say I don't eat fast food - no. But when I do, I plan that into my day - for the most part.
  • water_coloured
    water_coloured Posts: 81 Member
    I make sure to hit my protein macros first. Any leftover calories go to whatever I want.

    Of course, I will fit in a couple servings of fruits and veggies for the fiber and vitamins. But if I'm craving junk food, I'll eat it.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I don't think you can lose the weight. Think about it all that sugar turns into fat and then in turn stores itself into your body. You will then be tired to workout, because you are not feeding your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs, hence gaining weight.

    No, that's not how it works

    Calories in vs calories out, it's as simple as that actually.

    In my case the sluggishness induced by such a diet would probably cause the "calories out" side of that equation to fall.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Yep - it would work - heres the report
    however, I wouldnt advocate this - I'd love to try it, but I fear the end result.......
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Yep - it would work - heres the report
    however, I wouldnt advocate this - I'd love to try it, but I fear the end result.......

    It's a good link, and accurately describes the "twinkie diet" - which has a very misleading name.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I like to use mine like trading cards.

    I consider it a win when I've already hit my nutrition goals, and trade the remaining calories for beer and ice cream.
  • Way2slk
    Way2slk Posts: 48 Member
    Your body does not know it is the weekend, so it stores the fat and you end up burning good muscle. Increasing your metabolism to burn the fat should be a goal. If you cheat once, then you are paving a way for Ok for today and then it extends to another day and then the hard work goes away. It has to be a lifestyle change...."If you are happy with you are getting, then keep doing what you have been doing".. You have to make a changes. If not Today, then WHEN?
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    I am sooo not against saving calories for alcohol :) As long as I stay in a deficit (and am honest about how much I've drank) then I will still lose (and have still lost weight). I make allowances for the things that I enjoy, as well you should, because no one can sustain themselves with zero treats ever...or maybe some can I don't know, but certainly not me!
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes you can is your answer. However eating ****e foods means u will be much less likely to stick to your calorie goals as you will feel hungrier as you are not filling up on nutritious foods. Speaking from experience u will also struggle to gain energy to excersise if u are eating low cal but bad foods. I stick to 1200 but make the most of those calories by eating foods that keep me fuller for longer.

    You would see results however u would be much less likely to see long term results you would also feel awful ( bad skin, lathargic, constipated etc)

    It's fine now and again to have a bad day and stick to cals but don't make it your way of dieting as it won't last !
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    I think it would be very hard. 50 calories of candy is processed by our bodies differently than 50 calories of fruit. They are both sugary, but one is natural and not processed. There are carbs/sugars that pretty much just lay on top of the fat that is already there, and there are good ones that help burn it. It's about keeping your sugar levels at medium rate all day long and not spiking it. Hormones and digestive issues come into play as well.

    You can't be perfect 100% of the time as it is clear that we haven't been otherwise there would be no need to lose weight. I think being cognizant of the what makes up the food we are eating as well as the calories within those foods is what will help us over all.

    I found this helpful video, although I believe calorie counting definitely does help - the rest of what the video shows is pretty interesting.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    doesn't matter what you eat.

    There are lots of seamen who have died of scurvy that will disagree with you.
  • candicane32081
    candicane32081 Posts: 132 Member
    The pro wrestler Randy Orton, eats ice cream almost daily, and I would bet that he gets the results he wants. Now, he works his @ss off and eats a relatively healthy diet along with the ice cream. Moderation is key.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The pro wrestler Randy Orton, eats ice cream almost daily, and I would bet that he gets the results he wants. Now, he works his @ss off and eats a relatively healthy diet along with the ice cream. Moderation is key.

    I eat ice cream daily.