What are you looking forward to when you reach your goal?

RooRow Posts: 12 Member
I have been reading the many success story threads and I find it motivational when people talk about the things that they didn't expect (like always being cold and having boney knees) and what is so great about having lost weight. However I'm new here and only just starting, so I thought it would be useful to focus on something I expect when I reach my goal that I look forward to and I'd like to hear what others are thinking.

I'm looking forward to getting dressed/picking out outfits quicker because I won't have to check that things still fit and make sure that all bulges are adequately hidden while still trying to look stylish!


  • daniellewhiteliving
    daniellewhiteliving Posts: 67 Member
    I'm looming forward to same as u!!
  • FranklinCurie
    FranklinCurie Posts: 4 Member
    Actually being satisfied with what I see in the mirror .
  • Ninkasi
    Ninkasi Posts: 173 Member
    Wearing all the stylish clothes sitting in my closet. I'm a minimalist, but it took too much time to find these clothes and I paid too much to give them away.

    Also, getting off the blood pressure meds.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Not seeing one of the descriptives as"obese" on the doctors notes that they give you when you leave! HATE that word!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,033 Member
    Having fun outdoors again. I do this already, to an extent, but I would like to do more. Longer hikes. Canoeing. I would love to try ziplining. I would love to go sledding again.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited May 2018
    I guess being a straight up size 10/Medium. I've been at this weight loss thing forever it seems, and I'm really happy with my progress & maintaining it for years...but I want to step it up a little more because I feel like size 12 and Large stuff often looks weird and saggy on me but I can't always fit the 10 and M.

    For the record I'm NOT one of those people who is size obsessed (obviously, or I'd probably be striving for a much smaller size than this).
  • FritoGirl4life
    FritoGirl4life Posts: 25 Member
    I'm looking forward to being happy with my physical appearance and getting into a size 10 and not having flabby arms!! I've got about 40 pounds to go! I'm down 14.6 this month!
  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    Same as OP. I’m in maintenance and I love being able to wear anything in my closet and it fits or is loose! Love being able to run up flights of stairs and walk for miles and my feet don’t hurt. Love not worrying about what I look like in pictures. Love not dreading meeting people for the first time. Love splitting a dessert with my husband and not feeling guilty because I have learned how to enjoy treats in moderation. The list goes on and on.
  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    When my weight is on the lower end I find I don't think about it or my body half as much. I'm up 4-6 lbs from my lowest weight (and still want to lose a bit more after that) and I'm already so much more self conscious than I was. Sad.
  • Patrick_Mars
    Patrick_Mars Posts: 14 Member
    Buying a black suit and looking good in it :) Also, having more energy.
  • noumena_
    noumena_ Posts: 45 Member
    Wearing tank tops and short sleeved shirts again without worrying about my flabby upper arms!!!
  • Sesquy
    Sesquy Posts: 58 Member
    I can't wait to go suit shopping again. No tailor will be able to fix the drastic size change I'm planning on! I know it'll take me some time even after goals are met to feel good about myself, but at least then I'll have a before/after to debunk any negative thoughts!
  • Smallville127
    Smallville127 Posts: 51 Member
    Riding English again vs Western
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am so looking forward riding a bicycle again! 150 pounds to go!
    BIGFNROB Posts: 996 Member
    To shop in regular stores!