Beginners to Keto?

Hi! My name is Heaven and sadly I'm not new to weight loss, I am looking to lose about 42 pounds right now. I'm looking for friends that are kind and supportive in general. If anyone has experience with the keto diet that would also be a great help as well! Let's help each other get to our goals!


  • nikspurdle
    nikspurdle Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I’m Nicole and I’ve got 30lbs to get rid off. If you like... we could attempt to motivate each other?
  • jenniflower75
    jenniflower75 Posts: 23 Member
    I have 50 pounds exactly to lose. I will stay in touch if you guys want
  • amandacaitlin29
    amandacaitlin29 Posts: 1 Member
    I've done keto for a couple of weeks back in February, so I'm happy to give a few tips if you'd like!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I've done keto for a couple of weeks back in February, so I'm happy to give a few tips if you'd like!

    Ladies, y'all mind if a gentleman joins?

    I started Keto in February, 2018 and saw some instant success (water weight, aka, glycogen reserves) but was doing Powerlifting and the performance in the gym really tanked so I stopped for about one week. Well, my senses came back to me - gotta be healthy before you can be fit! So, totally back on keto.

    Now, I am doing Keto because of high A1C (I am 6'0" at 210lbs and very athletic) but I LOVE the Lifestyle.

    One of the biggest hurdles with the Keto Lifestyle is the Keto Flu. From what I understand it SUCKS! There is a way to mitigate this....ensure that you are very mindful of the Electrolytes (aka, sodium, magnesium, potassium) and that you increase them when you are first starting.
  • JMed29
    JMed29 Posts: 94 Member
    Everything has carbs :#
  • lolangel331
    lolangel331 Posts: 1 Member
    So you can't workout if ur on keto?? No cardio? Lifting ???
  • jasonmarsh07
    jasonmarsh07 Posts: 17 Member
    Been doing keto for a month it's hard at times but then I realize I have bacon in the fridge to eat haha
  • mcash540
    mcash540 Posts: 11 Member
    Keto is amazing for dropping fat quickly. I stayed strict keto for 4 months and lost about 45 lbs. I always seemed to have amazing energy doing cardio but on heavy lifting days the strength wasn’t present. I started cycling carbs for 24 hrs on the weekend and keeping heavier workouts towards the beginning of the week. My gym performance increase tremendously following the carb refeeds and still dropped another 10lbs. Now I stay at a 40/30/30 diet and focus on lean muscle mass but keto is amazing for pushing weight loss goals and cutting down body fat.
  • Sesquy
    Sesquy Posts: 58 Member
    Nearly a month though into keto here. My goal is to drop about 70lbs. Long road ahead, but I've oddly woken up with even more motivation and inspiration every single day thanks to communities like MFP and r/ProgressPics.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have come to the conclusion that a "diet" is not a long - term answer. At least for me it is changing my lifestyle. I have to lose about 160 pounds - so far 10 kg. down. For me it is portion control, looking at daily calorie consumption, recording everything on MFP, starting some exercise. Over the years I have tried just about any diet from A to Z. There is usually some sort of restriction involved which I am not able to sustain long term. I am prity sure that there is not only ONE "diet" for mankind - we are all different. I have also noticed, that many extremely obese people have had a very traumatic experience in their lives. (For me it is the loss of our dear son George Paul shortly after birth.) So it is not only about healing the body, but also healing the mind.
  • barefootboatnik
    barefootboatnik Posts: 134 Member
    I'm not sure if what I'm doing is keto in the strictest sense, really.. I think it's more just low carb. I basically took a step back & tried to isolate my weaknesses when it came to food. Those happened to be bread, sweets, and pasta.. so I cut those out, for the most part. That generally kept me between 30-60 grams of carbs/day. I've sorta plateaued at 45-50 lbs lost tho, so I'm sure I'm going to have to get more serious about it and work on some macros tho. 40 more lbs to go, and there's no such thing as too much support & motivation!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So you can't workout if ur on keto?? No cardio? Lifting ???

    It is not that you can not train when you are doing is just that until you become fat adapted it is really tough to train, especially doing the power lifting stuff that I was doing. Not impossible, just really tough.

    And, someone else nailed this on the head.....Keto is truly a lifestyle, not a 'diet'! Keep in mind that you are not consuming much in the way of Carbs (I often would go several days without consuming 20g of BS!). Glycogen Stores are completely depleted and you have no "umph".

    Anyway, once your body becomes fat-adapted (there are several stages to Ketosis) you are in a much better position.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited May 2018
    The Low Carber Daily and Keto MFP groups are good places to go to find more like minded people. They've helped me a great deal.

    I'm not a great friend, myself. I tend not to check my newsfeed often. :blush:
    So you can't workout if ur on keto?? No cardio? Lifting ???

    As @LiftHeavyThings27105 said, while getting used to keto, performance might decline a bit. It can last a couple of weeks or months. Especially in the first few days when glycogen is depleted (it is generally fine after that). Low electrolytes can really impact performance. Most keto'er need at LEAST 3000 to 5000 mg of sodium a day - some need more. For reference, there 2300 mg sodium in a teaspoon of salt.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So you can't workout if ur on keto?? No cardio? Lifting ???

    It is not that you can not train when you are doing is just that until you become fat adapted it is really tough to train, especially doing the power lifting stuff that I was doing. Not impossible, just really tough.

    And, someone else nailed this on the head.....Keto is truly a lifestyle, not a 'diet'! Keep in mind that you are not consuming much in the way of Carbs (I often would go several days without consuming 20g of BS!). Glycogen Stores are completely depleted and you have no "umph".

    Anyway, once your body becomes fat-adapted (there are several stages to Ketosis) you are in a much better position.

    Small correction, glycogen stores aren't all depleted, but you do maintain lower levels of glycogen stores. So available glycogen for ATP is just not there.

    Some that become fat adapted may no see impacts on performance. Although, that seems to be a good spread of those who can perform well on keto and those who can't perform at all.
  • katzme0w
    katzme0w Posts: 4 Member
    Add me if you want! I’m attempting a Keto-ish diet plan and am a total newb too lol.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited May 2018
    psuLemon wrote: »
    So you can't workout if ur on keto?? No cardio? Lifting ???

    It is not that you can not train when you are doing is just that until you become fat adapted it is really tough to train, especially doing the power lifting stuff that I was doing. Not impossible, just really tough.

    And, someone else nailed this on the head.....Keto is truly a lifestyle, not a 'diet'! Keep in mind that you are not consuming much in the way of Carbs (I often would go several days without consuming 20g of BS!). Glycogen Stores are completely depleted and you have no "umph".

    Anyway, once your body becomes fat-adapted (there are several stages to Ketosis) you are in a much better position.

    Small correction, glycogen stores aren't all depleted, but you do maintain lower levels of glycogen stores. So available glycogen for ATP is just not there.

    Some that become fat adapted may no see impacts on performance. Although, that seems to be a good spread of those who can perform well on keto and those who can't perform at all.

    As I understand it, glycogen falls in the first couple of days of a ketogenic diet and then it's going back to normal. Glycogen stores do not stay depleted when one eats few carbs.

    I find it difficult to find good information on that topic, but I've not yet seen anything that would indicate that those in chronic ketosis have lower glycogen stores.

    Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners article indicates otherwise:

    Compared to highly trained ultra-endurance athletes consuming an HC diet, long-term keto-adaptation results in extraordinarily high rates of fat oxidation, whereas muscle glycogen utilization and repletion patterns during and after a 3 hour run are similar"
  • tlsmith10
    tlsmith10 Posts: 1 Member
    Check out this video series on the Ketogenic diet. Short and full of great information.
  • LisaHeb1979
    LisaHeb1979 Posts: 219 Member
    I've been keto about two weeks. Love what I see and feel so far. It's amazing how your body reacts when you treat it well. Feel free to add me.
  • Live0rDieTrying
    Live0rDieTrying Posts: 17 Member
    I've been following a "lazy type" keto diet, and have lots of weight to lose. First big goal is losing 70 lbs. I've been keeping my net carbs under 40g per day (typical days are anywhere from 20-30g), and I've lost about 13 lbs in just over a month. Feel free to add me. For me, in general cutting my carb intake in smaller steps helped me avoid the keto flu. First week I cut out bread and pasta, 2nd week, I cut out potatoes and rice, and I believe my last step into full on keto-ing was cutting out most fruit, watching carb counts with certain veggies, and upping my protein/fat intake.

    It worked like a charm. Granted, not everyone is the same and not everyone will get the same results, but I'm happy with my progress so far. I'm gaining better insight into my eating habits, only eating when I'm hungry (a HUGE DEAL for me), and learning to just be mindful of the healthier fare I'm eating.

    Feel free to add me - I'd be happy to support and have friends for the journey!
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    I've done keto in the past and loved it until I started feeling a huge lack of satiety. I would eat more and more and still not feel full. I can only guess that it had to do with a lack of vitamins and minerals. My suggestion is make sure you get appropriate levels of vitamins and minerals while doing keto.