Calling all arthritics...

I have had arthritis in my knees for the last 15 years or so (which is a factor in my decision to continue my weight loss). I take glucosamine currently. I still deal with swelling, and I sound like a bowl of rice krispies when I squat. Storm season means my signature scent is Aspercreme (ooh la la).

What am I missing? Are there any specific regimens/exercises I can add that will help me manage it? Is there a magic bullet yet??


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Weight loss helps immensely. Joint replacement helps many. Strength training also helps. No magic bullet!
  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Weight loss helps immensely. Joint replacement helps many. Strength training also helps. No magic bullet!

    Right, I started losing weight partially because I was tired of struggling to pick things up off of the floor. I have noticed an improvement, I know it will only get better with more weight loss.

    Thanks for your input. :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Cycling! Cycling! Cycling! The low impact activity is great for strengthening the knees and legs without the strain of squats, leg presses etc.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Strengthening relevant muscles, repatterning sub-ideal movement patterns to reduce stress on the joints, and creating flexibility can all help. Best way to find those strategies? Get a referral to a good physical therapist. IME, those people are practically magic.

    Some people benefit from a regular practice of yoga. Some people benefit from acupuncture (I'm one, even though I'm a no-nonsense type who doesn't believe in woo - shrug!).

    Weight loss has been magic, almost, for pain reduction, for me.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    I have something that really helped my arthritis, but it’s not passed by the fda so idk if I’m allowed to say it....
  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    Cycling! Cycling! Cycling! The low impact activity is great for strengthening the knees and legs without the strain of squats, leg presses etc.

    This is great, I didn't even think of cycling- it is popular in my area but I always thought it would be painful. A lot of people have told me to do exercises like squats, lunges, etc., but the getting up is never as easy as the getting down. :D And it's something I can do with the kids- thanks so much for the suggestion.
  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Strengthening relevant muscles, repatterning sub-ideal movement patterns to reduce stress on the joints, and creating flexibility can all help. Best way to find those strategies? Get a referral to a good physical therapist. IME, those people are practically magic.

    Some people benefit from a regular practice of yoga. Some people benefit from acupuncture (I'm one, even though I'm a no-nonsense type who doesn't believe in woo - shrug!).

    Weight loss has been magic, almost, for pain reduction, for me.

    I did physical therapy after my knee surgeries, but didn't think about seeking it out for help with the arthritis - I will talk to my doctor about a referral. Thank you :)
  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    I have something that really helped my arthritis, but it’s not passed by the fda so idk if I’m allowed to say it....

    I'm not opposed to alternative medicine if it's safe, what is it?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Strengthening relevant muscles, repatterning sub-ideal movement patterns to reduce stress on the joints, and creating flexibility can all help. Best way to find those strategies? Get a referral to a good physical therapist. IME, those people are practically magic.

    Some people benefit from a regular practice of yoga. Some people benefit from acupuncture (I'm one, even though I'm a no-nonsense type who doesn't believe in woo - shrug!).

    Weight loss has been magic, almost, for pain reduction, for me.

    I did physical therapy after my knee surgeries, but didn't think about seeking it out for help with the arthritis - I will talk to my doctor about a referral. Thank you :)

    When I wanted PT for my torn meniscus, my doctor told me it couldn't treat/cure the condition. But when I explained that I knew that, but wanted to learn ways of moving that would reduce further stress on the affected joint, he was willing to give the referral.

    I mention this in case you might get similar pushback about PT not being able to treat arthritis.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I too had knee pain....regimen of naproxen daily. The only thing that pretty much took care of it was losing the first 10% of my weight.I know the more I lose the better it will feel! Lose your first 10% and notice the difference.I no longer take pain meds.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    PT helped me. Some specific exercises are good, but weight loss helped the most with my knees. Not much can be done for hands. Building shoulder muscles makes my bursitis less frequent (as far as flares; it's always there at some level). Positive attitude cannot be overrated.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My knees have crackled for about 20+ years now. Weight loss does help me. So does reduced sugars and avoiding foods that are inflammatory for me. I also take glucosamine chodriotin msm but I can't say if it helps a lot.

    I also need to avoid long endurance exercise. Running over 5-10km now makes my knees swell for days. Hiking is harder too - going up a mountain is hard but coming down is ouch.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My knees have crackled for about 20+ years now. Weight loss does help me. So does reduced sugars and avoiding foods that are inflammatory for me. I also take glucosamine chodriotin msm but I can't say if it helps a lot.

    I also need to avoid long endurance exercise. Running over 5-10km now makes my knees swell for days. Hiking is harder too - going up a mountain is hard but coming down is ouch.

    Yes....I can climb stairs like a champ but coming down......oh dear!!! :s
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited May 2018
    dsboohead wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My knees have crackled for about 20+ years now. Weight loss does help me. So does reduced sugars and avoiding foods that are inflammatory for me. I also take glucosamine chodriotin msm but I can't say if it helps a lot.

    I also need to avoid long endurance exercise. Running over 5-10km now makes my knees swell for days. Hiking is harder too - going up a mountain is hard but coming down is ouch.

    Yes....I can climb stairs like a champ but coming down......oh dear!!! :s

    Annoying, isn't it!? :grimace:

    In my fitter years I used to run the stairs of a 15 story building. It worked great because I'd run up and take the elevator down. I could even set up the elevators so they waited for me. LOL
  • jonagolddreams
    jonagolddreams Posts: 39 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Strengthening relevant muscles, repatterning sub-ideal movement patterns to reduce stress on the joints, and creating flexibility can all help. Best way to find those strategies? Get a referral to a good physical therapist. IME, those people are practically magic.

    Some people benefit from a regular practice of yoga. Some people benefit from acupuncture (I'm one, even though I'm a no-nonsense type who doesn't believe in woo - shrug!).

    Weight loss has been magic, almost, for pain reduction, for me.

    I did physical therapy after my knee surgeries, but didn't think about seeking it out for help with the arthritis - I will talk to my doctor about a referral. Thank you :)

    When I wanted PT for my torn meniscus, my doctor told me it couldn't treat/cure the condition. But when I explained that I knew that, but wanted to learn ways of moving that would reduce further stress on the affected joint, he was willing to give the referral.

    I mention this in case you might get similar pushback about PT not being able to treat arthritis.
    This is good food for thought- it has absolutely affected my gait. I wrote myself a note to bring this up.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    dsboohead wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My knees have crackled for about 20+ years now. Weight loss does help me. So does reduced sugars and avoiding foods that are inflammatory for me. I also take glucosamine chodriotin msm but I can't say if it helps a lot.

    I also need to avoid long endurance exercise. Running over 5-10km now makes my knees swell for days. Hiking is harder too - going up a mountain is hard but coming down is ouch.

    Yes....I can climb stairs like a champ but coming down......oh dear!!! :s

    Annoying, isn't it!? :grimace:

    In my fitter years I used to run the stairs of a 15 story building. It worked great because I'd run up and take the elevator down. I could even set up the elevators so they waited for me. LOL it was you screwing with the elevators?!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited May 2018
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    I have something that really helped my arthritis, but it’s not passed by the fda so idk if I’m allowed to say it....

    I'm not opposed to alternative medicine if it's safe, what is it?

  • kracken200
    kracken200 Posts: 4 Member
    My husband has degenerative arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis (kind of like an evil cousin to the more well known rheumatoid arthritis). Both swimming and simply walking in the pool have helped him immensely. It is a safe, low impact way for him to keep moving and maintain muscle that his doctors approve of.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kracken200 wrote: »
    My husband has degenerative arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis (kind of like an evil cousin to the more well known rheumatoid arthritis). Both swimming and simply walking in the pool have helped him immensely. It is a safe, low impact way for him to keep moving and maintain muscle that his doctors approve of.

    I briefly dated someone with ankylosing spondylitis. Yoga helped him tremendously, and in fact, he became a yoga teacher.