Keto and friends

michoman Posts: 5 Member
Hi all!

I'm doing the Keto diet for a few months now and loving it! I've had my stumbles but I'm happily in the rhythm of it now. 

I get better nights sleep, have much more energy, feel less bloated and I'm so much happier than I was before starting it.

I've lost just over a stone and the numbers are steadily decreasing. I'm just looking for friends of any age/diet to keep us on our toes and to motivate each other.  We can share stories and food tips/recipes.

It's not a walk on the park diet, it's a lifestyle change and takes great strength and determination, especially at the start. If you're addicted to certain foods you cannot have anymore then having strong will power helps. 


  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You are right, it's a lifestyle change and not a "diet". I was addicted to bread - and whatever I could pile on top of it. Now I make myself a delicious "sandwich" with salad leaves, spinach, tomatoes and whatever else comes to my mind. And yes, I am starting light exercise as well. 10 kg down, 70 kg to go.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,183 Member
    I'd love to try keto. Any good suggestions for you tube videos?
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member

    I follow the Ketogenic Lifestyle (and, yes - I completely is a lifestyle, not a diet). I absolutely love the food that I eat. I have higher A1C so there was a medical reason for me investigating this way of eating and have faltered once (because of training sessions absolutely sucked *kitten*).

    Jason Wittrock has a good youtube channel. Here is a link to his channel: He is an awesome dude (I think).....

    And, for those of us on "this side" of the pond, one stone is equal to 14 pounds. Those crazy Brits! LOL!

    To @JulieAL1969 - you are changing your body's main source of energy (from glucose/glycogen to ketones) and this is no easy task. You will go to roughly 75% Fats, 20% Protein to 5% Carbs....meaning, that 75% of your calories will be from Fats......20% of your calories from Protein and 5% of your calories from Carbs. It is more challenging that you might think. I would strongly encourage you to investigate this. It is *NOT* for everyone.
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
  • singingotter
    singingotter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All, My name is Elena. I am loving the Keto plan. I've had many cheat days since i began in March 2018 but I'm usually able to get back on the horse within a day or so. I'm looking for support and recipies along the journey of this lifestyle change. i think i can make this permanent. any wisdom to share is welcome.
  • twill3087
    twill3087 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! I'm also part of the keto lifestyle. Not only have I lost 13 pounds in less than 30 days, but I have completely turned my uncontrolled diabetes around (blood sugar in the morning was 280-300, and now its 110-115). Always looking for friends and support! Feel free to add me!
  • Eliezel
    Eliezel Posts: 1 Member
    I’m loving this diet. For me it’s currently a diet; hoping to make it a lifestyle.
  • asuroxychick
    asuroxychick Posts: 4,358 Member
    I'm new to it. So far so good though! It's not easy though. Lol