What finally pushed you to lose the weight?



  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    For me it was a light bulb moment. I was 31, pretty much the heaviest I'd ever been, even my normal clothing size was getting tight. I hated how I looked in pictures, I was unfit. Add to that my lightly elevated blood pressure (and a family history of cardiac issues pre the age of 60) and high heart rate, and suddenly a switch flicked in my head. It really wasn't one big thing that caused the light bulb moment but lots of little things that made me realise that the longer I left it, the harder it would be to change.

    I'm still going, but after starting in April last year I am now 23lbs down. My blood pressure, resting heart rate and cholesterol have all improved. I am fitter. I have dropped in clothing size from a tight UK 14 to a loose UK 12. My skin has improved. I am in control of my life and most importantly, I still live well. I have at no point starved myself, I have not cut out any foods. Just taught myself control.

    It feels *kitten* fabulous!
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    I was told I would never have kids on my own. The doctor also said I should either go on a prescription weight loss drug or have gastric bypass. Decided to do it on my own and lost 170 pounds and have kept it off for 7 years.
    That’s honestly amazing. I’m so proud of you. I hope everything has and will turn in your favor with having kids.
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    busyPK wrote: »
    For me I didn't fit into half of the clothes in my closet anymore. I missed being able to actually wear all the clothes I bought, and since I'm frugal I wasn't going out to buy bigger clothes. I'm down 39lbs and although it has taken much longer than some, I am working towards a healthier lifestyle with the amount of food I consume as well as daily walking and/or jogging. I feel so alive and active now that I try and bottle that feeling so I don't slip back into my former habits.
    Oh my gosh, YES! Clothes! 80% of my clothes don’t fit. But I refuse to buy more because I think I’ll get complacent at this weight. I hope I can get to the point of exercising again like you, but right now I just get disappointed that I can’t do the things I used to.
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    cfgreear wrote: »
    When I realized I had way too much trouble putting on my socks because my stomach was in the way, thats when I decided it was time to make a big change.

    That’s a great reason. I had that epiphany when I was trying to polish my toenails. I literally lost my breath for a few seconds. Lol. Keep up the good work!

  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    minxboo wrote: »
    I have tried many, many diets over the years, with varying degrees of success.
    This January I enrolled in a pre-diabetes program. The goal of the program is to lose 7% of your beginning weight and ramp up to exercising a minimum of 150 minutes each week.

    The program met once a week until this month, and then it will meet once a month for the rest of the year. The only requirement (besides showing up) is to do your best to track your eating and exercise. You only have to count calories and fat for food, and exercise minutes.

    I don't know why, but it's been a real eye-opener for me. I think on a lot of diet plans, you count portions, or points or carbs, but counting fat was a big one for me. It's amazing how many foods that are low-calorie have a ton of fat in them!

    I've lost 9 pounds since January. It's not a fast loss for sure, but it is steady, and for once I feel like it might stay off. Rather than saying "Is this allowed?", I'm finally starting to say "Do I want to eat this or not?"
    Wow! Keep it up. Any progress is better than no progress. I’m so happy for you. I wish you nothing but success!

  • andersonkaitlyn3
    andersonkaitlyn3 Posts: 31 Member
    I decided to get started on the diet thing and took pics in my bra and underwear and I was just absolutely disgusted looking at the pics. It was enough for me to stick with it. I also set up a big reward for meeting my goal. Something I had always wanted and it was a lot of $$ but definitely helped me push myself
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    @lauralea1999 Oh goodness. That’s amazing! Dogs are just the ultimate buddies at everything. My little sister’s dog was the same way. It’s a wiener - pitbull (weird combination but she’s a rescued pet). That poor thing’s belly almost hit the floor. After portioning, she’s doing so well. It’s amazing how dogs can be so unknowingly motivational.
  • architect98
    architect98 Posts: 5 Member
    For me it has been the constant pain from walking upstairs as well as being winded. My favorite clothing not fitting, and worst of all the amount of sweat I produce, especially when driving my car with leather seats in the summer. There is more of course, such as hoping that with better health I can actually live a longer, happier, and healthier life which is my biggest motivator of all.

    I've done it before and losing the weight isnt easy but the release of happiness you get from doing so is the greatest motivation you can ever have!
  • Foodfavor
    Foodfavor Posts: 94 Member
    My dream vacation is Japan, and I would NEVER feel comfortable going with the weight I am now. I might also want to look fabulous incase I run into people who have wronged me in my past...

    Also, shopping will be easier/cheaper and just a better life in general but those aren't fun answers. :wink:
  • lauralea1999
    lauralea1999 Posts: 12 Member
    @Destinyy Thanks! I love my little buddy, lol :)
  • Chelsi1028
    Chelsi1028 Posts: 31 Member
    I was pregnant with my second child and had the gestational diabetes test done and tested positive. Except they didn't set up a second test like normal and skipped right to a diabetic educator and dietician. When I asked why I was told my blood sugar was so high no second test was needed and it was so high that I had regular diabetes. I developed it before I was pregnant and just didn't know. That was my wake up call I was living so unhealthy and I'd let my weight get so out of hand something finally came of it.
  • Joe_Calzone
    Joe_Calzone Posts: 1 Member
    I've always had a love affair with food and drinks - seeking them out, going to restaurants, cooking, craft beer, cocktails, you name it. But the creeping realization that my lifestyle was / is unsustainable and that I can't keep putting on 10lbs a year for the rest of my life, coupled with some insights gained while under the influence of <redacted> in the woods, finally flipped the switch for me. So, here I am. We can do this, right?
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    The mirror.
  • usadragon16
    usadragon16 Posts: 9 Member
    I already knew I needed to lose weight. But, I happened to watch "Obesity: The Post-Mortem" on Netflix and... well... it changed my life. It was the rude awakening I needed. I've been on the straight and narrow ever since.