11 Days on keto

Hi, so I decided to try the Ketogenic diet, because I saw my roommate loose my 15lbs in three weeks. So I'm on day 11, doing about 74% fat, 20% protein and about 5% carbs. I've been tracking my macros and logging food in Fitbit. Scale says I haven't lost any weight. I only just took my measurements 3 days ago, as well as starting pics so I don't have a real gauge of change yet. Other than not have as many cravings or sweet cravings, which are my real struggle, I feel pretty satiated and I don't feel "fat", as I do when I overeat on cabs.
So I'm sticking with it and investing in a Ketone blood reader soon. Another factor is, other than my active cleaning job, I haven't gotten extra exercise. I don't want to pay for a gym and it's been raining for the whole month of May here, no exaggeration. It's flooding here constantly. So I normally hike a few miles a day, but with all this rain and storms, I'm inside mostly. Second is I don't have much of a calorie deficit. Maybe 100-200 cals a day, but sometimes I go over. So those are the factors at the moment.
I'm looking for fiends who are also on the Keto journey who want to share in successes and frustrations. Send me a friend request and a message if you want to be my Keto buddy! If you're on fitbit, I use that more often. Thanks!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't know if I understood correctly, but if you want to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. 100-200 is not going to make a big dent in your weight.
  • LauleaAliyah
    LauleaAliyah Posts: 35 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi, I'm on keto also and following a similar macro breakdown, but agree that the calorie count is what matters the most. Some people do lose very well on "lazy keto," where you just focus on carb avoidance and don't count, but they are likely eating fewer calories than they did previously. I think it's a really great way to reduce hunger and cravings, though! So I would suggest figuring out how many calories you should be consuming and then using that + net carbs as your limits.

    For sure, and at the moment I'm kind of doing the lazy version. I have a tendency to hyper focus on diets, and though I'm a little disappointed I haven't lost weight,it's also not a big deal because my sugar cravings are way down and I generally feel good. I'm looking at this as an easing into better eating habits and I hope to slowly work my deficit down and well as get more exercise. But just looking for other Keto people to charge with and share in progress with. I know what I'm generally doing wrong to not lose weight, and I'm not jumping to change that. I appreciate the support and insight!
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    Hi, I'm on keto also and following a similar macro breakdown, but agree that the calorie count is what matters the most. Some people do lose very well on "lazy keto," where you just focus on carb avoidance and don't count, but they are likely eating fewer calories than they did previously. I think it's a really great way to reduce hunger and cravings, though! So I would suggest figuring out how many calories you should be consuming and then using that + net carbs as your limits.

    For sure, and at the moment I'm kind of doing the lazy version. I have a tendency to hyper focus on diets, and though I'm a little disappointed I have lost weight,it's also not a big deal because my sugar cravings are way down and I generally feel good. I'm looking at this as an easing into better eating habits and I hope to slowly work my deficit down and well as get more exercise. But just looking for other Keto people to charge with and share in progress with. I know what I'm generally doing wrong to not lose weight, and I'm not jumping to change that. I appreciate the support and insight!

    Glad you've seen some success with fewer sugar cravings. I've been on this for about 3-4 months, and I can honestly say that the only reason I eat the number of calories I do is because food is fun, but I could and have skip meals or eat less because I'm not hungry. It's a very different relationship with food than I had in the past. The best thing is watching my kids eat, say, a grilled cheese sandwich, not finish it and have ZERO interest in their leftover crust. My daughter baked 48 chocolate chip cookies and I felt absolutely no sadness/deprivation over not eating them even with a house smelling like cookies. So I guess what I am saying is you should probably be able to dial back your calorie intake a little without feeling deprived....that's one of the cool things about this specific diet. Good luck with it!!
  • candilc9
    candilc9 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm doing the Keto WOE as well and could use some friends on the same journey!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    These groups will have more people that can help you:

    Like the others said, it does come down to calories in the end. Your roommate most likely has a fairly large calorie deficit. My guess is that around 5lbs was water weight and then she has a deficit of over 1000 kcal a day.

    If you are content with a slow loss, then keep doing what you are doing. I imagine you'll be losing about 2 lbs a month - a perfectly fine rate of loss. :) There is about 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so you can figure out how fast you want to lose using that. For most, it is best not to strive for over 2 lbs a week unless you have a lot to lose.

    You don't really need a ketone metre unless you are interested. Ketones are great for some health issues but higher levels do not lead to more fat loss. That being said, I used to enjoy using keto stix (urine testers) just to see how different foods, amounts, and time of day differed. It was interesting for me.