Would you eat insects?



  • If I could walk into a supermarket and they were packaged, already dead and had equal protein to say chicken or turkey and were cheaper or the same price, I would eat them. I bet the crunchiness would be nice in salads!
  • PrimalGirl
    PrimalGirl Posts: 148 Member
    Between insects and 'lab-grown beef burgers'? Hell yeah! At least it's real.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    No, no, no, neither, and no. All answers subject to change if I were stuck in the wild and dying.
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Would and have. Bugs I have eaten include: 2 chocolate covered crickets, 1 fried grasshopper, 1 live grasshopper swallowed whole, 1 live cricket swallowed whole, 1 live grasshopper chewed, and 1 beetle larva grub looking thing. I'm not exactly sure what that last one was because it was in the forest burrowing in a fallen Ponderosa pine, but it looked edible and I'm still living.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I've never done it intentionally, but i would if offered.
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Sure. I've had chocolate covered ants before and they were actually pretty nice. I also at a live earthworm, but it was when I was 7. But I'd try different types. The one thing that I want to try that somehow has more of a ick factor than insects is snake. I really want to try some, but it really grosses me out.

    Snake is delicious, and it's got lots of protein. To get over the ick factor, don't kill and prepare it yourself. I think you can buy packaged snake meat online.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    If I could walk into a supermarket and they were packaged, already dead and had equal protein to say chicken or turkey and were cheaper or the same price, I would eat them. I bet the crunchiness would be nice in salads!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I can't even bring myself to try crab or lobster. Prawns just once was enough for me :sick:
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Had fried rattlesnake once, yes it did taste like chicken.
  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    I also ate Octopus in Korea....

  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    Would you or have you eaten insects?
    I would. Apparently the average human consumes 8 spiders in their lifetime while sleeping. I'd eat a cricket though.

    Would you eat them if they were recognizable (ei: a fried cricket)?
    Yeah, unless it was a spider

    Would you eat them if they were not recognizable (ei: grounded into a powder and used in a recipe)?
    Of course. Beetle Shells in Red Dye 40 makes Koolaid the bomb

    would you ever eat them regularily, or "just to try"?
    If I liked them, I'd have them instead of chicken

    Did you know that insects were a good source of protein? Would knowing the health benefits and low environmental impact of insect farming change your mind about eating insects?

    I'd eat them regardless
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Between insects and 'lab-grown beef burgers'? Hell yeah! At least it's real.

    :sick: I'll take my chances with the lab grown beef.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm very much aware insects are high in protein. I would have to be actually starving for me to eat one, though. My father was a military pilot and used to get dropped in the middle of nowhere for survival training with not much supplies, told "see you in a week"...he says ants and crickets are mighty tasty roasted. *blech*
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    I wouldn't mind trying them, depending on how they're prepared.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member

    Would you eat them if they were recognizable (ei: a fried cricket)?
    Yeah, unless it was a spider

    Spiders, like scorpions, are arachnids, not insects, so you're safe ;)

    As a kid I LOVED bugs, but was scared of spiders. And I'm still the same!
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    I'm from Mexico and I've eaten Maguey's worms... Fried and in tacos with guacamole.

    I don't like them and I'll probably not eat them again.. but I tried them.

    Seriously, its like anything goes with tacos! When I was there my friend ordered "tacos de cabeza" for us, like brains, eyeballs, tongues, etc. I couldn't do it... but if I had seen worms, I would have tried it! Worms and guacamole sounds a lot better, though no way can it be as good as al pastor :)
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    i would, but only certain bugs. the thought of eating a caterpillar, even cooked, is gaggy. but i would seriously love to eat a preying mantis...they look like they'd be yummy! and a spider seems like it might taste like crab, so i'd be down with that. crickets would also be acceptable. scorpions look like they'd taste bitter, so i probably wouldn't want to try them. really giving it some thought, i think i'd be more or less okay with just about anything with legs, especially if you cooked it with garlic and mushrooms and onions.

    i'd also like to eat a peacock. :D
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    I also ate Octopus in Korea....


    I was gonna say, octopus isn't that weird, I've had calamari (squid) many times, its very popular, and I had octopus before too, little tentacles of suction cups and all. But then I saw your photo and realized this was the eating-animals-alive thing, and well, no. Just, no. I could never eat something that was still alive!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    sure. why not? ppl have eaten plenty of insects across the globe for a lot of years, so i'm pretty sure they're safe.

    the only thing that i couldn't try would be something live. i would like it properly dead before it's on my plate.
  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    Sure, I'll try anything once.

    *famous last words*