Why am I losing weight?



  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    OP, you also said you were more sedentary now than before (if I am remembering correctly). What type of activity we're you doing previously? I've seen a few members post that their weight adjusts down a few (couple) pounds when they take breaks from exercise.

    A reduction from doing weights 2/3 times a week to perhaps 2/3 times a month. Instead of doing household chores in the evening/weekends spending more time as a couch potato.

  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Sounds like you are eating below maintenance.

    You're not going to exactly back into your maintenance calories by taking your weight loss calories and adding back the caloric equivalent of your average weight of loss. That's only going to give you an estimate. Once you start eating more, your body burns more calories due to needing to digest that food and you are going to move more without even thinking about it. It's pretty normal for those things to add 100-200 or so calories to your TDEE.

    Actually due to certain circumstances I have actually been a lot more sedentary during that period than normal.

    If anyone suggested that eating more would mean that you burn more in a post about not losing weight they would be laughed off this forum :tongue:

    I'd suggest that's entirely not true. As long as it is put into appropriate context


    Not going to trawl through that but pretty sure noone there suggested eating more would mean you burn more, and I know we do but only by a matter of a 20/30 calories on the figures I am talking about.

    I did actually...

    No you said you had more energy which caused more movement whereby you would burn extra calories. I am talking about the pure act of eating more calories to increase your deficit
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Sounds like you are eating below maintenance.

    You're not going to exactly back into your maintenance calories by taking your weight loss calories and adding back the caloric equivalent of your average weight of loss. That's only going to give you an estimate. Once you start eating more, your body burns more calories due to needing to digest that food and you are going to move more without even thinking about it. It's pretty normal for those things to add 100-200 or so calories to your TDEE.

    Actually due to certain circumstances I have actually been a lot more sedentary during that period than normal.

    If anyone suggested that eating more would mean that you burn more in a post about not losing weight they would be laughed off this forum :tongue:

    I'd suggest that's entirely not true. As long as it is put into appropriate context


    Not going to trawl through that but pretty sure noone there suggested eating more would mean you burn more, and I know we do but only by a matter of a 20/30 calories on the figures I am talking about.

    I'm pretty sure I said something very much like that, on the very thread linked. So did several others. It was to counter people on the thread who said things that amounted to "eating more will never result in faster weight loss". I'd even argue that substantially more than 20-30 calories swing is possible.

    Some people still disagreed with me, but I didn't feel laughed off the forums. I do have very thick skin, though. ;)

    Stan's right: Context.

    BTW: For some reason(s) - no idea what they are - my actual maintenance is several hundred calories more than what MFP estimates for accurately-input profile entries. I'm lucky. Some people vary just as far in the unlucky direction. Neither of these is common, but they are possible. Most people are close to the mean calorie needs for their demographics, but bell curves have tails. Doesn't invalidate the energy balance equation (CICO), though. The standard deviation of this particular bell curve isn't the reason behind the "sometimes eating more results in faster weight loss" argument, either.

    No you said the act of eating more calories would improve various factors that help you to lose weight such as having more energy so are more active. That is not a counter to the argument I stated.
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Anyone have any thoughts other than natural fluctuations?

    That's the most likely explanation in my opinion.

    The timescale is too short and the loss not large enough to draw any meaningful conclusions.

    If it carries on for another 13 weeks or so then report to the nearest weight loss company and prepare to get mad sponsorship!

    Isn't a more likely explanation that I am at deficit and just have a higher metabolism than MFP have estimated for me?
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Sounds like you are eating below maintenance.

    You're not going to exactly back into your maintenance calories by taking your weight loss calories and adding back the caloric equivalent of your average weight of loss. That's only going to give you an estimate. Once you start eating more, your body burns more calories due to needing to digest that food and you are going to move more without even thinking about it. It's pretty normal for those things to add 100-200 or so calories to your TDEE.

    Actually due to certain circumstances I have actually been a lot more sedentary during that period than normal.

    If anyone suggested that eating more would mean that you burn more in a post about not losing weight they would be laughed off this forum :tongue:

    Well then the laughers need to be educated.


    Eating extra calories will never cause you to burn more than those extra calories though!!!! I'm eating around an extra 300 calories even with the extra burn from digestion that is still wiping out my deficit

    Nobody is saying it does. I'm saying you're burning and extra 30 or so calories just by eating 300 more calories than you were 7 weeks ago. Your NEAT very likely has gone up at least a bit without you realizing it. So perhaps your total calorie burn has increased by 125. Between that and the fact that delayed weight loss is as much a reality as delayed weight loss (i.e., weight loss is not linear, short stalls are normal), you're down a few pounds.

    I'm sorry but you are trying to tell me that over a third of my extra calories are going to be burnt just through digestion?........I've already said my activity levels have gone down not up..........

    LOL. You are clearly being deliberately obtuse so I'm done here. Best of luck in your journey!

    Perhaps I was being obtuse but you were suggesting that any extra calories I was eating would be burned off by digestion allowing me a deficit If that was the case how did I get overweight in the first place?
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Depends on how you're calculating the 3 pounds, is it one weigh in of 3 pounds loss in 3 weeks or a number of weigh ins over the same period.

    If it's a number of weigh ins over the 6 weeks maybe you're not actually at maintenance, it's all averages and it would be easy to underestimate exercise and activity/overestimate food enough to be out by 250 cals per day which is all it would take.

    If it's a one off weigh in then yes it's also in the realms of a normal water weight fluctuation.

    Just monitor and adjust as necessary

    It's based on daily weigh ins using Libra

    If you're using Libra, look at the rate in the bottom box and it will tell you an approximate calorie deficit using your real world results. Just add in an extra snack to that amount to your day.

    I'm aiming for weight loss so no need to add any extra snacks :wink:

    Huh? You seem to be complaining about losing weight in your OP and talk about eating at maintenance but now you are saying that you are trying to lose weight? Color me confused.

    Not complaining at all......... Looking for some form of explanation.......... The obvious one is that MFP have grossly underestimated my maintenance level.

    Or you have grossly underestimated your activity level. It's uncommon, but would be just as reasonable an interpretation.

    Most people who taper into maintenance find that they continue losing for 2-6 weeks while they find their actual maintenance calorie balance point.

    Sat/led down from 7am until 7pm apart from walking from getting up and walking from one room to another every hour or so then sat down from around 8pm until bed don't really see how that is underestimating activity.
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    I find it intriguing that only one person has suggested issues with my logging, if I had asked why wasn't I losing weight the first thing people would say is are you weighing? Are you using accurate entries? It's just as easy to overestimate portion sizes as underestimate. Also the suggestion that someone has a lower metabolism than average is not a consideration whereas having a higher than average metabolism is widely recognised
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    why haven't you addressed the question that has been repeatedly asked - are you trying to lose or maintain? since you've claimed both in the thread.
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    why haven't you addressed the question that has been repeatedly asked - are you trying to lose or maintain? since you've claimed both in the thread.

    I'm not sure anyone actually asked the question just made incorrect assumptions.......... however I stated the first time such an assumption was made. Nowhere have I stated I was trying to maintain, I have MFP set to a goal of half a pound weight loss a week but have been miserably failing to hit that target
    ap1972 wrote: »
    I'm aiming for weight loss so no need to add any extra snacks :wink:

  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    I find it intriguing that only one person has suggested issues with my logging, if I had asked why wasn't I losing weight the first thing people would say is are you weighing? Are you using accurate entries? It's just as easy to overestimate portion sizes as underestimate. Also the suggestion that someone has a lower metabolism than average is not a consideration whereas having a higher than average metabolism is widely recognised

    I admit to being confused and un-sure whether you have a question or concern you're trying to troubleshoot, a favourite theory you want to have confirmed, or are generally gripping about what people say or don't say on the boards.

    If I understood your question correctly (and for some reason I am currently not feeling that I have a solid understanding) you've lost some of the water retention that was associated with the weight lifting that you used to do.

    Or maybe you didn't.

    In any case you already seem believe that you know what is happening to you, so I am not sure why you posted a question/concern in the manner that you did.

    TBH, and maybe it is that I am cranky and in need of sleep, but to me it sounds like you set up a "forum test" where you gave out partial information trying to see whether people would "guess" your right answer... dolling out additional information a bit at a time to gently steer the answers in the direction they "ought" to go.

    Or you could have just said: "hey: this is what I think is happening to me and this is why, what do you guys think..."

    Or you could have just said: "you guys are **kittens** and you often don't consider this, that, or the other"

    Anyway, bless your heart, we're each special in our own way, and I certainly do hope that you find your 42!

    Question was very straight forward, is there any reason why I could be losing whilst eating in maintenance

    Wouldn't loss of water retention created a whoosh rather than a steady loss over the period?

    I wasn't setting a forum test in the slightest although I was expecting people to come back with comments suggesting I tighten up logging though

    I have no theories or concerns just a curiosity for knowledge to help improve my chances of weight loss, unfortunately not one suggestion has given any useful insight

    If I had said "Hey this what I think......." that is a leading question and besides I didn't have an opinion

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    I find it intriguing that only one person has suggested issues with my logging, if I had asked why wasn't I losing weight the first thing people would say is are you weighing? Are you using accurate entries? It's just as easy to overestimate portion sizes as underestimate. Also the suggestion that someone has a lower metabolism than average is not a consideration whereas having a higher than average metabolism is widely recognised

    I admit to being confused and un-sure whether you have a question or concern you're trying to troubleshoot, a favourite theory you want to have confirmed, or are generally gripping about what people say or don't say on the boards.

    If I understood your question correctly (and for some reason I am currently not feeling that I have a solid understanding) you've lost some of the water retention that was associated with the weight lifting that you used to do.

    Or maybe you didn't.

    In any case you already seem believe that you know what is happening to you, so I am not sure why you posted a question/concern in the manner that you did.

    TBH, and maybe it is that I am cranky and in need of sleep, but to me it sounds like you set up a "forum test" where you gave out partial information trying to see whether people would "guess" your right answer... dolling out additional information a bit at a time to gently steer the answers in the direction they "ought" to go.

    Or you could have just said: "hey: this is what I think is happening to me and this is why, what do you guys think..."

    Or you could have just said: "you guys are **kittens** and you often don't consider this, that, or the other"

    Anyway, bless your heart, we're each special in our own way, and I certainly do hope that you find your 42!

    Question was very straight forward, is there any reason why I could be losing whilst eating in maintenance

    Wouldn't loss of water retention created a whoosh rather than a steady loss over the period?

    I wasn't setting a forum test in the slightest although I was expecting people to come back with comments suggesting I tighten up logging though

    I have no theories or concerns just a curiosity for knowledge to help improve my chances of weight loss, unfortunately not one suggestion has given any useful insight

    If I had said "Hey this what I think......." that is a leading question and besides I didn't have an opinion

    If the bolded is your question then the answer is “yes, lots of potential reasons” and many of them have been provided in this thread.

    But the most important thing to clarify is the question itself - I think this is what you are saying:

    “Is there any reason, after reducing my overall activity level recently, why I could continue losing a small amount of weight in a short amount of time whilst eating what I believe to be my maintenance calories based on MFP numbers.”

    And again, there are lots of potential reasons:
    1. Weight loss isn’t linear and it isn’t an immediate cause and effect. I often see a 2 week lag between my actions and the results on the scale - both positive and negative
    2. Natural fluctuations - 3 lbs isn’t much
    3. Not enough time to see a true pattern
    4. Your maintenance calories aren’t what you thought/what MFP predicted. Mine aren’t either - I’m a 5’2 female with a desk job and when I chose Sedentary MFP thought my maintenance cals were around 1600 when in fact my TDEE is more like 2200. It’s based on population and statistical averages it’s not a perfectly accurate number for each individual which is the beauty of tracking and monitoring your own results - you can adjust as needed
    5. Inaccurate logging of calories in or estimate of calories out when you were losing has given you inaccurate interpretation of your own results.
    6. Other potential reasons already covered here.
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    I find it intriguing that only one person has suggested issues with my logging, if I had asked why wasn't I losing weight the first thing people would say is are you weighing? Are you using accurate entries? It's just as easy to overestimate portion sizes as underestimate. Also the suggestion that someone has a lower metabolism than average is not a consideration whereas having a higher than average metabolism is widely recognised

    I admit to being confused and un-sure whether you have a question or concern you're trying to troubleshoot, a favourite theory you want to have confirmed, or are generally gripping about what people say or don't say on the boards.

    If I understood your question correctly (and for some reason I am currently not feeling that I have a solid understanding) you've lost some of the water retention that was associated with the weight lifting that you used to do.

    Or maybe you didn't.

    In any case you already seem believe that you know what is happening to you, so I am not sure why you posted a question/concern in the manner that you did.

    TBH, and maybe it is that I am cranky and in need of sleep, but to me it sounds like you set up a "forum test" where you gave out partial information trying to see whether people would "guess" your right answer... dolling out additional information a bit at a time to gently steer the answers in the direction they "ought" to go.

    Or you could have just said: "hey: this is what I think is happening to me and this is why, what do you guys think..."

    Or you could have just said: "you guys are **kittens** and you often don't consider this, that, or the other"

    Anyway, bless your heart, we're each special in our own way, and I certainly do hope that you find your 42!

    Question was very straight forward, is there any reason why I could be losing whilst eating in maintenance

    Wouldn't loss of water retention created a whoosh rather than a steady loss over the period?

    I wasn't setting a forum test in the slightest although I was expecting people to come back with comments suggesting I tighten up logging though

    I have no theories or concerns just a curiosity for knowledge to help improve my chances of weight loss, unfortunately not one suggestion has given any useful insight

    If I had said "Hey this what I think......." that is a leading question and besides I didn't have an opinion

    If the bolded is your question then the answer is “yes, lots of potential reasons” and many of them have been provided in this thread.

    But the most important thing to clarify is the question itself - I think this is what you are saying:

    “Is there any reason, after reducing my overall activity level recently, why I could continue losing a small amount of weight in a short amount of time whilst eating what I believe to be my maintenance calories based on MFP numbers.”

    And again, there are lots of potential reasons:
    1. Weight loss isn’t linear and it isn’t an immediate cause and effect. I often see a 2 week lag between my actions and the results on the scale - both positive and negative
    2. Natural fluctuations - 3 lbs isn’t much
    3. Not enough time to see a true pattern
    4. Your maintenance calories aren’t what you thought/what MFP predicted. Mine aren’t either - I’m a 5’2 female with a desk job and when I chose Sedentary MFP thought my maintenance cals were around 1600 when in fact my TDEE is more like 2200. It’s based on population and statistical averages it’s not a perfectly accurate number for each individual which is the beauty of tracking and monitoring your own results - you can adjust as needed
    5. Inaccurate logging of calories in or estimate of calories out when you were losing has given you inaccurate interpretation of your own results.
    6. Other potential reasons already covered here.

    I'd disagree that many reasons have been provided in this thread

    1. I agree with the cause and effect and I can see that quite clearly in my journey also.
    2. Natural fluctuations would cause more spikes and troughs though wouldn't they? I'm not seeing that
    3. How long would be enough? plus it's not the only data I have
    4. No one made a sensible suggestion of comparing older data to see whether I was losing faster than expected previously.
    5. Interesting thought but previously I believed I was in deficit and I was losing weight so wasn't looking closely at the figures. Difficult to say as there are some gaps and errors in there but I was probably losing a bit quicker than MFP would suggest I should so possibly suggesting that my metabolism is higher than MFP would suggest.
    6. Only suggestions on here are that I am burning more calories because I am eating more which I know for a fact is not the case

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    why haven't you addressed the question that has been repeatedly asked - are you trying to lose or maintain? since you've claimed both in the thread.

    No, he only said that he'd been eating at maintenance. Which is different than having a goal of weight loss, which is his stated goal.

    I eat at maintenance for a few days per month, despite having a goal of weight loss.
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    I find it intriguing that only one person has suggested issues with my logging, if I had asked why wasn't I losing weight the first thing people would say is are you weighing? Are you using accurate entries? It's just as easy to overestimate portion sizes as underestimate. Also the suggestion that someone has a lower metabolism than average is not a consideration whereas having a higher than average metabolism is widely recognised

    I admit to being confused and un-sure whether you have a question or concern you're trying to troubleshoot, a favourite theory you want to have confirmed, or are generally gripping about what people say or don't say on the boards.

    If I understood your question correctly (and for some reason I am currently not feeling that I have a solid understanding) you've lost some of the water retention that was associated with the weight lifting that you used to do.

    Or maybe you didn't.

    In any case you already seem believe that you know what is happening to you, so I am not sure why you posted a question/concern in the manner that you did.

    TBH, and maybe it is that I am cranky and in need of sleep, but to me it sounds like you set up a "forum test" where you gave out partial information trying to see whether people would "guess" your right answer... dolling out additional information a bit at a time to gently steer the answers in the direction they "ought" to go.

    Or you could have just said: "hey: this is what I think is happening to me and this is why, what do you guys think..."

    Or you could have just said: "you guys are **kittens** and you often don't consider this, that, or the other"

    Anyway, bless your heart, we're each special in our own way, and I certainly do hope that you find your 42!

    Question was very straight forward, is there any reason why I could be losing whilst eating in maintenance

    Wouldn't loss of water retention created a whoosh rather than a steady loss over the period?

    I wasn't setting a forum test in the slightest although I was expecting people to come back with comments suggesting I tighten up logging though

    I have no theories or concerns just a curiosity for knowledge to help improve my chances of weight loss, unfortunately not one suggestion has given any useful insight

    If I had said "Hey this what I think......." that is a leading question and besides I didn't have an opinion

    If the bolded is your question then the answer is “yes, lots of potential reasons” and many of them have been provided in this thread.

    But the most important thing to clarify is the question itself - I think this is what you are saying:

    “Is there any reason, after reducing my overall activity level recently, why I could continue losing a small amount of weight in a short amount of time whilst eating what I believe to be my maintenance calories based on MFP numbers.”

    And again, there are lots of potential reasons:
    1. Weight loss isn’t linear and it isn’t an immediate cause and effect. I often see a 2 week lag between my actions and the results on the scale - both positive and negative
    2. Natural fluctuations - 3 lbs isn’t much
    3. Not enough time to see a true pattern
    4. Your maintenance calories aren’t what you thought/what MFP predicted. Mine aren’t either - I’m a 5’2 female with a desk job and when I chose Sedentary MFP thought my maintenance cals were around 1600 when in fact my TDEE is more like 2200. It’s based on population and statistical averages it’s not a perfectly accurate number for each individual which is the beauty of tracking and monitoring your own results - you can adjust as needed
    5. Inaccurate logging of calories in or estimate of calories out when you were losing has given you inaccurate interpretation of your own results.
    6. Other potential reasons already covered here.

    I'd disagree that many reasons have been provided in this thread

    1. I agree with the cause and effect and I can see that quite clearly in my journey also.
    2. Natural fluctuations would cause more spikes and troughs though wouldn't they? I'm not seeing that
    3. How long would be enough? plus it's not the only data I have
    4. No one made a sensible suggestion of comparing older data to see whether I was losing faster than expected previously.
    5. Interesting thought but previously I believed I was in deficit and I was losing weight so wasn't looking closely at the figures. Difficult to say as there are some gaps and errors in there but I was probably losing a bit quicker than MFP would suggest I should so possibly suggesting that my metabolism is higher than MFP would suggest.
    6. Only suggestions on here are that I am burning more calories because I am eating more which I know for a fact is not the case

    You’re still missing the point. There’s no definitive answer that people can give you because success in weight loss comes from taking the estimates provided, and then using trial and error, monitor and adjust methodology to figure out what works for you and dial in on how to beat achieve your desired results.

    It’s only been 3 weeks and you’re already buried in the minutiae and arguing with everyone here who asks questions about the snippets of info you’ve provided. Getting more comprehensive answer requires being open to sharing and being a bit challenged to think outside what you assume is going on - confirmation bias can be a powerful thing.

    Personally I would enjoy the continued weight loss since that’s in line with your goal but wouldn’t make major changes until you give it a minimum of 6 weeks.

    I am fully aware that everything comes from estimates!!! I was looking for any plausible reasons why I would be seeing results I was before adjusting my goals based on my results

    It has been 6 weeks not 3 as you suggest and I'm not buried in the minutiae as you suggest. Something changed in my life at that point since when I have struggled to hit my calorie target along with being less active and I had thought that I was not losing weight at the same time. Happened to look back on Libra to realise I had been losing at a fairly steady half a pound a week. I have also answered all questions!!!!

    I've only argued with people who have talked rubbish after I provided them with info that dispelled their arguments

    And yes I am enjoying the likelihood of being able to eat more than I thought I could and still lose weight.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    OP, you also said you were more sedentary now than before (if I am remembering correctly). What type of activity we're you doing previously? I've seen a few members post that their weight adjusts down a few (couple) pounds when they take breaks from exercise.

    A reduction from doing weights 2/3 times a week to perhaps 2/3 times a month. Instead of doing household chores in the evening/weekends spending more time as a couch potato.

    If you reduced your exercise activity, you may have lost a lot of water weight. If I lowered my weight training volume enough, my scale weight would drop as my muscles would lose the normal water they hold.
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    OP, you also said you were more sedentary now than before (if I am remembering correctly). What type of activity we're you doing previously? I've seen a few members post that their weight adjusts down a few (couple) pounds when they take breaks from exercise.

    A reduction from doing weights 2/3 times a week to perhaps 2/3 times a month. Instead of doing household chores in the evening/weekends spending more time as a couch potato.

    If you reduced your exercise activity, you may have lost a lot of water weight. If I lowered my weight training volume enough, my scale weight would drop as my muscles would lose the normal water they hold.
    sardelsa wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    OP, you also said you were more sedentary now than before (if I am remembering correctly). What type of activity we're you doing previously? I've seen a few members post that their weight adjusts down a few (couple) pounds when they take breaks from exercise.

    A reduction from doing weights 2/3 times a week to perhaps 2/3 times a month. Instead of doing household chores in the evening/weekends spending more time as a couch potato.

    If you reduced your exercise activity, you may have lost a lot of water weight. If I lowered my weight training volume enough, my scale weight would drop as my muscles would lose the normal water they hold.

    Would that be gradual or a whoosh? If coinciding with an increased diet would that be countered by the fact that more glycogen is being stored?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    OP, you also said you were more sedentary now than before (if I am remembering correctly). What type of activity we're you doing previously? I've seen a few members post that their weight adjusts down a few (couple) pounds when they take breaks from exercise.

    A reduction from doing weights 2/3 times a week to perhaps 2/3 times a month. Instead of doing household chores in the evening/weekends spending more time as a couch potato.

    If you reduced your exercise activity, you may have lost a lot of water weight. If I lowered my weight training volume enough, my scale weight would drop as my muscles would lose the normal water they hold.
    sardelsa wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    OP, you also said you were more sedentary now than before (if I am remembering correctly). What type of activity we're you doing previously? I've seen a few members post that their weight adjusts down a few (couple) pounds when they take breaks from exercise.

    A reduction from doing weights 2/3 times a week to perhaps 2/3 times a month. Instead of doing household chores in the evening/weekends spending more time as a couch potato.

    If you reduced your exercise activity, you may have lost a lot of water weight. If I lowered my weight training volume enough, my scale weight would drop as my muscles would lose the normal water they hold.

    Would that be gradual or a whoosh? If coinciding with an increased diet would that be countered by the fact that more glycogen is being stored?

    Not necessarily. It might be more of a woosh if you stopped exercising altogether, but if it was a reduction vs stopping then you might see more gradual reduction.

    It depends on the person, for me exercise causes the largest water weight fluctuations. Even when I transition to maintenance from a cut I gain very little despite a large increase in carbs. It's when I start bulking is where it really shows though (a combination of more carbs, food weight, added workout volume/intensity).

    I typically go from lower/moderate carb during the week to refeeds on weekends where I eat high carb higher calorie... but even then this won't cause fluctuations like I would see with changing my workout volume (which for me is like 2-4lbs difference in some cases)
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    ap1972 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    I find it intriguing that only one person has suggested issues with my logging, if I had asked why wasn't I losing weight the first thing people would say is are you weighing? Are you using accurate entries? It's just as easy to overestimate portion sizes as underestimate. Also the suggestion that someone has a lower metabolism than average is not a consideration whereas having a higher than average metabolism is widely recognised

    I admit to being confused and un-sure whether you have a question or concern you're trying to troubleshoot, a favourite theory you want to have confirmed, or are generally gripping about what people say or don't say on the boards.

    If I understood your question correctly (and for some reason I am currently not feeling that I have a solid understanding) you've lost some of the water retention that was associated with the weight lifting that you used to do.

    Or maybe you didn't.

    In any case you already seem believe that you know what is happening to you, so I am not sure why you posted a question/concern in the manner that you did.

    TBH, and maybe it is that I am cranky and in need of sleep, but to me it sounds like you set up a "forum test" where you gave out partial information trying to see whether people would "guess" your right answer... dolling out additional information a bit at a time to gently steer the answers in the direction they "ought" to go.

    Or you could have just said: "hey: this is what I think is happening to me and this is why, what do you guys think..."

    Or you could have just said: "you guys are **kittens** and you often don't consider this, that, or the other"

    Anyway, bless your heart, we're each special in our own way, and I certainly do hope that you find your 42!

    Question was very straight forward, is there any reason why I could be losing whilst eating in maintenance

    Wouldn't loss of water retention created a whoosh rather than a steady loss over the period?

    I wasn't setting a forum test in the slightest although I was expecting people to come back with comments suggesting I tighten up logging though

    I have no theories or concerns just a curiosity for knowledge to help improve my chances of weight loss, unfortunately not one suggestion has given any useful insight

    If I had said "Hey this what I think......." that is a leading question and besides I didn't have an opinion

    If the bolded is your question then the answer is “yes, lots of potential reasons” and many of them have been provided in this thread.

    But the most important thing to clarify is the question itself - I think this is what you are saying:

    “Is there any reason, after reducing my overall activity level recently, why I could continue losing a small amount of weight in a short amount of time whilst eating what I believe to be my maintenance calories based on MFP numbers.”

    And again, there are lots of potential reasons:
    1. Weight loss isn’t linear and it isn’t an immediate cause and effect. I often see a 2 week lag between my actions and the results on the scale - both positive and negative
    2. Natural fluctuations - 3 lbs isn’t much
    3. Not enough time to see a true pattern
    4. Your maintenance calories aren’t what you thought/what MFP predicted. Mine aren’t either - I’m a 5’2 female with a desk job and when I chose Sedentary MFP thought my maintenance cals were around 1600 when in fact my TDEE is more like 2200. It’s based on population and statistical averages it’s not a perfectly accurate number for each individual which is the beauty of tracking and monitoring your own results - you can adjust as needed
    5. Inaccurate logging of calories in or estimate of calories out when you were losing has given you inaccurate interpretation of your own results.
    6. Other potential reasons already covered here.

    I'd disagree that many reasons have been provided in this thread

    1. I agree with the cause and effect and I can see that quite clearly in my journey also.
    2. Natural fluctuations would cause more spikes and troughs though wouldn't they? I'm not seeing that
    3. How long would be enough? plus it's not the only data I have
    4. No one made a sensible suggestion of comparing older data to see whether I was losing faster than expected previously.
    5. Interesting thought but previously I believed I was in deficit and I was losing weight so wasn't looking closely at the figures. Difficult to say as there are some gaps and errors in there but I was probably losing a bit quicker than MFP would suggest I should so possibly suggesting that my metabolism is higher than MFP would suggest.
    6. Only suggestions on here are that I am burning more calories because I am eating more which I know for a fact is not the case

    You’re still missing the point. There’s no definitive answer that people can give you because success in weight loss comes from taking the estimates provided, and then using trial and error, monitor and adjust methodology to figure out what works for you and dial in on how to beat achieve your desired results.

    It’s only been 3 weeks and you’re already buried in the minutiae and arguing with everyone here who asks questions about the snippets of info you’ve provided. Getting more comprehensive answer requires being open to sharing and being a bit challenged to think outside what you assume is going on - confirmation bias can be a powerful thing.

    Personally I would enjoy the continued weight loss since that’s in line with your goal but wouldn’t make major changes until you give it a minimum of 6 weeks.

    I am fully aware that everything comes from estimates!!! I was looking for any plausible reasons why I would be seeing results I was before adjusting my goals based on my results

    It has been 6 weeks not 3 as you suggest and I'm not buried in the minutiae as you suggest. Something changed in my life at that point since when I have struggled to hit my calorie target along with being less active and I had thought that I was not losing weight at the same time. Happened to look back on Libra to realise I had been losing at a fairly steady half a pound a week. I have also answered all questions!!!!

    I've only argued with people who have talked rubbish after I provided them with info that dispelled their arguments

    And yes I am enjoying the likelihood of being able to eat more than I thought I could and still lose weight.

    then you need to go talk to a doctor and get a full workup done