I'm Italian



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Awesome NSV!

    But don't forget to treat yourself once in awhile... it's good for your mental health!
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Nice NSV! Glad I don't like Italian food. I cook it for my husband and am not tempted.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm second-generation Italian, and a diet of pasta with olive oil, olives, fish, rapini, tomatoes and nuts is a pretty darn good diet.

    Unless, of course, you mean *American* food influence by Italian immigration of heavy sauces, meats, etc.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm second-generation Italian, and a diet of pasta with olive oil, olives, fish, rapini, tomatoes and nuts is a pretty darn good diet.

    Unless, of course, you mean *American* food influence by Italian immigration of heavy sauces, meats, etc.

    Exactly! My Italian dad was very thin. 1 ounce of pasta = 100 cal. It is what you put on top and how much that is unhealthy
  • Complimenti!!!
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member

    grazie :)
  • I am of Italian background and just moved to Italy roughly a year ago. While the food is not much of a change from my previous diet in my home country, it's still richer in carbs than I'm used to. Although, there's no need to skip out on pasta everyday (for me). I just eat it for lunch with vegetables rather than sauces, following it by a workout about an hour to two later. I also live in the north, where the food can arguable be considered "healthier" than the southern variety, except of course during the winter when it becomes meat oriented.
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    I am also Italian (first generation) and a vegetarian. I am married to an anglo though so I changed the way I cooked pretty quickly to adapt to his tastes too. He does NOT cook.

    We eat pasta once a week. I don't eat it. My kids and husband do. It's veeeery hard for me to resist, especially if it's pesto, but if I must indulge, I'll have one bite. Literally.

    I'm doing low-carb now and it's completely revolutionized the way I see food. I love it and it's working wonders for me. I wish I had learned about this sooner to be honest.

    When I attend family events, I stick to the veggies. There is almost always a fish dish for me, or cheese or whatnot. I will eat that and just say no to the other stuff.

    It's hard to stay away and I do congratulate you on that NSV you had - being able to say "no thanks". Well done.
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    Another second gen Italian checking in. As someone who could east pasta 5 days /week I can totally relate to this thread :smile: Can't live without it so learning to make room for it!

  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Oh I love authentic Italian (not American bloated versions)! Congrats on your will power.

    I was in Italy for about a week last year and actually lost weight because the portions were *smaller* and we did so much walking. I think we figured we walked about 10 miles in Rome one day visiting the Roman Empire sites...

    But then I went to Eastern parts of Europe and gained it back because they are fans of meat and potatoes there...
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    They have come a looonngg way with whole grainpastas now.

    Also i truly know how you feel, i married an italian and the pounds kept adding up, LMAO.

    Keep up the hard work, you're doing a great job!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Now I know what's wrong with me! I am a regular Heinz 57...Italian, Polish, French, German, Austrian, etc...that's why I eat ALL THE FOODS! :)
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I am also Italian but we eat more than pasta. I do love my pasta but I eat so many other things lots of fresh veggies, roasted chicken, Polenta, risotto. I eat what I want and still have lost weight. I just don't eat it all every day. If you love mama's pasta then work out more on a pasta day cut back on other foods because you are not going to do without it for very long. So make it work in your diet. I do watch my portion size because I eat it regularly and don't feel the need to go whole hog on it.

    My mother makes many other Italian dishes as well. However, being vegetarian..... I don't eat other things. She does cook for me seperately though.

    All I am saying is.... I found it great that I was able to resist..... I don't know.... I guess it's a feeling I can't explain.

    Coming home every night eating so much to the point I would not be able to breathe.... and feel like a failure...and now I feel in control....just wanted to share that :)

    Some good advice! Just remember, we all have to develop new habits--vegetarian or not. The old ones are what put us here in the first place!

    Edit: That's a good feeling. Remember it and stick with it! It will become habit after a while. Well done!
  • I'm also Italian and when i want to indulge i allow myself.... that being said... i am sticking to a healthy vegetarian diet and losing weight and feeling great... :)

    But well done!!! :)
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I am Italian. My mom is a great cook. I grew up on Italian food. As a kid carbs were the thing....after all I am Italian. Pasta is in my blood. Tonight I got home (evening to night) is my weakest time of all food wise. I see her tasty fettuccine. They looked delicious. I RESISTED!!!!!!! I made a very tasty trackable Pizza :) and veggies on the side instead :)

    My willpower is getting stronger I can feel it :)

    Just had to share :)

    You know, I'm italian too, and I'm used to eat pasta at least once a day. That's what I used to do when I wasn't on a diet. I've come through a phase in which I didn't want to cook so I didn't eat is very often, but to be honest, I don't think that a small plate of pasta (70-80 gr) with smooth tomato sauce and a little bit of Parmesan cheese is too much even if you're dieting. There are plenty of ways to cook pasta, so you could add whatever you want, and count more or less calories depending on it. People usually cut carbs out when they're dieting, but I don't think it's healthy. It's better to eat much carbs than too much fats I guess, especially because you always need some carbs and sugars to get fast energy. There is nothing wrong about a mediterranean diet I think :) keep going anyway!
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I am also Italian (first generation) and a vegetarian. I am married to an anglo though so I changed the way I cooked pretty quickly to adapt to his tastes too. He does NOT cook.

    We eat pasta once a week. I don't eat it. My kids and husband do. It's veeeery hard for me to resist, especially if it's pesto, but if I must indulge, I'll have one bite. Literally.

    I'm doing low-carb now and it's completely revolutionized the way I see food. I love it and it's working wonders for me. I wish I had learned about this sooner to be honest.

    When I attend family events, I stick to the veggies. There is almost always a fish dish for me, or cheese or whatnot. I will eat that and just say no to the other stuff.

    It's hard to stay away and I do congratulate you on that NSV you had - being able to say "no thanks". Well done.

    I am Italian (first generation) and I am vegetarian too :)
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Happy Italian Heritage Month!