Critique please, I can take it :)



  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    You're doing great and looking great! You should be proud of your accomplishments. My only "advice" is to be careful not to change your daily calories too often, and be patient. It takes time to actually see more weight loss, especially the closer you get to goal. Meeting your fitness goals is even more important at this point.
  • suzesvelte
    suzesvelte Posts: 134 Member
    I'm 60 this year, and cannot imagine posting pics of my abdo on the internet anytime soon ! Bravo - your chest looks good. It is true that everything tightens a bit after weight loss. Slower than it does when your're younger, but I reckon your skin will pull in a bit more! We do need less calories as we age - science fact - so we are doomed to getting bigger if we don't take action and work at staying in shape. I think it's a great thing to do.

    re weak back. How much core stability work do you do? lots of back things can be helped by awareness of core and pilates type stuff.
  • tomjanecourtney
    tomjanecourtney Posts: 97 Member
    Thx, I am proud of my new look and you’ve correct ion that I have no patience, bordering on OCD. I need results to motivate me and as progress inevitably slows I get twitchy.

    Always been conscious of my saggy chest, rarely wearing tee shirts never mind topless. It’s improved recently as I lose fat and build more muscle there.
    Skin is tightening slowly but the lower stomach is still being stubborn :(
    The lower calory threshold as we get older hurts, pi$$e$ me off reading posts where guys are on close to 3000 calories maintenance, and also those who can’t put weight on grrrrr!.
    My maintenance level is around 2200 cals only and that’s with working out hard 3 to 4 times a week and 2 hr sessions!!!!!!
    Planning a PT session to boost my core work and improve my form, hopefully will help my occasional back problem.
  • suzesvelte
    suzesvelte Posts: 134 Member
    It p's me off too - but waddling around into a disabled old-age would p. us both off more, so we have to relish the freedom that our fitness and health affords us without the high calorie intake!
    I am not actually 60 till Sept, so I am really hoping to be a dress size smaller by then - slimmer and fitter than ever as I enter my silver years!

    Here's me with my silver hair and strong legs out hiking in the sun yesterday.

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