Appetite suppressants?



  • Precious_Nissa
    i find that popcorns and cherries help me.....i use to work overnight and i crave now i save calories for 100 cal mini bag of popcorn and 10 to 15 wonders for me, but to each its own
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    A great appetite suppressant that isnt a pill, even tho i know its a horrible way to lose weight (so nobody give me crap about it, i do things my own way) is drinking tons of water and any other non-caloric liquid and... smoking. I just started about 1 week and a half ago and i have been eating so much less. I love it. Everyone else, do whatever you wanna do to lose your fat.

    Did you just say that you've taken up smoking for a way for you to get fit?
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Popcorn is a great snack. I get hungry at night too. I try to keep a few calories for an evening snack. i like cheese sticks, popcorn, cheese and crackers. All pretty low calorie and very satisfying. I agree with everyone on the pills. They usually are not very helpful or very good for you. You can do it!

    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Chew gum...when you think you want something and you shouldn't....I chew for an hour and then if I still want something usually I pick a healthy something.....Oh if it is sweets I always have something early like a snack after work....skinny cow ice cream sandwiches or chocolate pudding with raspberries.....that way I can tell myself I already had something.
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    Yeah Phentermine was good I lost 60 pounds years ago on it. But there can be side effects with pills. So now I do it the good old fashion way! Diet and Exercise! But b12 helps curb my appetite and lots of water!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    That smoking comment is pretty funny. I'd call that poster a troll, but actually, in terms of the advice the OP seems to be looking for, it's really not such a ridiculous suggestion. What's worse? A diet pill every day or *one* cigarette a few days a week? Quite honestly, my money's on the diet pill.

    But seriously, the best appetite suppressant I've found is food. :wink: Lots of protein (about double what MFP originally recommended for me) and fiber (at least 25g) keep me from being hungry between meals.

    Also, I seriously think my stomach shrank. I've been at this for 10 months and it takes a lot less food for me to feel full now than before. Your stomach will adjust to the appropriate portion sizes in time and you'll feel full faster and stay satisfied longer. Also, I've found a lot of times when I would have thought I was hungry I'm really just bored and want to taste something. Try coffee or tea or a handful of berries. Those things often do the trick for me.
  • jjones1918
    special k protein water mix's have 5 grams of fiber and work for me. I drink one at about 2pm and it seems
    to help curb the after work munchies.
  • llocke5
    llocke5 Posts: 9
    The smoking suggestion is funny since I notice you are/were a smoker and had a April quit date on your goals. I started smoking casually at 17 and it did help suppress my appetite at first, but not forever. After 18 years all I ended up with was 80 extra pounds and a bad habit which cost me $$ each year fighting chronic bronchitis. In the past I have tried numerous different appetite suppressants and found none to be effective for very long.

    I hope you were successful in your goal of quitting smoking!! I successfully quit smoking 6 years ago and have never felt better!!! The unfortunate side of that is that I found food to taste exceptionally wonderful and gained about 20 pounds. I also have the hand to mouth issue with replacing cigarettes with food. I have found for myself that eating more protein helps me to stay full longer. I also like to snack on raw baby carrots or popcorn to help occupy the hand to mouth habit.

    The main thing is to take advice and try some things for youself. What works for others may not always work for you. Best of luck to you in reaching all your goals, but most importantly the goal to be healthy!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    WOW! Lots of great, intelligent advice here and THANKS!

    To the person who suggested smoking....HAHAHAHA! I had to chuckle about that one. Yes, I did quit smoking on April 1 and had not had one cigarette since. YaY for me! Plus, I have not gained any weight from quitting smoking either, so don't let anybody tell you that you for sure will gain weight if you quit smoking. I didn't.

    I do drink enough water every day: 8 cups. I don't think I could drink one drop more. As it is now I'm up peeing 2 - 3 times per night and every hour all day. ha.
    I do drink one protein smoothie drink per day so I'm thinking I get enough protein because I also eat other stuff with protein in it.
    Fiber? I don't know, I will definetly have to check that.
    I do exercise every day too. I walk fast on the treadmill for an hour everyday. Every other day I try to do some kind of strength exercise like sit ups or yoga.

    I don't think I'm really hungry when I eat in the evening. I don't know what it is. I think I just like food. I love to eat! And since I've started loosing weight I've never been totally stuffed like I used to do.
    Now-a-days I can always eat more...I'm never really full. I'm not hungry, but I'm not really FULL. Maybe that's the problem, I don't know. But I know that I don't really want to have that too- full-can-not-eat-one-more-bite feeling either. blah.

    Oh well. Actually as long as I keep loosing weight slowly, but surly, I guess I can handle my weirdness. haha.

    Thank you for all the suggestions and I for sure will try them out.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    A great appetite suppressant that isnt a pill, even tho i know its a horrible way to lose weight (so nobody give me crap about it, i do things my own way) is drinking tons of water and any other non-caloric liquid and... smoking. I just started about 1 week and a half ago and i have been eating so much less. I love it. Everyone else, do whatever you wanna do to lose your fat.

    Can I just ask the question, are you offering this up as advice?
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    A great appetite suppressant that isnt a pill, even tho i know its a horrible way to lose weight (so nobody give me crap about it, i do things my own way) is drinking tons of water and any other non-caloric liquid and... smoking. I just started about 1 week and a half ago and i have been eating so much less. I love it. Everyone else, do whatever you wanna do to lose your fat.

    Did you just say that you've taken up smoking for a way for you to get fit?

    She didn't say to get fit, she said to lose fat. And she even said it was horrible.
  • Mila_MM
    Mila_MM Posts: 6
    I second the FIBER!!! But let's be honest. Late in the evening if snacks sound magical, who thinks, "wow... bran sounds delicious!". I have had a lot of success with fiber, in pill form.

    Glucomannan (under $10) is neat. I love that you can add it to foods like oatmeal and soup, or even with condiments like mustard. It holds a ton of water so it does fill you up a lot. You can purchase it in powder or capsules. I just break open the capsules and then I know exactly how much I am using. (Google for recipe usage and more info)

    I also use PGX daily, but it's about $30, so I'm more stingy with it. It is amazing though. It is also a fiber, but claims to normalize blood sugar. I believe it. I keep skinny cow ice cream around for my own evening cravings, but I haven't even felt like that since I started taking this. Honestly my cravings are pretty much gone, and I just take it as needed with as much water as I can fit in my stomache! I refuse to spend $$$ trying new diet supplements, so a friend and I split our 1st PGX bottle. We have both had the same experience.

    I don't like stimulants or other appetite suppressants, but I love fiber :happy:
    ps It only works if you drink a lot of water with it! Otherwise there's nothing to make it expand...
    Good luck!!!