what to eat for breakfast?



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Weekdays I usually have a Greek Yogurt and a handful of nuts (spaced out to keep myself from getting to hungry)
    Weekends I usually skip breakfast because I sleep in later and usually use the mornings to run errands and get stuff done (Saturdays for example I do the grocery shopping and then prep food for the week)

    I am going to make little egg muffins this weekend so I can alternate with the yogurt so I don't get as bored. Bored = falling off the wagon for me! I also love oat meal with fruit but that is harder with my work hours and I HATE overnight oats.
  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    CowboySar wrote: »
    I am going to be a smart *kitten* to start lol......Food.....

    Why does it have to be a traditional breakfast food? Eat whatever you want that fits within you calorie/macro goals. Currently my breakfasts are a 6 oz ground turkey patty (homemade) with a cup of quinoa. This fits in my calories and macros (bulking).

    Sometimes I grab a leftover ground beef patty from the night before- if we had hamburgers, for example. I know the mass of it (since I weigh it on the scale), protein and fat content all accounted for.. dang, sometimes I just eat it cold as I walk out the door.

    There are literally about half a dozen posts saying the same advice, eat whatever you want to eat, provided you log it and/or it fits with your nutrition goals.. doesn't matter what the food is.

    If you're not particulary hungry in the morning, like myself, today .. then just don't eat until you are. Breakfast for me was coffee and an altoid mint..lol.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    CowboySar wrote: »
    I am going to be a smart *kitten* to start lol......Food.....

    Why does it have to be a traditional breakfast food? Eat whatever you want that fits within you calorie/macro goals. Currently my breakfasts are a 6 oz ground turkey patty (homemade) with a cup of quinoa. This fits in my calories and macros (bulking).

    Sometimes I grab a leftover ground beef patty from the night before- if we had hamburgers, for example. I know the mass of it (since I weigh it on the scale), protein and fat content all accounted for.. dang, sometimes I just eat it cold as I walk out the door.

    There are literally about half a dozen posts saying the same advice, eat whatever you want to eat, provided you log it and/or it fits with your nutrition goals.. doesn't matter what the food is.

    If you're not particulary hungry in the morning, like myself, today .. then just don't eat until you are. Breakfast for me was coffee and an altoid mint..lol.

    Exactly this. I hate the notion that we should all be eating 3 meals per day plus snacks. That my work for some people, but doesn't necessarily work for everyone. When I was younger and thin, I ate when I was hungry, and most days that meant skipping breakfast, a small lunch, and then dinner was my volume meal. Now that I'm working on losing weight, I'm actually finding that the unintentional way that I ate as a teenager and young adult is probably what helped to keep me thin all of of those years. Now I listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry and stop eating when I am full. It's amazing how few calories I consume eating this way without even really trying that hard.
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Sometimes I just do coffee. Lately it’s been protein powder, frozen fruit and spinach in the blender. Yummmm
    On weekends I have my step kiddos I make and eat eggs pancakes bacon whatever we want!!
    You can eat whatever you want! Isn’t that great news. Hehe
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    as others said, eat whatever you want (and it doesn't have to be traditional "breakfast" foods). today I had stouffer's frozen mac and cheese frozen meal for breakfast (delicious!) it fills me up, has a decent amount of protein and I love it!
  • AmyC2288
    AmyC2288 Posts: 386 Member
    I love KIND bars for a quick on the go option. They are 180-200 cals, low sugar, some protein, and taste great!
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I usually eat breakfast right after my workout so I am STARVING. I have about as many calories at breakfast as I do at lunch. I make a variety of pancake type breakfasts out of almond flour or coconut flour and eggs mornings, or I have an egg and cheese/veggie type combo. This is on the keto diet--before I was on that, I usually had steel cut oats with nuts and fruit at around the same calorie count. Overnight oats were my go-to and super-quick, too!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    deviette wrote: »
    I'm not sure that's fair, if you have sausages & eggs in a muffin, unless everything was already cooked, I'm not sure how that can be less than 5 minutes to make. Grilling sausages take at least 10 minutes (often more), fried or poached eggs take at least 3. Add prep time (boiling water, heating the pan/grill up, actually assembling the sandwich) it would be at least 12-15 minutes. This is time in the morning I'd rather spend in bed.

    I'm a very competent cook thank you and if you would like to call me lazy I'd rather you did it in a direct manner, as opposed to a sideways one.

    Hey Lazy, get up and cook!!

    I am very efficient in the kitchen which comes from being a cook during my college years. 12-15 minutes is pretty fair to put out a plate but you forgot clean-up which either has to be faced right away or cuts into your time before starting the next meal later on.

    If that is time a person enjoys being up and active more power to them. It is not going to be for everyone. Enjoy your sleep!
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    deviette wrote: »
    I'm not sure that's fair, if you have sausages & eggs in a muffin, unless everything was already cooked, I'm not sure how that can be less than 5 minutes to make. Grilling sausages take at least 10 minutes (often more), fried or poached eggs take at least 3. Add prep time (boiling water, heating the pan/grill up, actually assembling the sandwich) it would be at least 12-15 minutes. This is time in the morning I'd rather spend in bed.

    I'm a very competent cook thank you and if you would like to call me lazy I'd rather you did it in a direct manner, as opposed to a sideways one.

    Hey Lazy, get up and cook!!

    I am very efficient in the kitchen which comes from being a cook during my college years. 12-15 minutes is pretty fair to put out a plate but you forgot clean-up which either has to be faced right away or cuts into your time before starting the next meal later on.

    If that is time a person enjoys being up and active more power to them. It is not going to be for everyone. Enjoy your sleep!

    But I don't wunna :confounded:

    I forget about washing up, as I cook, my partner does the washing up. I suppose if you're on your own, then this is more of a factor as well.
  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    My go-to breakfast the last week or so has been 2Tbsp of peanut butter on a single un-toasted mini bagel from Thompsons.. 410 calories for the whole thing, about 10g of protein and it's quick and easy.. keeps me full for long enough. If I need a snack in between that and lunch, which is usually at 1pm, I'll have these caramel flavored rice cakes my local store has (house brand), I get about 9 crisps for 60 calories (so they say).. or about 40g of raisins.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Porridge is great, and don't sleep on gruel!
  • Andy10725
    Andy10725 Posts: 68 Member
    Quacamole on toast is simple and filling. You can add an egg to it if you prefer.
    I usually make it beforehand and would last for a week or so sharing with my daughter.
    It’s simple to make with a blender. But if you have mad chopping skill that’s doable too and will be pleasantly surprised with the texture.
  • Chelle8070
    Chelle8070 Posts: 165 Member
    I like my egg whites and protein shake with a side of fruit. It's easy to grab and take on the go so I don't skip breakfast and overeat for lunch.
  • mikeyceez
    mikeyceez Posts: 144 Member
    I try to keep it simple on the weekdays: avocado toast, spinach and egg white omelette, or plain greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey and fresh berries. I like to indulge on the weekends with half a bagel topped with low fat cream cheese, two slices of smoked salmon, and capers.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    deviette wrote: »
    deviette wrote: »
    I do not understand how people regularly cook or make complicated breakfasts. I don't have the time in the morning for that. The internet keeps telling me I should up my breakfast game, but I'm good at ignoring it :wink:

    Personally I have a bowl of sugar free muesli and milk every morning. Sometimes I chuck in some flavoured yogurt if I'm bored. Occasionally I'll have some toast with jam, in the winter I often have porridge. Nothing that take any time at all to prepare. If it takes more than 3 minutes to make, then I don't do it.

    Most things I make would look “complicated” to someone who doesn’t cook... that being said a breakfast sandwich is super easy so most days it takes me 2-5 min to make my food in the morning. It all comes down to how lazy someone is. Now how much time they have.

    I'm not sure that's fair, if you have sausages & eggs in a muffin, unless everything was already cooked, I'm not sure how that can be less than 5 minutes to make. Grilling sausages take at least 10 minutes (often more), fried or poached eggs take at least 3. Add prep time (boiling water, heating the pan/grill up, actually assembling the sandwich) it would be at least 12-15 minutes. This is time in the morning I'd rather spend in bed.

    I'm a very competent cook thank you and if you would like to call me lazy I'd rather you did it in a direct manner, as opposed to a sideways one.

    My OH cooks up a whole package of bacon at a time and freezes it. It's ready for breakfast after 30 seconds in the microwave. I have an English muffin with egg, cheese, and bacon at least once a week.

    Most mornings I have a smoothie that I've prepped the night before.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    eaiouxs wrote: »
    5'4 and 120 pounds here!
    and I'm not sure what I should eat for breakfast?
    currently I have two slices of toasted ezekiel bread spread with natural peanut butter and a cup of unsweetened almond milk.
    I used to have steel cut oats with banana, toasted almonds, and peanut butter.
    got too lazy to make that every morning (oof.)
    now I'm not sure if I should switch back to that or try something new?
    I've struggled a bit with eating a while back, and am mostly trying to maintain a good relationship with food while also trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
    any suggestions? thanks so much in advance!

    Eat whatever food you like that fits your goals and satisfies you. Look at your whole day when trying to eat healthier. You want foods that all together meet your needs.
    Eat food that you would eat other times of the day for breakfast. Don't confine yourself to "breakfast food".

    If you want more protein at breakfast you could eat things like meat, eggs, cottage cheese, beans, yogurt.
    If you want more vegetables for breakfast you could eat roasted vegetables, stir fry, vegetable soup, veggies and hummus, salad, baked potato.
    If you want more fruit for breakfast grab a whole piece of fruit, fruit salad, fruit smoothie, baked apple.
    If you want more fats for breakfast you could have things like full fat dairy, whole eggs, avocado, nut butters, flax seed, salmon.
    If you want more carbs for breakfast you could have things like oatmeal, bread, pasta, rice, farina, cereal, beans, vegetables, fruits, dairy, granola bar.

    You could eat pizza or a sandwich for breakfast.